Instant Death (status)

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Death status inflicted by Annihilate
EBF5 Status Death.png

Instant Death, or just Death, is a recurring status effect in the Epic Battle Fantasy series since Epic Battle Fantasy 3. It immediately kills its target, regardless of damage and health; a target killed this way will have the word "DEATH" appear above it, instead of a damage number. This is what separates the Death status from powerful attacks, which tend to kill their target through the application of ludicrous damage.

There are several attacks and skills that can inflict Death, but they usually have low chances of doing so. Some attacks have high chances of inflicting Death, but suffer from low accuracy or other penalties.

Almost all bosses are completely immune to Instant Death, and strong enemies tend to be immune or resistant. For players, some equipment may provide protection from Death, and some status effects may negate it — Auto-Revive will immediately bring the player back to life, Morale (EBF4&5) will leave a half-healthy player alive with 1 HP, Bless (EBF4&5) will block the status outright, and Good Luck (EBF5) will downgrade its effects to Stagger.

In EBF5, Doom becomes Instant Death when used against someone who's already inflicted with Bad Luck.

Status Death.png

Note that due to Instant Death lacking a dedicated icon before EBF5, tables for EBF3 and EBF4 use the EBF4 Doom icon to represent it in data tables, as does EBF4 in the status resistance list.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Although Epic Battle Fantasy 2 didn't have Instant Death as a status effect, there is one enemy attack with a similar function: the Zombie Hydra has the ability to summon Grim Reaper, dealing over 99999 non-elemental damage to a single player, resulting in a guaranteed death unless dodged. It can be viewed as the predecessor to the status. The attack itself also appears in later games, now inflicting Instant Death as an actual status.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

For everything related to the Doom status, which is basically Instant Death with an activation timer, see its own article.

In this game, Instant Death inflicts 9999999 damage to the victim, which will not count into damage medals. When a player dies to Instant Death, it fills their Limit Break bar by 50%.

Instant Death is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

Equipment providing resistance against Instant Death:

Enemy attacks that can cause Instant Death:

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

For everything related to the Doom status, which is basically Instant Death with an activation timer, see its own article.

In this game, Instant Death's damage equals to victim's maximum health, ignoring any sort of resistances and defences, and will count into damage medals (except if it comes from Doom). Instant Death's influence on the Limit Break bar is now nothing special and follows the usual procedure.

Instant Death is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

Equipment providing resistance against Instant Death (as well as Doom):

Enemy attacks that can cause Instant Death:

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Just like in EBF4, Instant Death's damage equals to victim's maximum health, ignoring any sort of resistances and defences, and will count into damage medals (except if it comes from Doom).

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To do: sources of instant death and equipment that grants resistance to it

Instant Death is available to Players through the following Skills and Equipment:

  • Shredder (Extra skill) — All: 25% at Max. level.
  • The Reaper (Extra skill) — Single target: 150% at Max. level.
  • Annihilate (Extra Limit Break) — All: 150% at Max. level.
  • Tsunami (Extra Limit Break) — All: 20% at Max. level.
  • Black Hole (Extra Limit Break) — Self: 200% at Max. level.
  • Alchemy Set (Natalie's staff) — 120% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • The Knife (Natalie's staff) — 50% at Max. level.
  • Super Snipe ZX (Lance's gun) — 50% at Max. level. (20% pre-v2)
  • Spine Snapper (Lance's gun) — 30% at Max. level.
  • Alchemist's Bow (Anna's bow) — 100% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • Pixel Popper (NoLegs toy) — 100% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).

Equipment providing resistance against Instant Death:

Enemy attacks that can cause Instant Death:

Summons that can cause Instant Death:


  • The Grim Reaper spell also exists in Epic Battle Fantasy, albeit unused. It is included into patterns of Skull Ghost and Zombie Goku, but (luckily) cannot be used due to certain oddities in coding. It would have an 1 in 3 chance to kill one player by inflicting massive damage far above survivable, like in EBF2.