Tired (status)

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"Evade and accuracy decreases every turn. Earth damage taken is increased by 50%."
―Tired's hover-over tip, Epic Battle Fantasy 4
in 4
in 5
Tired is a negative status effect in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5. Its icon is a green-yellow arrow pointing down in EBF4, while it is a black and white tire instead in EBF5. It is generally associated with the Earth element.

Similar to the Weaken and Curse statuses, Tired debuffs the affected's Accuracy and Evade each turn (with specific amount varying between games). Additional application of Tired will increase the duration of the ailment, but does not affect debuff rate.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Tired debuffs the affected's Accuracy and Evade by by 10% each turn, unaffected by debuff resistances. This doesn't cancel out natural (de)buff fading (by 5% per turn) and works in conjunction with it, totalling to 15% debuff per turn when the affected has corresponding stat buffs, or 5% otherwise. Additional application of Tired will increase the duration of the ailment, but does not affect debuff rate.

Tired also increases Earth-elemental damage taken by 50% (and only the elemental part); each time an Earth attack is boosted, one stack of Tired will be consumed. Before the v2 update (but after the Battle Mountain update), Stun was the status that boosted Earth-elemental damage while Tired had no secondary effect. Before the Battle Mountain update, Tired boosted Earth-elemental skills by 50% without consuming stacks and Stun had no secondary effect (their tooltips however, claimed the opposite).

Tired can be cured with Garlic (consumable item), Purify, Medipack, Cleanse (ordinary skills) and Kyun (Natalie's Limit Break). Like most status effects, it also vanishes after the battle, when the victim dies (except if with Auto-Revive), or after a number of turns.

Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

Tired is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

  • Gaia Bloom — up to 100% [80%] chance and 6x [5x] length.
  • Gaia Blossom — up to 70% [60%] chance and 4x length, targets all foes.
  • Blood Blade (sword) — up to 50% chance and 3x length at base.
  • Alchemy Set (staff) — ≈7.7% chance to roll the required status, which is applied with up to 100% chance and 9x length at base. Additionally, it may counter with Spectrum — up to 130% chance and 9x length.
  • Flower Pot (staff) — up to 80% chance and 4x length at base.
  • Flower Pot (staff) may cast Gaia Bloom — see above.
  • Flower Pot (staff) may summon Gaia Bloom — see above. (This part was added in the Battle Mountain update.)
  • Alchemist's Bow (bow) — ≈7.7% chance to roll the required status, which is applied with up to 100% chance and 9x length at base.
  • Legend inflicts the status on the user — 100% chance, 2x length, ignores resistances. Equilibrium (sword, BM Premium only) can counterattack with Legend.
  • Slime Bunny Ears (female hat) may inflict the status on the user — up to 66.(6)% chance and 2x length, ignores resistances.
  • Knight Armor (male armor) may inflict the status on the user — up to 50% chance and 2x length, ignores resistances.

Equipment providing resistance against Tired:

Enemy attacks that can cause Tired:

  • After two turns since entering the battle, Fluffy Bat starts to self-induce Tired — 100% chance, 1x length every turn.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Tired debuffs the affected's Accuracy and Evade by by 15% each turn. This doesn't cancel out natural (de)buff fading (by 5% per turn) and works in conjunction with it, totalling to 20% debuff per turn when the affected has corresponding stat buffs, or 10% otherwise. Tired's debuffs are still affected by debuff resistance, and can't debuff past the (80-debuff resist)% debuff cap.

It also increases any Bio-elemental damage taken by 50% (and only the elemental part of it), this will use up one stack of Tired per attack. Since Poison and Virus damage is Bio-elemental, it'll also get boosted by Tired, however, unlike direct attacks this will not consume stacks of Tired.

Tired can be cured with Garlic (consumable item), Purify, Medipack/Health Strike, Cleanse (ordinary skills) and 7th Heaven (Natalie's Limit Break). Like most status effects, it also vanishes after the battle, when the victim dies (except if with Auto-Revive), or after a number of turns.

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To do: sources of Tired, resistance from equipment