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"Valkyrie, nuke my position, now. Stand back team, I'm gonna glass this whole area."
―Lance, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Emo0099.jpg "Son of a wood goblin! Watch where you detonate that sort of weapon! You could kill us all!"
―Anna, admonished by Lance's reckless precision, Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Nuke is a Fire-elemental Limit Break available for Lance in Epic Battle Fantasy 3, 4 and 5.


When cast, Lance pulls out his radio and orders the Valkyrie Tank/Neon Valkyrie to launch a Nuclear Bomb that hits the enemies in a devastating explosion. Highly accurate, it deals massive Fire-based damage to all foes (and players in EBF3) and inflicts a negative status effect (Poison in EBF3, Burn in EBF4 and EBF5) on foes and players alike. In EBF5, Nuke also changes the weather to Radiation, which will randomly debuff the defenses of foes and players between turns.

With its immense power, Nuke is a very useful and effective magical Limit Break. While it has annoying secondary effects in EBF4 and EBF5, it is not particularly dangerous, especially compared to Black Hole. On the other hand, the extreme recoil damage of its EBF3 incarnation requires a bit of planning to mitigate.

Foe Users

When used by foes, Nuke causes no negative side effects to the enemy side.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

It's worth noting that Nuke is not affected by Red Vulcan's boost to Fire skills.

EBF3 Skill Nuke.png
Limit Break! Extreme fire magic damage to everything. High accuracy. Radiation poisons everything.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Everyone Magical 100% Element Fire.png Status Poison.png 200% 20% 20%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 120 100% 3x -- 1000
2 180 100% 3x -- 2000
3 250 100% 3x -- 4000
4 320 100% 3x -- 8000
5 450 100% 3x -- 16000
EBF3 Skill Airstrike.png EBF3 Skill Bullet Hell.png

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Nuke no longer deals recoil damage to the players, and its status effect was changed from Poison to Burn.

EBF4 Skill Nuke.png
Limit Break! Targets all foes. Burns the targets and all allies too.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
100% Element Fire.png
Status Burn.png 200%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 150
100% 3x -- 300
2 230
100% 3x -- 900
3 320
100% 4x -- 2000
4 400
100% 4x -- 4000
5 500
100% 5x -- 12000
EBF4 Skill Air Strike.png EBF4 Skill Bullet Hell.png
Note: Forces the players to jump off the screen, curing Status Freeze.png Freeze.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Lance joins the party with Nuke already at Level 2. It is largely identical to its EBF4 version, but it always inflicts five Burn stacks at any level, and it also changes the weather to Radiation for five turns.

EBF5 Skill Nuke.png
Limit Break! Deals massive magical fire damage to all enemies, and burns all players and foes.
  • High accuracy.
  • Replaces the current weather with radiation for 5 turns.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
100% EBF5 Element Fire.png
EBF5 Status Burn.png 200%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 150
100% 5x N/A
2 230
100% 5x N/A
3 320
100% 5x 1000
4 400
100% 5x 3000
5 500
100% 5x 10000
Note: Forces the players to jump off the screen, curing EBF5 Status Freeze.png Freeze.
Before the v2 update, it changed the weather for 3 turns (incorrectly stated as 5 turns).


  • In EBF3, a Medal is awarded for using Nuke for the first time.
  • In EBF4, Nuke no longer dealing recoil damage to the players is explained as Lance having evacuated the entire team from the field right before the bomb hits.