Defend (status)

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"All damage taken is reduced by 50% for one turn."
―Defend's faulty hover-over tip, Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Status Defend.png

Defend is a positive status effect in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. Its icon is a yellow shield. It halves all non-status damage taken and isn't drained/cancelled by tanking damage, but only lasts for one turn and doesn't stack. Everything that depends on the Hit2HP stat (mostly damage-over-time effects, such as Poison) is unaffected. Defend also blocks the players' ability to counterattack and makes them unable to be thrown offscreen (this prevents any effects that trigger off getting hit by a strong attack).

Like most status effects, it also vanishes after the battle, when inflicted by Dispel (damage of the attack that inflicted it will still be halved) or Freeze, or upon death (except if with Auto-Revive). The armor-piercing Giga Drill skill deals extra damage when the target is Defending.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

Defend is available to the players through the following skills:

  • The Defend tactic/command — 100% chance, targets self.
  • Ancient Monolith (summon) — 100% chance, targets all players.

Enemy abilities that utilize Defend:

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

In EBF5, Defend additionally also prevents the afflicted from being forcibly switched into backup.

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To do: sources of defend