Cat Sniper

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The Cat Sniper is a foe and a summon in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. It is largely found in No Man's Land.


The Cat Sniper is a generic limbless cat armed with a handgun (resembling the weapon of the Power Paw) and a small, rectangular riot shield; it's unclear if its gear was produced by the Kitten Army or stolen from the Iron Fortress. Aside from the usual cat variants, it can have any combination of the following gear:

  1. A black gun with grey accents and a black shield with a small visor and thin grey stripes along the top and bottom edges (resembling the Riot Shield without the cat-head design).
  2. A grey gun with black accents and a metallic silver shield with thin black stripes along the top and bottom edges.


The Cat Sniper specializes in single-target Bomb attacks; it can call in an Air Strike for magic damage or live up to its name and try to snipe a player for a stronger physical blow. The latter attack is its most powerful skill, but it has poor Accuracy and it's still not especially damaging. On the support side of things, it can apply several stacks of Target to a player, give itself Defend status, or cast Lock On to buff its own Accuracy.

The Cat Sniper's self-buffs gain new effects on higher difficulty levels; Lock On gives it Good Luck, while Defend also grants a few stacks of Regen. More worrisomely, Snipe gains a decent chance to inflict Instant Death; while still hampered by its poor Accuracy, this trait makes the Cat Sniper substantially more dangerous (especially since it synergizes nicely with Lock On). Most Death-resistant gear can nullify the status if upgraded to at least Level 2; without such resistance, however, the Cat Sniper may need to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

Much like the Cat Warrior, the Cat Sniper will prioritize attacking the player with the lowest HP (albeit less consistently than the Cat Warrior would) and enjoys very high defenses thanks to its shield. Hitting it hard enough (at least 20% of its maximum HP in a single blow) will knock the shield away, making it much easier to kill by halving its base defenses and disabling its Defend move. Its Evade is a little higher than normal (and further bolstered by Lock On-granted Good Luck), but not enough to be especially problematic. Syphon locks it out of all of its normal moves, limiting it to a very weak non-elemental physical strike and rendering it borderline useless. Berserk is less advisable; it prevents it from buffing itself or Targeting players, but the ensuing Snipe spam is a little harder to endure and potentially more dangerous on higher difficulties.

The Cat Sniper has no resistances and three elemental weaknesses: Fire, Water, and especially Bio. With "More Foe Resistance" enabled, it becomes neutral to Fire and only slightly weak to Water and Bio; regardless, it's still not very hard to kill even before losing its shield.


EBF5 Foe Icon Cat Sniper.png
Cat Sniper EBF5
Arm a cat with riot gear and it'll go mad with power. These guys will try to finish off any players with low HP.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
60 4 8* 4 8* 4 4.1 10 1.2 1.2 9 20* 55
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
-50% - - - -80% - -50% - - -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
- - - - - - - - - - - -
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Wool Gunpowder Iron Brew Plastic Coffee
Name Wool Gunpowder Iron Brew Plastic Coffee
Chance 25% 10% 33% 15% 5%
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
With a shield:
2.1% per stack,
up to 18.9%
5.25% / 47.25%
With a shield:
4.2% per stack,
up to 37.8%
10.5% / 94.5%
With a shield:
2.16% per stack,
up to 19.44%
5.4% / 48.6%
With a shield:
4.32% per stack,
up to 38.88%
10.8% / 97.2%
With a shield:
With a shield:
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
EBF5 Foe Icon Cat Sniper.png
Cat Sniper EBF5
Arm a cat with riot gear and it'll go mad with power. These guys will try to finish off any players with low HP.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
60 4 8* 4 8* 4 4.1 10 1.2 1.2 9 20* 55
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
- - - - -30% - -30% - - -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
- - - - - - - - - - - -
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Wool Gunpowder Iron Brew Plastic Coffee
Name Wool Gunpowder Iron Brew Plastic Coffee
Chance 25% 10% 33% 15% 5%
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
With a shield:
1.4% per stack,
up to 12.6%
3.5% / 31.5%
With a shield:
2.8% per stack,
up to 25.2%
7% / 63%
With a shield:
1.56% per stack,
up to 14.04%
3.9% / 35.1%
With a shield:
3.12% per stack,
up to 28.08%
7.8% / 70.2%
With a shield:
With a shield:
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Loses the shield if hurt by >20% of its max HP in a single hit.

Attacks and Abilities

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Hit Single 12 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Snipe Single 36 Physical 100% EBF5 Element Bomb.png -- -- -- 66% 10% 10%
Notes: Gets 25% chance of EBF5 Status Death.png Death on Hard or Epic difficulties.
Air Strike Single 30 Magical 100% EBF5 Element Bomb.png 40% 1x EBF5 Status Stagger.png 100% 10% 10%
Lock On Self -- -- ---- -- 50% Stat Accuracy.png -- -- --
Notes: Also gives 3x EBF5 Status Good Luck.png Good Luck on Hard or Epic difficulties.
Set Target Single -- -- ---- -- 6x EBF5 Status Target.png -- -- --
Notes: Can't be dodged with Evade and bypasses EBF5 Status Bless.png Bless.
Before the v2 update, only inflicted 3x EBF5 Status Target.png Target.
Defend Self -- -- ---- -- -- Status Defend.png -- -- --
Notes: Also gives 3x EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen on Hard or Epic difficulties.

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.


  • If catch score >55 and all players are Lovable → Surrender;
  • If Syphoned → Hit;
  • If Berserked → Snipe;
  • If it lost its shield or it used Defend last turn → Snipe (6/9), Set Target (1/9), Lock On (1/9), Air Strike (1/9);
  • Otherwise → Snipe (6/12), Defend (3/12), Set Target (1/12), Lock On (1/12), Air Strike (1/12).

Additionally, the Cat Sniper has a 25% chance to target the most damaged player with its attacks.

Before the v2 update, the Cat Sniper losing its shield or using Buff on its last turn had priority over its Berserk behaviour.

Counter (only if Counter-Attacking Foes is enabled)

  • 100%;
    • If it lost its shield → Hit;
    • Otherwise → Defend;


The Cat Sniper can be captured and used as a summon; additionally, the Robot Ears and the Alt Super Snipe ZX can summon it between turns. It uses a powered-up version of its Snipe attack on a single foe, dealing mild physical Bomb damage with a mediocre chance of Instant Death. Unlike the foe version, it has normal Accuracy.

EBF5 Foe Icon Cat Sniper.png
Cat Sniper SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
Shoots a foe in the face, which may kill it instantly with a bit of luck. 14 Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single 50 Physical 100% EBF5 Element Bomb.png 30% -- EBF5 Status Death.png 100% 10% 10%