Fire Elemental

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"This guy thinks he's some sort of Mobile Suit or something. Beam swords and all."
―Lance reacts to Double Slash, Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Fire Elemental is a foe in Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4. It is mostly found in magma-filled environments, such as Volcano Peak and the Lava Cave.


The Fire Elemental is a hovering reptilian monster with scaly black skin, red eyes, and a short horn on its head. It has crimson armor on its torso, golden details on the edges of its arms, neck, and lower body, and a large golden sphere on its shoulder, marked with a strange red symbol. Its left arm ends in a triangular red energy blade, its right arm ends in a large cannon, and white-orange energy pours from its back (resembling some sort of rocket engine).


The Fire Elemental is a strong foe that - true to its name - specializes in Fire damage, whether physical or magical. It can inflict a few debuffs and status effects (most notably Berserk), but most of its threat comes from its raw damage output; on higher difficulty levels, some of its multi-hit attacks are extended to lay down even more pain. Fortunately, most of its skills have a high elemental degree, so resistance will be highly effective.

Fire Elementals tend to absorb Fire while being resistant to Bomb, Stun, and Syphon; on the other hand, they're consistently weak to Ice, Wind, and especially Water.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Befitting its late location and status as the final Elemental encountered in the game, the Fire Elemental is a dangerous opponent. It mainly uses single-target physical Fire attacks, some of which hit multiple times and most of which have above-average Accuracy and critical hit chances. Its Glowing Blade attack can also debuff the victim's Defence, while Dragon Flame has a good chance to make its target Berserk. On the magic side of the equation, it can bombard the party with random shots from its arm cannon (dealing Bomb damage) or rain Hot Ash over the battlefield; this inflicts modest magical Fire damage to the entire party with a small chance to lower their Magic Defence. The good news is that the Hot Ash also hits the enemy side; the bad news is that most of the foes (including the Fire Elemental itself) absorb Fire, so the attack serves to heal them slightly.

On Epic difficulty, the Fire Elemental's Multi-Stab hits ten times instead of four, and it becomes much more trigger-happy with its Blasts; not only will it fire three times as many shots on their own, it'll also throw in a few after using its Double Slash. This gives it a fair amount of Bomb damage output in addition to its usual Fire assault.

Fire resistance is the best defense against the Fire Elemental; it has only one non-Fire attack, and only one of its Fire moves isn't pure elemental. Bomb resistance is a secondary priority, but it can be important on Epic when the foe starts spamming Blasts. Syphoning it locks it into Multi-Stab, while making it Berserk makes it spam Double Slash; keep in mind that both statuses will give it a means to hurt the party even with high Fire resistance, but they'll also prevent it from using its trickier moves (most notably Hot Ash).

Aside from the obvious Fire absorption, the Fire Elemental is notable as one of the very few foes in EBF3 that resists Bomb; it also has a strong Earth resistance and a decent resistance to Stun and Syphon. Its worst weakness is Water, but Ice and Wind will also make short work of it while being more accessible to the party.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

As its name implies, the Fire Elemental exclusively uses Fire attacks, but it has quite a few moves to choose from. It can slash a player twice for decent physical damage or power up its arm blade for a stronger slash that can occasionally Dispel the victim; it also knows Eruption, which has a lower elemental degree and a small chance to Burn. Its magic attacks include Hellfire (which has a good chance to make the target Berserk) and a rapid-fire version of Flame Shot that targets random players. The latter attack is fairly weak per shot, but the damage and Burn chance can add up; on higher difficulty levels, it gains more hits, allowing the Fire Elemental to deal severe damage to one player or significant damage to all players, depending on who takes the brunt of the Flame Shots.

Strong Fire resistance will mitigate the Fire Elemental's damage output, but its ability to make players Berserk with Hellfire should be watched out for. The move can be disabled (along with Eruption) by either Syphon or Berserk, but the foe resists the former and gets a power boost from the latter. The task of actually killing it is made easier by its below-average Evade and weakness to several accessible elements; notably, Anna can learn skills to exploit all of them, although Matt and Natalie naturally learn some options of their own. Despite dealing no damage, Cloudburst can be used both defensively (removing Burn and Berserk) and offensively (potentially making the Fire Elemental Wet to amplify one of its elemental weaknesses).

The Fire Elemental is weak to Earth, Ice, Wind, and especially Water; conversely, it absorbs Fire and is immune to Bomb and Freeze. It's also resistant to Stun, Wet, Syphon, Doom, and Instant Death. Enabling "More Foe Resistance" removes its Ice weakness while giving it a Dark immunity and a strong resistance to having its Attack and Magic Attack debuffed.


Epic Battle Fantasy 3

EBF3 Foe Icon Fire Elemental.png
Fire Elemental Demonic Entity EBF3
Attacks with blades and fire and bomb magic.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP Gold
380 4 4 4 4 4 4 70 9 55
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
200% - -80% -120% -80% 70% - - - 70%
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Status Dispel.png Status Doom.png Status Berserk.png Status Stun.png Status Death.png
- 40% - - -100% 40% -
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Magmaball Dragon Scales Ruby - - - -
Name Magmaball Dragon Scales Ruby - - - -
Chance 80% 60% 20% - - - -

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Icon bestiary ebf4 fire elemental.png Fire Elemental EBF4
A powerful monster which uses fire attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
330 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 62 8 8 70 30
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
200% - -60% -60% - 100% -60% -80% - -
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- 50% 100% - - - - 50% 50% - - 50%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Magma Sample Dragon Scales Ruby Gunpowder Cake Chilli Sauce -
Name Magma Sample Dragon Scales Ruby Gunpowder Cake Chilli Sauce -
Chance 50% 50% 10% 30% 1% 1% -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
-4.2% 1.8% per stack,
up to 16.2%
15% -20%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
Icon bestiary ebf4 fire elemental.png Fire Elemental EBF4
A powerful monster which uses fire attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
330 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 62 8 8 70 30
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
200% - - -60% - 100% -60% -80% - 100%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- 50% 100% - - - - 50% 50% - - 50%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
50% 50% - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Magma Sample Dragon Scales Ruby Gunpowder Cake Chilli Sauce -
Name Magma Sample Dragon Scales Ruby Gunpowder Cake Chilli Sauce -
Chance 50% 50% 10% 30% 1% 1% -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
-4.2% 1.8% per stack,
up to 16.2%
15% -20%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Attacks and Abilities

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Multi-Stab Single 40/4 Physical 50% Element Fire.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: On Epic difficulty, attacks 10 times, each with 10 power as usual, raising total power to 100.
Double Slash Single 50/2 Physical 100% Element Fire.png -- -- -- 110% 20% 10%
Notes: On Epic difficulty, is immediately followed by Blasts, independent of Status Berserk EBF3.png Berserk and Status Syphon.png Syphon.
Glowing Blade Single 70 Physical 100% Element Fire.png 100% 30% StatDown Defence.png 130% 30% 10%
Blasts Random 70/4 Magical 100% Element Bomb.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: When self-initiated on Epic difficulty, attacks 12 times, each with 17.5 power as usual, raising total power to 210. When initiated by Double Slash, attacks 4 times, independent of difficulty.
Dragon Flame Single 70 Physical 100% Element Fire.png 50% 1x Status Berserk EBF3.png 110% 20% 10%
Hot Ash Everyone 30/3 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 20% 15% StatDown Mdef.png 200% 10% 10%
Notes: Allies will only be hit for 15/3 power and won't ever have their Magic Defence debuffed.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Double Slash Single 50/2 Physical 100% Element Fire.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Glowing Blade Single 66 Physical 100% Element Fire.png 33% -- Status Dispel.png 100% 10% 10%
Flame Shots Random 80/4 Magical 75% Element Fire.png 30% 1x Status Burn.png 100% 10% 10%
Notes: On Hard and Epic difficulties, attacks 6 times, each with 20 power as usual, raising total power to 120.
Eruption Single 65 Physical 50% Element Fire.png 30% 2x Status Burn.png 100% 10% 10%
Hellfire Single 45 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 50% 3x Status Berserk.png 100% 10% 10%

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

  • Berserked → Double Slash;
  • Syphoned → Multi-Stab;
  • Otherwise → Multi-Slab (1/6), Double Slash (1/6), Glowing Blade (1/6), Blasts (1/6), Dragon Flame (1/6), Hot Ash (1/6).

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Double Slash (1/3), Glowing Blade (1/3), Flame Shots (1/3);
  • Otherwise → Double Slash (1/5), Glowing Blade (1/5), Flame Shots (1/5), Eruption (1/5), Hellfire (1/5).


  • Lance's comment about the Fire Elemental's energy sword attacks references the Mobile Suits of the long-running Gundam franchise, many of which use energy-based melee weapons (frequently swords).
  • Although it doesn't appear as a proper foe in Epic Battle Fantasy 5, the Fire Elemental gets a cameo as one of the collectible Monster Cards introduced in the v2 update.