King Slime

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"Heyyyy... that cat looks kind of familiar! Is he a relation of yours, NoLegs? Did you model for the artists working on this game?"
―Anna, Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The King Slime is a foe in Epic Battle Fantasy 1 and 5. It is the first boss in Epic Battle Fantasy and the ruler of Slimes in said game. In Epic Battle Fantasy 5, it appears as a simulation in the Data Bunker.

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The King Slime is a giant green slime with beady green eyes and a wide, irregularly-shaped mouth. Three smaller blobs of green slime surround its body, which it can spin around itself when casting magic. It has two swords and a spear stuck in its back and a small grey brick structure on its head resembling the battlements of a castle. The structure is manned by NoLegs and equipped with a large cannon.


Epic Battle Fantasy 1

The King Slime will attack Matt and Natalie by either slamming physically into them or having NoLegs fire the cannon on its head. It can also heal itself.

Defeating this boss will award the player with the King Slime Medal on Newgrounds.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

King Slime returns as the boss of the first EBF1 Data Bunker battle. As a foe from EBF1, King Slime has incredibly simplistic abilities, with no status conditions, ludicrous Accuracy and no Evade at all. In effect, it is practically impossible to dodge the attacks of King Slime, but King Slime cannot evade any attacks itself.

King Slime has incredible damage output, with its weakest attack being a 120 power multi-target attack. As the two-player format complicates normal strategies, the player should try getting positive statuses from on-Defend Flairs or summon Stumpy Gloop/Lost Fallen to put Morale in place (since all of the King Slime's attack are single hit). Bomb resistance is quite useful, as King Slime's most powerful attacks are 75% Bomb elemental.

While King Slime is immune to most statuses (except for Poison, Virus, Syphon, and Dispel), it has no elemental resistances or weaknesses (20% resistance to all elements with More Foe Resistance on).


Epic Battle Fantasy

King Slime EBF
Wave Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png
5 60000 0.8 1 0.7 1
EBF3 Skill Eruption.png EBF3 Skill Fireball.png EBF3 Skill Thunderbolt.png EBF3 Skill Iceshard.png EBF3 Skill Quake.png EBF3 Skill Seiken.png EBF3 Skill Judgement.png EBF3 Skill Screamer.png EBF3 Skill Airstrike.png
- - - - - - - - -

In EBF, foe stats are specifically set per wave, thus two foes of the same type may have different stats (resistances will still be the same). See EBF Foe Waves for a list of all foe waves.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

EBF5 Foe Icon King Slime.png
King Slime EBF5
This massive slime is armed with bomb and healing magic. A mysterious, poorly-drawn cat sits upon it.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
1005 4 4 4 4 400 0 125 18 18 300 8 7
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
- - - - - - - - - -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
100% 100% 100% - - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100%
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Item Drop Rate
Icon Wool Brick Gunpowder Hand Bomb Steel Plate
Name Wool Brick Gunpowder Hand Bomb Steel Plate
Chance 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
Immune Immune 0.48% per stack,
up to 4.32%
0.96% per stack,
up to 8.64%
Immune -5.(3)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
EBF5 Foe Icon King Slime.png
King Slime EBF5
This massive slime is armed with bomb and healing magic. A mysterious, poorly-drawn cat sits upon it.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
1005 4 4 4 4 400 0 125 18 18 300 8 7
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
100% 100% 100% - - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - 100%
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Item Drop Rate
Icon Wool Brick Gunpowder Hand Bomb Steel Plate
Name Wool Brick Gunpowder Hand Bomb Steel Plate
Chance 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
Immune Immune 0.384% per stack,
up to 3.456%
0.768% per stack,
up to 6.912%
Immune -5.(3)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

As with all the Classic foes, the King Slime is immune to both Invisible and Enchanted.

Attacks and Abilities

Epic Battle Fantasy

Attack List
Attack Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Jump & back Single 2500 -- Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png -- -- -- 10%
Ground Pound All 2500 -- Attack Defence -- -- -- 10%
Cannon Shot Single 4000 -- Attack Magic Defence -- -- -- 10%
Charged Shot All 4000 -- Attack Magic Defence -- -- -- 10%
Self-Heal Self 10000 1000 Magic Attack -- -- -- -- 5%
Notes: The added R.Power doesn't scale with user stats.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Jump & back Single 200 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Ground Pound All 120 Physical 50% EBF5 Element Earth.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Spawns up to 2 Furry Slimes.
Cannon Shot Single 250 Magical 75% EBF5 Element Bomb.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Charged Shot All 150 Magical 75% EBF5 Element Bomb.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Self-Heal Self MaxHP * Hit2HP / 50 -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- 20%
Notes: Spawns up to 2 Furry Slimes.

Summoned foes will be at the same level as the King Slime.

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

Epic Battle Fantasy

  • Anything → Jump & back (1/5), Ground Pound (1/5), Cannon Shot (1/5), Charged Shot (1/5), Self-Heal (1/5).

Epic Battle Fantasy 5


  • If Berserked → Charged Shot (1/2);
    • If Syphoned → Ground Pound (1/2);
    • Otherwise → Cannon Shot (1/2);
  • Otherwise → Jump & back (1/5), Charged Shot (1/5), Self-Heal (1/5);
    • If Syphoned → Ground Pound (2/5);
    • Otherwise → Ground Pound (1/5), Cannon Shot (1/5).

Counter (only if Counter-Attacking Foes is enabled)

  • 50%;
    • If Syphoned → Ground Pound;
    • Otherwise → Ground Pound (1/2), Cannon Shot (1/2).

Additionally, like all the Classic foes, the King Slime ignores the Lovable status on players.


Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The foe can be captured to be used as a summon.

EBF5 Foe Icon King Slime.png
King Slime SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
Casts a powerful healing spell, which heals all allies, including those in backup.
  • Also removes negative status effects.
45 Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies+B 60 Magical ---- -- -- -- -- -- 10%
Note: Heal scales off a half of Summon Attack.


  • King Slime is the first boss of the Epic Battle Fantasy series.
  • The King Slime's design would be the basis of the Giant Slimes introduced in Epic Battle Fantasy 3. Its role as a heavy support monster/living fortress for hostile cats would be reused/revisited by the likes of the Kitten Fort and Big Bushes.