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This article lists abilities and mechanics utilizing the hidden Hit2HP stat. For a general description of the stat, see Stats#Hit2HP.

Formulas: (All depend on target's stats, not user's. Defence, Magic Defence, Defend have no impact; in EBF5, difficulty also affects damage from Burn, Scorch, Poison, Virus and Delete, decreasing it by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero for both players and foes.)

  • Status effects
    • BurnMaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0007 * Burn strength (MaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0014 before EBF5), 100% Fire-elemental magical damage.
    • ScorchMaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0014 * Scorch strength, 100% Fire-elemental magical damage.
    • Doom's damaging part (if Instant Death fails) — MaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.005, Non-elemental physical damage.
    • PoisonMaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0006 * Poison strength, 100% Poison-elemental magical damage.
    • VirusMaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0012 * Virus strength, 100% Poison-elemental magical damage.
    • DeleteMaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0003 * number of turns the status has been applied for, 100% Non-elemental magical damage.
    • RegenMaxHP * Hit2HP / 150
  • Foes' healing abilities

Additionally, each of these is subject to damage randomization (with Doom and Delete damage being the only exceptions): ±5% for Burn, Scorch, Poison, Virus and Regen; ±15% for Purple Wasp's heal, ±5% for Medipack and ±10% for all other foe healing abilities

The following chart lists the Hit2HP value of each foe and player in EBF4, as well as how much damage/heal would the aforementioned statuses/abilities do to them, specified in % of maximum health (per turn). Please note that the chart does not consider subjects' elemental and status resistances, whether it's actually possible to inflict these statuses onto them / use these abilities on them, nor damage/heal randomization.

Subject(s) Hit2HP Burn Doom 1x Poison 9x Poison Regen & Wasp Megalixir Refresh Renew
Other foes
50 7% 25% 3% 27% 33.(3)% 50% 111.(1)% 55.(5)%
Big Bushes (Green, Muddy)
Elementals (Earth, Fire, Ice, Thunder, Wind)

Razor Claw
Turrets (Dish, Fridge, Laser)
Undead Bear
30 4.2% 15% 1.8% 16.2% 20% 30% 66.(6)% 33.(3)%
Chimera Bear
Evil Worm
Monoliths (AncientCosmicSkyUndyingViking)
25 3.5% 12.5% 1.5% 13.5% 16.(6)% 25% 55.(5)% 27.(7)%
Big Slimes (Sand, Sludge, Snow, Veggie)
Brown Bear
Dragons (Black, Blue, Brown, Gold, Red)
Golems (Drill, Earth, Ice)
Forts (Horse, Igloo)
20 2.8% 10% 1.2% 10.8% 13.(3)% 20% 44.(4)% 22.(2)%
Dark Players (Anna, Lance, Matt, Natalie)
Wooly Mammoth
10 1.4% 5% 0.6% 5.4% 6.(6)% 10% 22.(2)% 11.(1)%
Zombie Hydra 8 1.12% 4% 0.48% 4.32% 5.(3)% 8% 17.(7)% 8.(8)%
Armored Oak
Mighty Oak
Praetorian MKII
6 0.84% 3% 0.36% 3.24% 4% 6% 13.(3)% 6.(6)%
Sand Worm 5 0.7% 2.5% 0.3% 2.7% 3.(3)% 5% 11.(1)% 5.(5)%
Rainbow Rafflesia
The Creator
The Destroyer
4 0.56% 2% 0.24% 2.16% 2.(6)% 4% 8.(8)% 4.(4)%

The following chart lists similar values for EBF5. Note that percentages are rounded to 4 decimal places.

..................Subject(s).................. Hit2HP 1x Burn 9x Burn 1x Scorch 9x Scorch 1x Poison 9x Poison 1x Virus 9x Virus Doom Regen / Renew Heal More Heal Medipack Refresh
Other foes
50 3.5% 31.5% 7% 63% 3% 27% 6% 54% 25% 33.3333% 27.7778% 38.4615% 62.5% 100%​
Gloops (Stumpy, Roasted, Fabulous, Hardy, Chunky)
Fishes (Steam, Jet, Gold)
Flybots (Red, Yellow, Blue)

Spikey Moth
Clays (Red, Blue, Dark, Light)
Flowers (Florn, Frose, Stunflower, Heasy)

Red Pixel
Gray Pixel
40 2.8% 25.2% 5.6% 50.4% 2.4% 21.6% 4.8% 43.2% 20% 26.6667% 22.2222% 30.7692% 50% 80%​
Haunted Tree
Red Bee
35 2.45% 22.05% 4.9% 44.1% 2.1% 18.9% 4.2% 37.8% 17.5% 23.3333% 19.4444% 26.9231% 43.75% 70%​
Creeps (Thorny, Icicle, Hermit, Green, Red, Blue)
Defenders (Defender Mk III, Bubbler MX-01, Prototype 9X)
Dolls (Matt, Natalie, Lance, Anna, NoLegs)
Boulders (Sandstone, Dirt, Coral, Marble, Obsidian)

Blue Crystal
Red Crystal
Green Pixel
33 2.31% 20.79% 4.62% 41.58% 1.98% 17.82% 3.96% 35.64% 16.5% 22% 18.3333% 25.3846% 41.25% 66%​
Rock Eater
Glacier Eater
30 2.1% 18.9% 4.2% 37.8% 1.8% 16.2% 3.6% 32.4% 15% 20% 16.6667% 23.0769% 37.5% 60%​
Chompers (Leafy, Magma, Seaweed, Mutant)
Monoliths (Ancient, Viking, Cosmic)

Evil Eye
Sandworm's Tail
25 1.75% 15.75% 3.5% 31.5% 1.5% 13.5% 3% 27% 12.5% 16.6667% 13.8889% 19.2308% 31.25% 50%​
Big Slimes (Chocolate, Sand, Icecream, Lava, Mud)
Catswith shield only(Warrior, Wizard, Sniper, Skeleton)
Squids (Pink, Purple, Lime)
Golems(Bone, Pearl, Amethyst, Topaz)
Bearswhen not on Hard/Epic(Brown, Black, Grolar, Panda)
20 1.4% 12.6% 2.8% 25.2% 1.2% 10.8% 2.4% 21.6% 10% 13.3333% 11.1111% 15.3846% 25% 40%​
Bearson Hard/Epic(Brown, Black, Grolar, Panda)
Dragons (Earth, Sky, Sea, Omega, Origami)
Hydras (Blaze, Zombie, Crystal)

Slimy Tentacle
Spikey Tentacle
15 1.05% 9.45% 2.1% 18.9% 0.9% 8.1% 1.8% 16.2% 7.5% 10% 8.3333% 11.5385% 18.75% 30%​
Lance 12 0.84% 7.56% 1.68% 15.12% 0.72% 6.48% 1.44% 12.96% 6% 8% 6.6667% 9.2308% 15% 24%​
Mammoths (Camel, Wooly, War)
10 0.7% 6.3% 1.4% 12.6% 0.6% 5.4% 1.2% 10.8% 5% 6.6667% 5.5556% 7.6923% 12.5% 20%​
Chibi Knights (Normal, Super, Ultra) 9 0.63% 5.67% 1.26% 11.34% 0.54% 4.86% 1.08% 9.72% 4.5% 6% 5% 6.9231% 11.25% 18%​
King Slime
8 0.56% 5.04% 1.12% 10.08% 0.48% 4.32% 0.96% 8.64% 4% 5.3333% 4.4444% 6.1538% 10% 16%​
Sketch Bosses (GunKat-800XL, Papalotl, Xolotl, Glaurung)
7 0.49% 4.41% 0.98% 8.82% 0.42% 3.78% 0.84% 7.56% 3.5% 4.6667% 3.8889% 5.3846% 8.75% 14%​
Neon Valkyrie
Neon Valhalla
Classic Bosses (Beholder, Giga Golem, Sandworm, Jack, Protector, Rafflesia, Praetorian)
6 0.42% 3.78% 0.84% 7.56% 0.36% 3.24% 0.72% 6.48% 3% 4% 3.3333% 4.6154% 7.5% 12%​
5 0.35% 3.15% 0.7% 6.3% 0.3% 2.7% 0.6% 5.4% 2.5% 3.3333% 2.7778% 3.8462% 6.25% 10%​
Evil Players (Matteus, Natalia, Lancelot, Annabelle)
4 0.28% 2.52% 0.56% 5.04% 0.24% 2.16% 0.48% 4.32% 2% 2.6667% 2.2222% 3.0769% 5% 8%​
Cosmic Gigalith
The Devourer
3 0.21% 1.89% 0.42% 3.78% 0.18% 1.62% 0.36% 3.24% 1.5% 2% 1.6667% 2.3077% 3.75% 6%​