Poison (status)

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"Will take poison damage every turn."
―Poison's hover-over tip, Epic Battle Fantasy 4
in 4
in 5

Poison is a recurring negative status effect in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, introduced in the original Epic Battle Fantasy. It is associated with the Bio element, and its icon is a small cluster of green bubbles. It deals Bio-elemental damage to the victim every turn; the timing and formula heavily vary between games, and so does its damage type — physical in EBF1 and 2, magical in 3 and 5 and none in 4. If the afflicted absorbs Bio, the status will heal them instead. Additional application of Poison will increase the damage per turn and, since EBF4, the duration of the ailment. (Prior to EBF4, it wouldn't wear off with time and had to be cured to stop it; this had the unintentional side effect of making it effectively permanent if inflicted upon most foes.)

In EBF5, Poison shares a resistance with Virus.

Epic Battle Fantasy

  • The status takes the effect during the foes-to-players turn transition.
  • Incoming damage is calculated by: 400 * Difficulty * Poison tier, then affected by target's Defence normally, including any existent buffs and bonuses except Defend; "Difficulty" is 0.8 on Easy (for 320 damage per tier), 1 on Normal, 1.2 on Hard (480) and 1.4 on Epic (560). Final damage is randomized by +0-10%.

Poison is not yet available for players to use, nor are there resistances against it.

Sources of Poison include:

Foe Skills

Foe skills that can cause Poison:


For players, Poison can be cured with:

  • Purify (Natalie's White Magic spell).
  • Antidote (consumable item).
  • Having the victim die.
  • Moving to the next screen/background

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

  • Poison takes the effect during the foes-to-players turn transition, after Regen.
  • Incoming damage is calculated by: pow * Difficulty, unless on a foe * Poison tier, 100% Poison-elemental, 300% accuracy, then affected by target's Defence normally, including any existent buffs and bonuses except Defend; "pow" is 400 on players (which results in 320 damage per tier on Easy, 400 on Normal, 480 on Hard and 560 on Epic, as in EBF1) and 1000 on foes. Final damage is randomized by +0-10%.

Sources of Poison

Player Skills and Equipment

Poison is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

  • Black Fang (sword) — 150% chance, 1x length.
  • Unleash with Black Fang — 300% chance, 5x length. As no foes have higher Poison resistance than 66.(6)% (besides immunity), it's basically a guaranteed application.
  • Toxic — 200% chance, 3x length.
  • Shuriken (throwable item) — 150% chance, 4x length.
  • Beholder's censored attack (summon) — 100% chance, 5x length.

Foe Skills

Foe skills that inflict Poison

  • Cooler's poison gas — 60% (100% on Epic) chance, 1x (2x on Epic) length, targets both players.
  • Red Jelly's jab — 40% chance, 1x length.
  • Sandworm's poison vomit — 60% (100% on Epic) chance, 2x (5x on Epic) length, targets both players.
  • Spikey Moth's barrage — 10% chance, 1x length, 3 hits.
  • Zombie Hydra's The Dead — 50% chance, 1x length, targets both players.

Resisting/Curing Poison


For players, Poison can be cured with:

Skill Bonuses

Skill Bonuses providing resistance against Poison:

  • Venomous (Matt) — Grants immunity to Poison and Stun status effects.
  • Immunity (Natalie) — Grants 50% chance to dodge any bad status effect or stat debuff, independent of their infliction chance.
  • Immunity x2 (Natalie) — Fully negates all bad statuses and debuffs.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

  • Poison takes the effect during the foes-to-players turn transition, after Regen.
  • Incoming damage is calculated by: pow * lv ^ 2 / 5 * Poison tier * mdefUnbuffed + 5, 100% Poison-elemental, 999 accuracy, 0% crit chance, then affected by target's Magic Defence normally, including any existent buffs and bonuses except Defend; "pow" is 3 on players, 7 on foes since the 2016 update, and 10 on foes pre-2016 update; "mdefUnbuffed" is entity's Magic Defence not affected by buffs, equipment or permanent stat food. Final damage is randomized by ±5%.
  • Equipment's resistance against the Poison status also reduces damage taken from the Poison element, and vice versa. These two are still separate for foes.
  • The status is capped at 9x length on foes, but isn't limited on players.

Sources of Poison

Player Skills and Equipment

Player skills and Equipment that inflict Poison:

  • Nettle — up to 100% chance and 3x length.
  • Poison Gas — up to 50% chance and 3x length, 2 hits, targets all foes.
  • Toxic — up to 100% chance and 4x length.
  • Green Potion (throwable item) casts The Dead — 70% chance, 2x length, targets all foes.
  • Shuriken (throwable item) — 80% chance, 3x length.
  • Nuke (Limit Break) — 100% chance, 3x length, targets everyone.

Foe Skills

Foe Skills that inflict Poison include:

Resisting/Curing Poison


Actions that cure Poison:

  • Medipack (Lance's Backup ability).
  • Purify (Natalie's White Magic spell) — targets all players.
  • Garlic (consumable item).
  • Kyun (Natalie's Limit Break) — targets all players.
  • Unleash with Heaven's Gate (sword) — targets self.
  • Unleash with Seraphim (staff) — targets self.
  • Having the victim die (except if with Auto-Revive).
  • Winning/fleeing from a battle.


The following equipment resist the Poison status.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Poison takes the effect at the end of the afflicted's side's turn, inflicting MaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0006 * Poison tier damage per turn, 100% Poison-elemental, independent of Defence, Magic Defence and Defend. Most entities (including the players) have Hit2HP at 50, getting hurt for 3% of maximum health with 1x Poison and 27% with 9x Poison (assuming no resistance or weakness); several foes, usually bosses and massive enemies, have a lower Hit2HP value and thus will be hurt less. See the Hit2HP article for a list of everyone's Hit2HP and resulting damage.

Extra notes:

  • Poison can score a critical hit (for 1.5x damage), but only with help of the Stagger status effect.
  • When afflicted with both Burn and Poison at the same time, Burn's damage is applied first.
  • Like Burn, Poison will not cause any damage when the victim is Frozen, but will tick down anyway.
  • As with all EBF4 status effects, if the last foe in a wave dies to Poison, the next wave of foes (if any) will come in immediately and have the first turn.
  • Poison is now able to fade over time, like other statuses.
  • As with Burn and Doom, Poison's "attack" has permanent 999.99 accuracy, not affected by anything. Thus, there is a chance to dodge it if victim's Evade is above that value, though this is unlikely to happen.
Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

Sources of Poison

Player Skills and Equipment

Player skills and Equipment that inflict Poison:

  • Acid (Premium only) — up to 50% chance and 3x [2x] length.
    • Prior to the Battle Mountain update, this skill would lose its status chance when maxed (at level 6).
  • Bamboo Trap — up to 6% chance and 1x length, 5 hits.
  • Ivy — up to 100% [80%] chance and 1x length.
  • Nettle — up to 50% chance and 3x length.
  • Toxic — up to 100% chance and 5x length.
  • Poison Gas — up to 66.66% chance and 2x length, 3 hits, targets all foes.
  • Vines — up to 100% [80%] chance and 4x [3x] length.
  • Shuriken (throwable item) — 100% [60%] chance, 1x length.
  • Beholder's censored attack (summon) — 100% chance, 9x length.
  • Evil Worm (summon, Premium only) — 80% chance and 3x length for the first hit, 80% chance and 2x length for the second hit, targets all foes.
  • Mother Earth (Limit Break) — up to 100% chance and 9x [5x] length, targets all foes.
  • Dragon Claw (sword) may inflict the status on the user — up to 50% chance and 2x length, ignores resistances.

Foe Skills

Foe skills that inflict Poison:

Resisting/Curing Poison


Actions that cure Poison:

  • Cleanse (shared skill).
  • Medipack (Lance's skill).
  • Purify (shared skill) — targets all players.
  • Garlic (consumable item).
  • Kyun (Natalie's Limit Break) — targets all players.
  • Waiting a number of turns.
  • Having the victim die (except if with Auto-Revive).
  • Winning/fleeing from a battle.


Equipment providing resistance against Poison:

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Poison takes the effect at the end of the afflicted's side's turn, inflicting MaxHP * 0.03 * (Hit2HP / 50) * Stacks magic damage per turn, 100% Bio-elemental, independent of Defence, Magic Defence and Defend.

  • Since Poison's damage is Bio-elemental, it'll deal 1.5x damage if the target also has Tired at the end of the turn, and unlike regular attacks, this won't consume Tired stacks. By the same token, since Poison deals magic damage, its damage will be doubled by Invisible and nullified by Enchanted.
  • Poison can score a critical hit (for 1.5x damage), but only with help of the Stagger status effect, this won't consume Stagger stacks.
  • Poison's damage is third in priority amongst damaging statuses, with Burn and Scorch damage taking place before it.
  • Like Burn, Poison will not cause any damage when the victim is Frozen, but will tick down anyway.
  • Unlike in EBF4, if the last foe in a wave dies to Poison, when the next wave of foes comes in, the player will have the first turn.
  • As with most other damaging statuses, Poison's "attack" has permanent 999.99 Accuracy, not affected by anything. Thus, there is a chance to dodge it if victim's Evade is above that value.
  • Like most other damaging statuses, Poison's damage is reduced in Easy and Zero difficulties (down to 70% and 35% respectively) for both players and foes.
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To do: sources of Poison for players/foes, preventing poison with equipment

Sources of Poison

Player Skills and Equipment

Poison is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

  • Overgrowth (Matt's skill) — Single target: 60% at Max. level.
  • Poison Gas (Lance's skill) — All: 200% at Max. level.
  • Toxic (Extra skill) — Single target: 150% at Max. level.
  • Vines (Extra skill) — Single target: 100% at Max. level.
  • Mother Earth (Anna's Limit Break) — All: 100% at Max. level.
  • Black Fang (Matt's sword) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Alchemy Set (Natalie's staff) — 120% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • Fairy Bow (Anna's bow) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Alchemist's Bow (Anna's bow) — 100% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • Blood Bank (NoLegs toy) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Pixel Popper (NoLegs toy) — 100% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • Emerald Earrings (Flair) — 100% at Max. level.

Foe Skills

Enemy attacks that can cause Poison:

  • Shuriken (Cat Ninja) — Single target: 100%
  • Chomp (Leafy Chomper) — Single target: 33% (66% on Hard & Epic).
  • Double Stab (Leaf Wraith) — Single target: 25% (50% on Hard & Epic).
  • Normal Attack (Anna) — Single target: 100%
  • Piercing Shot (Anna) — Single target: 100%
  • Piercing Shot x2 (Annabelle) — Random: 100%
  • Combo Shot (Annabelle ) — Single target: 100%
  • Censored (Beholder) — Single target: 100%
  • Suicide (Florn) — Single target: 50% (150% on Hard & Epic).
  • Staff Strike (Xolotl) — Single target: 100%
  • 2x Slash (Glaurung) — Random: 50% (Only on Hard & Epic).
  • Poisonous Strike (Green Pixel) — Single target: 20% (33% on Hard & Epic).
  • Toxic Bubble (TOTOM) — Single target: 150%
  • Toxic Bubble (CORALIA) — All: 150%
  • Blood Spurt (THE MAW) — All: 150% (Not on Hard & Epic.)

Enemy attacks that self-inflict Poison:

  • Bushy Vines (GLOB) — Not on Hard & Epic.
  • Blood Spurt (THE MAW)

Resisting/Curing Poison


For players, Poison can be cured with:


Equipment providing resistance against Poison: