Stumpy Gloop

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The Stumpy Gloop (known as Tree Gloop in several demos) is a foe and a summon in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. It is generally found in grassy or forested areas, such as the Mystic Woods and Wild Tropics.


The Stumpy Gloop resembles a stump split in half horizontally with a black blob in the middle. It has 2 white eyes and slim arms. The top of the stump has a few twigs and leaves sticking out, while the bottom has several short roots that the Gloop uses for locomotion.

The Stumpy Gloop has two variants, distinguished by the size of their eyes and the arrangement of twigs on the top halves of their shells.


The Stumpy Gloop is a mid-tier foe that uses physical attacks against the party. It mainly uses part-Dark attacks with its arms and other constructs it produces from its blobby mass, but it can also cast Lumber for multiple stronger hits of pure Earth damage and a high chance of Stagger. If it feels threatened, it can guard itself to buff its Magic Defence and give itself Bless, making it immune to negative status conditions and Dispel.

On Hard and Epic difficulty settings, the Stumpy Gloop's Dark attacks have a small chance to make the targeted player Heavy, increasing the damage of Lumber and other Earth attacks. Its defensive skill gives it more Bless stacks as well as a Defence buff, making it more durable.

A Stumpy Gloop resists Earth and Water while absorbing Dark; on the other hand, it is weak to Thunder, Holy, and especially Fire. The latter weakness is compounded by its susceptibility to certain status effects: Burn and Scorch will deal more damage to it per turn, and Dry amplifies all forms of Fire damage (including Burn and Scorch). However, be quick about applying status conditions, as the Stumpy Gloop can easily set up Bless to negate them for a while.


EBF5 Foe Icon Stumpy Gloop.png
Stumpy Gloop EBF5
A shadowy creature that has hollowed-out and possessed an innocent tree. It uses a mix of dark and earth attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
158 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 23 2.2 2.2 16 40 36
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
-80% -50% - 50% - - 50% - -50% 200%
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
-100% - - - - - - -100% - - - -
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon An Herb Apple Soft Wood Gash Root -
Name An Herb Apple Soft Wood Gash Root -
Chance 50% 50% 50% 25% -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
5.04% per stack,
up to 45.36%
10.08% per stack,
up to 90.72%
2.4% per stack,
up to 21.6%
4.8% per stack,
up to 43.2%
20% -26.(6)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
EBF5 Foe Icon Stumpy Gloop.png
Stumpy Gloop EBF5
A shadowy creature that has hollowed-out and possessed an innocent tree. It uses a mix of dark and earth attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
158 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 23 2.2 2.2 16 40 36
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
-30% - - 150% 150% - 50% - -50% 200%
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
-100% - - - - - - -100% - - - -
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- - - 30% 30% - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon An Herb Apple Soft Wood Gash Root -
Name An Herb Apple Soft Wood Gash Root -
Chance 50% 50% 50% 25% -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
3.64% per stack,
up to 32.76%
7.28% per stack,
up to 65.52%
-1.2% per stack,
up to -10.8%
-2.4% per stack,
up to -21.6%
20% -26.(6)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Attacks and Abilities

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Hit Single 20 Physical 25% EBF5 Element Dark.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Gets 20% chance of 2xEBF5 Status Heavy.png Heavy on Hard or Epic difficulties.
Arm Flail Single 40/4 Physical 25% EBF5 Element Dark.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Gets 20% chance of 2xEBF5 Status Heavy.png Heavy on Hard or Epic difficulties.
Stab Single 35 Physical 50% EBF5 Element Dark.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Gets 20% chance of 2xEBF5 Status Heavy.png Heavy on Hard or Epic difficulties.
Lumber Single 65/3 Physical 100% EBF5 Element Earth.png 100% 1x EBF5 Status Stagger.png 100% 20% 10%
Defend Self -- -- ---- -- 30%
Stat Mdef.png
EBF5 Status Bless.png
-- -- --
Notes: Also gives a 30%Stat Defence.png Defence buff on Hard or Epic difficulties.
Bless strength increased to 6x on Hard or Epic difficulties (before the v2 update, was 5x on Hard/Epic and 3x on lower difficulties).

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.


  • If Syphoned, catch score >55, and all players are Lovable → Surrender;
  • If catch score >55 and all players are Lovable → Defend;
  • If Syphoned or Berserked → Arm Flail (1/2), Stab (1/2);
  • Otherwise → Hit (1/4), Lumber (1/4);
    • If it used Defend last turn → Head Bash (2/4);
    • Otherwise → Head Bash (1/4), Defend (1/4).

*Hit becomes Arm Flail when <49% HP.

Counter (only if Counter-Attacking Foes is enabled)

  • 25%;
    • If Syphoned → Defend;
    • Otherwise → Lumber.

Additionally, if any front line player has equipment that scares Trees, the Stumpy Gloop will immediately Surrender and Flee on their turn.


The foe can be captured to be used as a summon, or be randomly summoned by Amber Bobble (female hat) or Oak Staff (staff). It uses its Defend ability to give Morale to the entire team, temporarily protecting them from defensive debuffs and one-hit kills if their HP is above 50%.

EBF5 Foe Icon Stumpy Gloop.png
Stumpy Gloop SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
Gives morale status to all allies, including those in backup, protecting them from 1-hit deaths. 24 Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies+B -- -- ---- -- 3x EBF5 Status Morale.png -- -- --