Seaweed Chomper

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The Seaweed Chomper is a foe and a summon in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. It is largely found along the Rainbow River.


The Seaweed Chomper's body is a thick black vine with small yellow speckles, ending in a single blue eye. It has a huge grey mouth with a brown interior and squared white teeth; a pair of pink sea stars can be seen atop its upper jaw. It has several dark green fronds of Seaweed along its body, with the ones near its mouth having thin yellow stripes and the ones near its base having small holes or bite marks.

Unlike the Leafy Chomper and the Magma Chomper, the Seaweed Chomper doesn't have drool or fluid within its mouth.


Aside from the usual Chomper trait of biting players to restore its own HP, the Seaweed Chomper specializes in making the party Wet, either with its Sea Root attack or by summoning Rain. It will then follow up with powered-up Thunder skills, including a variant of Thunder that can be cast three times in succession. These attacks can Stun and Stagger, but the chances are low enough that it will rarely be an issue; however, keep in mind that the Chomper will aim for players with less Thunder resistance if possible. Furthermore, it can reliably debuff Magic Defence with a screech, further empowering its Thunder spell and the magic attacks of its allies.

However, the Seaweed Chomper's Rain can be used against it; while it absorbs Thunder, it's severely weak to Ice, and its tendency to Wet itself further amplifies that weakness. Attempting to Freeze it is more difficult, due to a 50% resistance, but a dedicated status build should be able to circumvent that and keep it immobilized with some consistency; even applying Chill can be effective, given its tendency to Wet itself. It is also highly vulnerable to Holy attacks, which are especially effective if it's been Frozen or if it hasn't managed to Wet itself.

On the defensive side of things, it's best to buff the party's Defence to endure the Seaweed Chomper's physical attacks, since it's somewhat resistant to Attack debuffs. On the other hand, debuffing its Magic Attack is more effective for neutering its spells, since it will often debuff the party's Magic Defence.

Aside from Ice and Holy, the Seaweed Chomper has lesser weaknesses to Earth and Wind; on the other hand, it absorbs both Thunder and Water. Like most mid to high-tier foes, it resists Stun, Chill, Freeze, and especially Doom and Instant Death; additionally, it somewhat resists Attack and Defence debuffs. If "More Foe Resistance" is enabled, it becomes neutral to Wind and Holy and strongly resistant to Attack/Defence debuffs; it also gains a strong Bio absorption.


EBF5 Foe Icon Seaweed Chomper.png
Seaweed Chomper EBF5
It's a man-eating seaweed. This clever foe will summon rain, and when everyone is wet it'll zap them.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
544 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 80 8.5 8.5 48 25 9
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
- 150% -80% -50% - - 150% -50% -80% -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
- 50% 50% - - - - - - - - 70%
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- 30% - 30% - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Sea Shell Gash Root Liquid Ice Bone Spike Moon Pearl
Name Sea Shell Gash Root Liquid Ice Bone Spike Moon Pearl
Chance 50% 50% 50% 20% 3%
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
1.75% per stack,
up to 15.75%
3.5% per stack,
up to 31.5%
1.5% per stack,
up to 13.5%
3% per stack,
up to 27%
12.5% -16.(6)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Before the v2 update, had no resistance to Attack and Defence debuffs.

Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
EBF5 Foe Icon Seaweed Chomper.png
Seaweed Chomper EBF5
It's a man-eating seaweed. This clever foe will summon rain, and when everyone is wet it'll zap them.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
544 4 4 4 4 4 3.8 80 8.5 8.5 48 25 9
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
- 150% -80% -50% 200% - 150% - - -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
- 50% 50% - - - - - - - - 70%
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- 60% - 60% - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Sea Shell Gash Root Liquid Ice Bone Spike Moon Pearl
Name Sea Shell Gash Root Liquid Ice Bone Spike Moon Pearl
Chance 50% 50% 50% 20% 3%
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
1.75% per stack,
up to 15.75%
3.5% per stack,
up to 31.5%
-1.5% per stack,
up to -13.5%
-3% per stack,
up to -27%
12.5% -16.(6)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Attacks and Abilities

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Chomp Single 65 Physical 25% EBF5 Element Bio.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: If attack deals damage, heals 10% (20% on Hard or Epic difficulties) of user's Max HP with 10% RdF.
Rain Everyone -- -- ---- 100% 2x EBF5 Status Wet.png 1000% -- --
Shock Single 50 Physical 100% EBF5 Element Thunder.png 20% 1x EBF5 Status Stagger.png 100% 10% 10%
Thunder x3 Random 66/6 Magical 100% EBF5 Element Thunder.png 5% 1x EBF5 Status Stun.png 115% 10% 10%
Notes: Base spell is 2 hit, so retargeting and statuses happen on every second hit.
Will not target the same player twice in a row unless they have EBF5 Status Target.png Target or no other targets are available.
Sea Root Single 75 Physical 50% EBF5 Element Water.png 50% 2x EBF5 Status Wet.png 100% 10% 10%
Debuff All -- -- ---- 100% 20% EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png 150% -- --
Notes: Debuff strength increased to 30% on Hard or Epic difficulties.

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.


  • If Syphoned, catch score >55, and all players are Lovable → Surrender;
  • If Syphoned → Chomp (1/2), Sea Root (1/2);
  • If Berserked;
    • If catch score >55 and all players are Lovable → Rain;
    • Otherwise → Sea Root;
  • Otherwise;
    • If a randomly selected player has at least a 10% Magic Defence debuff;
      • If catch score >55 and all players are Lovable → Rain;
      • Otherwise → Chomp (2/8), Sea Root (2/8), Rain (2/8), Shock (1/8), Thunder (1/8);
    • Otherwise → Debuff (1/5);
      • If catch score >55 and all players are Lovable → Rain (4/5);
      • Otherwise → Chomp (2/10), Sea Root (2/10), Rain (2/10), Shock (1/10), Thunder (1/10).

* Shock and Thunder will prioritize targets that aren't resistant to Thunder.

The Seaweed Chomper was originally supposed to have a 33% chance to counter with Sea Root when Counter-Attacking Foes was enabled, but due to an oversight this counter cannot actually trigger.

Additionally, if any front line player has equipment that scares Trees, the Seaweed Chomper will inflict Berserk on themselves at the start of their turn (this does not take up their action).


The Seaweed Chomper can be captured and used as a summon. It is the only way for the player to manually cause the Rain weather.

EBF5 Foe Icon Seaweed Chomper.png
Seaweed Chomper SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
Replaces the current weather with heavy rain for 5 turns. 48 Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Weather -- -- ---- -- 5x Rain -- -- --