Wind Elemental

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The Wind Elemental is a foe in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. It is usually found in and around the Temple of Godcat.


Like other Elementals, the Wind Elemental is a floating creature with a large torso and arms contrasted by a small "tail" or lower body. Unlike most of its kind, it appears distinctly avian, with a large, toothless beak, very narrow/closed eyes, and numerous feathers around its head, back, and elbows. Two more feathers protrude from its upper back or right shoulder, while its left shoulder is covered by a large armor plate with a huge blade sticking out of it. Both of its arms end in large cannons with two small studs around the barrels, and its "tail" is dotted with several Emerald crystals.

The Wind Elemental is primarily pale green, but its beak, feathers, armor, and part of its "tail" are tan and the blade on its shoulder plate is silver.


The Wind Elemental is a high-tier foe with a diverse selection of Wind attacks backed by above-average offensive stats. It also has a non-elemental attack that deals solid damage over four hits, but this lacks any special effects. Aside from this move and a multi-target Ram attack, all of its skills are magical and pure elemental, capable of inflicting Stagger, Dispel, and modest Magic Defence debuffs.

Although the Wind Elemental doesn't have any overwhelmingly powerful moves, it's quite capable of chipping down the party while rendering them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks; this is more prevalent on higher difficulty levels, where its Ram attack becomes guaranteed to Stagger non-resistant players. Syphon greatly reduces its support abilities by limiting it to its basic Quad Punch attack; Berserk works similarly while avoiding its solid Syphon resistance, but Defence buffs are advisable to mitigate the associated power boost.

The Wind Elemental is immune to Earth and absorbs Wind, but it has weaknesses to Ice, Bio, Dark, and particularly Thunder. As such, the player has a variety of options to kill it; Thunderbolt and Big Spark being quite effective for single-target attacks, while either Thunder Storm, Plasma Field or Pulsar works well depending on the foes accompanying it. It's pretty resistant to Stun, Freeze, Syphon, Doom, and Instant Death, but sufficiently high-infliction skills can still bypass these resistances and cripple or outright kill it; debuffs and other status effects are effective for wearing it down or reducing its damage output.

Enabling "More Foe Resistance" makes the Wind Elemental neutral to Thunder while giving it a Holy absorption and an immunity to having its Attack and Magic Attack reduced.

In terms of farming, the Wind Elemental has the highest Red Feather drop chance of any foe. It's also tied with the Heasy for the best Pink Potion drop rate among non-boss foes and has a chance to drop Silk, but a 20% drop rate makes them somewhat unreliable to farm.


Icon bestiary ebf4 wind elemental.png Wind Elemental EBF4
A powerful monster which uses wind attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
369 5 4 6 4 4 4 65 8.1 8.1 80 30
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
- -100% -50% 100% -50% - 200% - - -50%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- 50% 50% - - - - 50% - - - 50%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Red Feather Pink Potion Silk - - - -
Name Red Feather Pink Potion Silk - - - -
Chance 80% 20% 20% - - - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
4.2% 2.7% per stack,
up to 24.3%
15% -20%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
Icon bestiary ebf4 wind elemental.png Wind Elemental EBF4
A powerful monster which uses wind attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
369 5 4 6 4 4 4 65 8.1 8.1 80 30
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
- - -50% 100% -50% - 200% - 200% -50%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- 50% 50% - - - - 50% - - - 50%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
50% 50% - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Red Feather Pink Potion Silk - - - -
Name Red Feather Pink Potion Silk - - - -
Chance 80% 20% 20% - - - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
4.2% 2.7% per stack,
up to 24.3%
15% -20%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Attacks and Abilities

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Quad Punch Single 48/4 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Ram All 22 Physical 50% Element Wind.png 30% -- Status Stagger.png 100% 10% 10%
Notes: On Hard and Epic difficulties, status chance increases to 100%.
Wind Hands Single 35 Magical 100% Element Wind.png 50% -- Status Dispel.png 100% 10% 10%
Hurricane All 24 Magical 100% Element Wind.png 50% 15% StatDown Mdef.png 100% 0% 10%
Shockwave All 26 Magical 100% Element Wind.png 15% -- Status Stagger.png 120% 10% 10%

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Quad Punch;
  • Otherwise → Quad Punch (1/5), Ram (1/5), Wind Hands (1/5), Hurricane (1/5), Shockwave (1/5).


  • The Wind Elemental is the only Elemental to lack an arm-mounted blade, instead having a cannon on each arm.
  • Although Elementals didn't return for Epic Battle Fantasy 5, the Wind Elemental may have inspired the Sky Dragon, with both being powerful, primarily green-colored foes with distinctly bird-like features compared to the usually reptilian members of their respective families.