Heal More

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Heal More.png
"I'm pretty sure that's going to be the most useful spell in the game."
―Natalie, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Heal More (parsed as HealMore in first two games, and as Healmore in the third one) is an advanced healing skill available for Natalie in first three games of the series, for all characters in Epic Battle Fantasy 4, and for all characters but Lance in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


When cast, a large orb of white light appears in front of the party, releasing a spiral of smaller white pulses before vanishing. This restores a significant amount of HP to all allies.

In EBF3 and 4, equipping the Nurse Hat will boost the power of Heal More; in EBF4, the Mage Hat boosts it as well. In EBF5, any equipment that boosts the power of healing spells will increase its healing power.

Epic Battle Fantasy

HealMore is one of the skills under Natalie's "White Magic" category.

Heals both players.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP RdF
Allies Stat Magic.png -- ---- -- 75 5%
Power Status Chance Status Strength
5000 -- --

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

HealMore was slightly buffed from its previous appearance; its power was slightly increased and its MP cost was slightly reduced.

Heals both players.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP Acc RdF
Allies Stat Magic.png ---- -- 70 -- 5%
Power Status Chance Status Strength
5200 -- --
Skill Bonuses
Name Effect
Healer 1.4x healing multiplier
[1.2x healing multiplier]
Healer x2 2x healing multiplier
[1.4x healing multiplier]
Regenerate Sets targets' Regen stacks to 6x

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Like the rest of the skills in EBF3, Healmore needs to be learned and upgraded with Ability Points. Its MP costs were reduced from EBF2.

EBF3 Skill Healmore.png
Advanced healing magic. Heals all living party members.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies Magical ---- -- -- -- 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 8 -- -- 6 30
2 12 -- -- 10 100
3 16 -- -- 14 300
4 20 -- -- 18 700
5 26 -- -- 22 1500
6 32 -- -- 26 3000
7 40 -- -- 30 6000
8 50 -- -- 36 12000

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Heal More became a Special Skill available for all four characters, instead of being exclusive to Natalie. It and its single-target version become available when Natalie joins the party in Ashwood Forest. Compared to the previous game, it costs more MP per level and its last two upgrades require more AP.

EBF4 Skill Heal More.png
Heal More
Advanced healing magic. Heals all allies.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies+B Magical ---- -- -- -- 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 8 -- -- 16 30
2 12 -- -- 20 100
3 16 -- -- 24 300
4 20 -- -- 28 700
5 26 -- -- 32 1500
6 32 -- -- 36 3000
7 40 -- -- 40 9000
8 50 -- -- 45 18000
EBF4 Skill Heal.png
Note: Before the v2 update, it didn't affect backup.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Heal More is now the upgraded version of Heal, becoming accessible at Level 4. It can either target all allies for a weaker heal or a single ally for a stronger heal, in which case it acts like Heal. Its MP cost has been replaced by a 1-turn cooldown.

EBF5 Skill Heal More.png
Heal More
Powerful healing magic which heals all allies. It can also target a single ally for concentrated healing.
  • Has a 1-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies | Ally Magical ---- -- -- -- 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
4 15 | 60 -- -- 300
5 20 | 80 -- -- 700
6 25 | 90 -- -- 1500
7 35 | 95 -- -- 3000
8 50 | 100 -- -- 18000