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Difficulty represented by a Sawblade in the in-game options menu of Epic Battle Fantasy 5.

Difficulty is a measure of how hard a video game is. Although highly subjective, many games have multiple difficulty settings that allow players to set the general level of challenge they will face.

In the Epic Battle Fantasy series, there are five difficulty levels available for selection: Zero, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Epic. The main differences are in the enemies: as the difficulty level rises, they gain more HP, their attacks do more damage, and they may gain new abilities or traits to make them even more threatening. Some medals can only be achieved on higher difficulties. The exact attributes of difficulties change over the course of the series, becoming more drastic with each game.

Epic Battle Fantasy

None of the difficulties affect anything other than enemy HP, Attack and Magic Attack.

  • Zero — Enemies have 60% of their normal HP, Attack and Magic Attack (added in the EBF Collection update).
  • Easy — 80%.
  • Normal — 100%
  • Hard — 120%
  • Epic — 140%

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Enemy HP is no longer boosted on higher difficulties. The Zero, Epic+, Epic++ and Epic+++ difficulties were added in the EBF Collection update.

  • Zero — Enemies have 60% of their normal HP, Attack and Magic Attack.
  • Easy — 80%. Before the EBF Collection update, the Guardian's arms, Red Jelly and Blue Jelly were not affected by the HP penalty.
  • Normal — 100%
  • Hard — Enemies have 120% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack. Some enemies gain new abilities.
  • Epic — Enemies have 140% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack. Many enemies gain special bonuses to themselves or their abilities; e.g. Giga Golem's melee attacks inflict stronger debuffs with higher chance.
  • Epic+ — Enemies have 160% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack.
  • Epic++ — Enemies have 180% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack.
  • Epic+++ — Enemies have 200% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack.


  • Middle Tier — Beat the game on Normal difficulty.
  • Leet Tier — Beat the game on Hard difficulty.
  • God Tier — Beat the game on Epic or higher difficulties.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

  • Easy — Enemies have 70% of their normal HP, Attack and Magic Attack.
  • Normal — 100%
  • Hard — Enemies have 130% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack. Unlike in EBF2, nothing else is affected.
  • Epic — Enemies have 160% of their normal Attack and Magic Attack. Many enemies gain special bonuses to themselves or their abilities, e.g., the Green Slime begins battle with the Poison ailment, allowing it to regenerate HP every turn.


  • Hero — Beat the game on Hard or Epic difficulty.
  • Legend — Beat the game on Epic difficulty.

Adventure Story

This Epic Battle Fantasy spinoff may have changed genres from turn-based RPG to action platformer, but the difficulty levels are generally the same as the main series.

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To do: Confirm if these values are correct. They look identical to EBF4's, and that is worrying.
  • Easy — Enemies have 50% of their normal HP and damage. Falling into a pit inflicts 5 damage to Matt.
  • Normal — 100%. Pits deal 10 damage.
  • Hard — 150%. Pits deal 15 damage.
  • Epic — 200%. Pits deal 20 damage.


  • Foe Exterminator - Complete Stage 21 on Hard or Epic difficulty.
  • Boss Hunter - Complete Stage 22 on Hard or Epic difficulty.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

EBF4 introduced the ability to change the difficulty mid-game via the "Difficulty" option in the Options menu. This makes getting some Medals (specifically, the ones requiring players to defeat certain bosses on Epic difficulty) faster, allowing players to breeze through other fights by temporarily lowering the difficulty.

Unfortunately, the game is exceptionally incompetent at explaining what the difficulties actually do.


  • Zero — Enemy stats are scaled at 25% (added in the v2 update).
  • Easy — 50%.
  • Normal — 100%.
  • Hard — 150%. The Endless Battle on Battle Mountain is forced to this difficulty.
  • Epic — 200%.


  • The game uses 3 separate sets of stat modifiers to govern the game difficulty: one for foes' Attack and Magic Attack, one for foes' HP and one for players' Limit Break charging speed.
  • The Endless Battle has its own set of stat modifiers, though they are closest to the Hard difficulty.
    • In "Endless difficulty" the enemies also receive a small modifier to Evade.
  • Defence, Magic Defence, Accuracy and Evade (except in the Endless Battle) are unaffected by difficulties.
  • Before the v2 update, due to a bug, in Endless difficulty Limit Break charging speed modifier, the strength of enemies' Mana Drain ability and the status infliction chance of enemies' slimefication attacks still depend on whatever difficulty was actually selected in-game.
  • Before the v2 update, the Attack/Magic Attack modifier was applied a second time once foes reached level 33, stacking on top of the original one. This caused the enemies to receive a significant damage boost on Hard and Epic difficulties, but a severe damage nerf on Easy difficulty.
Stat Modifier Statistics
Aspect Zero Easy Normal Hard Epic Endless
Attack/Magic Attack 0.25 0.5 1 1.5 2 1.5
HP 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1
Evade 1 1 1 1 1 0.9
Limit Break charge speed 3.2 1.6* 1 0.9 0.8 1

* Prior to the v2 update, the Limit Break charging speed on Easy was multiplied by 1.2x instead of 1.6x.

Additional differences

The Creator casts Absolute Zero

Like previous games, higher difficulties also grant special bonuses to enemies themselves or their abilities. In this game, all of these bonuses apply to both Hard and Epic difficulties. Below is a list of examples, general ideas of which also apply to EBF3 and 5.

  • Some enemies gain new skills, which can replace weaker ones, e.g., Florn trades Nettle for Vines.
  • Many enemy attacks have new statuses/debuffs or increased status/debuff chance or strength, e.g., Praetorian's dash has twice the chance to inflict Instant Death.
  • Many enemy buffing abilities apply extra buffs/statuses or have stronger buffs/statuses, e.g., Mighty Oak's self-buff applies Brave on top of stat buffs.
  • Some enemies come into the battle with a specific status effect on them already, e.g., Lightning Sprite and Thunder Elemental start with the Charge status, allowing them to use their most powerful attacks from the get-go.
    • Certain enemies with elemental absorption(s) spawn with a status effect that deals damage of that element and thus regenerates their HP, e.g., Sludge Slime gets Poison.
  • Foes that can summon allies, such as Black Wasp or Big Green Bush, often have increased spawn chance or spawn extra allies.


  • Bosses:
    • Lumberjack — Defeat Mighty Oak on Epic difficulty.
    • Rock Miner — Defeat Crystal Golem on Epic difficulty.
    • Electrical Engineer — Defeat Praetorian on Epic difficulty.
    • Extreme Gardener — Defeat Rafflesia on Epic difficulty.
    • Cat Person — Defeat Godcat on Epic difficulty.
  • Mini-bosses:
    • Worm Control — Defeat Sand Worm on Epic difficulty. (added in the Battle Mountain update)
    • Lo And Behold — Defeat Beholder on Epic difficulty.
    • Unprotected — Defeat Protector on Epic difficulty. (added in the Battle Mountain update)
    • Dragon Slayer — Defeat Zombie Hydra on Epic difficulty. (added in the Battle Mountain update)
  • Battle Mountain challenges:
    • Trees Go To War — Defeat Armored Oak on Epic difficulty.
    • Die for Diamonds — Defeat Diamond Golem on Epic difficulty.
    • Hardware Upgrade — Defeat Praetorian MKII on Epic difficulty.
    • End of the Rainbow — Defeat Rainbow Rafflesia on Epic difficulty.
    • Shadow Huntress — Defeat Dark Anna on Epic difficulty.
    • Dark Seductress — Defeat Dark Natalie on Epic difficulty.
    • Captain of Death — Defeat Dark Matt on Epic difficulty.
    • Fallen Comrade — Defeat Dark Lance on Epic difficulty.
    • Foe Rush — Beat the Monster Marathon on Epic difficulty.
    • Miniboss Rush — Beat the Miniboss Marathon on Epic difficulty.
    • Boss Rush — Beat the Boss Marathon on Epic difficulty.
    • Mega Boss Rush — Beat the Mega Boss Marathon on Epic difficulty.
    • Dark Boss Rush — Beat the Dark Players Marathon on Epic difficulty.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

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To do: Medals and maybe some examples of foe behavior/attack differences.

Difficulty levels are handled similarly to EBF4...including the incredibly vague explanations on what they actually do. Other than the standard difficulty options (including the newly-introduced "Zero" option), the v2 update also added a new feature in Cheats & Challenges, which allow the player to enable certain custom settings that make the game easier or harder.


  • Zero — Enemy stats are scaled at 25%.
  • Easy — 50%.
  • Normal — 100%.
  • Hard — 150%. The Endless Battle in the Temple of Trials is forced to this difficulty.
  • Epic — 200%.


  • Difficulty mostly works the same as in EBF4, with modifiers to Attack/Magic Attack, HP, and Limit Break charging speed.
  • Difficulties below Normal now reduce all Status damage received by both players and foes (30% reduction on Easy and 65% reduction on Zero).
  • On difficulties below Normal, players have a lower chance of being inflicted with Stun, Freeze, Instant Death, and Confuse; enemy attacks that apply these statuses have their infliction chance reduced to 1/2 on Easy and 1/3 on Zero.
  • Before the v2 update fixed it, Endless Battle had the Limit Break charge speed depend on your actual difficulty, additionally, the aforementioned reduced status damage and reduced chance to be inflicted with crippling statuses also would apply if your actual difficulty was set to Easy or Zero. Finally, the enemies' behavior and attacks also depended on your actual difficulty.
Stat Modifier Statistics
Aspect Zero Easy Normal Hard Epic Endless
Attack/Magic Attack 0.3 0.5 1 1.5 2 1.5
HP 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.15 1.4 1
Evade 1 1 1 1 1 0.9
Limit Break charge speed 4 2 1 0.85 0.7 0.85

Additional differences

Just like in EBF4, most enemies get stronger attacks or have increased status chance/strength on their attacks on both Hard and Epic. A new addition in EBF5 is that certain foes become smarter on Hard and Epic, choosing the element the players are weakest to when attacking.


A new feature of the difficulty-specific medals in EBF5 is the ability to earn Stars by completing the requirements for each medal while simultaneously having all Challenges and no Cheats active. Capturing or killing the foes is irrelevant; the Medals will be earned either way.

Boss Medals

  • Pop Eye — Defeat Jotun on Epic difficulty.
  • Bash the Fash — Defeat Lance and the Neon Valkyrie on Epic difficulty.
  • The Cat King — Defeat Laurelin on Epic difficulty.
  • Forgotten Myths — Defeat Poseidon on Epic difficulty.
  • Ultimate Hero — Defeat The Devourer on Epic difficulty.

Miniboss Medals

Superboss Medals

  • Double Trouble — Defeat Sól and Skadi on Epic difficulty.
  • Drill Breaker — Defeat Neon Valhalla on Epic difficulty.
  • Catastrophe — Defeat Telperion on Epic difficulty.
  • Fry, You Fools — Defeat Vulcan on Epic difficulty.
  • No Respawns — Defeat the Crystal Hydra on Epic difficulty.
  • Determination — Defeat Snowflake on Epic difficulty.

Temple of Trials Medals

  • Dust to Dust — Defeat Matteus on Epic difficulty.
  • Purifying Flame — Defeat Natalia on Epic difficulty.
  • Twisted Metal — Defeat Lancelot on Epic difficulty.
  • Demon Hunter — Defeat Annabelle on Epic difficulty.
  • Super Sa*yan — Defeat God on Epic difficulty.
  • Deathbringer — Beat the Foe Rush on Epic difficulty.
  • Miniboss Slayer — Beat the Miniboss Rush on Epic difficulty.
  • Boss Slayer — Beat the Boss Rush on Epic difficulty.
  • Mega Boss Slayer — Beat the Mega Boss Rush on Epic difficulty.

Medals introduced in the v2 update