Auto-Revive (status)

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"Will revive when killed for x turns."
―Auto-Revive's hover-over tip, Epic Battle Fantasy 3
  • Players' version in EBF2.

    Players' version in EBF2.

  • From EBF3 onwards.

    From EBF3 onwards.

  • Auto-Revive, named Autolife prior to EBF4, is a recurring positive status effect in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, introduced in EBF2. Its icons are a white wing (in EBF2) and a golden halo (in later games). Auto-Revive immediately revives the target when they are killed, with all buffs, debuffs and status effects (except for players in EBF2) intact, besides Auto-Revive itself. The amount of health restored after revival varies from game to game, usually only a portion of maximum health.

    Like most status effects, it also vanishes after the battle (in EBF3 onwards) / upon reaching a checkpoint (in EBF2), when inflicted by Dispel (except in EBF3), or after a number of turns.

    An illustration to the second point.


    • It is absent among foes with the exception of Spirit and PHOENIX, whose signature ability is to enter battle with Auto-Revive status on them.
    • If an attack is multi-hit and lasts for long enough, the target may first die, then revive and get hurt by successive hits, possibly dying twice to the same attack. In other words, Auto-Revive doesn't always save from long multi-hit attacks like Legend.
    • Dying with Auto-Revive is still considered as a death for game statistics (in EBF3 onwards).

    Epic Battle Fantasy 2

    • For players, it heals for this player's current Autolife length * 10 * Natalie's Magic Attack, including any existent boosts and buffs for it, with base Magic Attack specified as displayed in the Help menu. For Spirit, it restores all health. Neither is randomized.
    • For players, the status preserves only stat (de)buffs and not effects like Regen and Blind. It works normally for Spirit.

    Autolife is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

    • Revive — Sets target's Autolife length to 5 turns.
    • Mystery Potion's good statuses variant — +5x Autolife stacks.

    Skill bonuses related to Autolife:

    • Jebus for Matt — If current Autolife length is ≤2, sets Autorevive length to 2x after using Legend.
    • Angel for Natalie — Grants 10% chance to give Natalie's +2x Autolife at the beginning of their side's turn. Before the EBF Collection update, it set Autolife length to 2x, which could potentially make it harmful.
    • Jebus for Natalie — If current Autolife length is ≤2, sets Autorevive length to 2x after using Judgement.
    • Divinity for Natalie — Sets Autlife length of the revived target to 2x.

    Like all positive status effects, Autolife caps at 9x stacks; before the EBF Collection update it originally had no cap.

    Epic Battle Fantasy 3

    • Auto-Revive heals for 33% of maximum health, not randomized.
    • It isn't capped.
    • It isn't affected by Dispel.

    Auto-Revive is available to players only through the following skills:

    • Revive — 100% chance, 5x length.
    • Genesis since upgrade level 3 — 100% chance, 5x length, targets all players.

    Epic Battle Fantasy 4

    Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.
    • For players, Auto-Revive heals for 33% of maximum health, ±5%. For Spirits, it heals for 50% of maximum health, ±15%.
    • It is now capped at 9x length, like other statuses.
    • It does not preserve the Slimed status upon revival.
    • Auto-Revive will not work if the attack Dispels the target — due to Dispel's order in statuses-related calculations, presence of Auto-Revive (as well as Morale) will be checked only after Dispel took the effect and erased them.

    Auto-Revive is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

    Although Diamond Golem can cast Genesis when low on HP, its variant won't provide Auto-Revive but Defend status instead.

    Epic Battle Fantasy 5

    • For players, Auto-Revive heals for 33% of maximum health, ±5%. For PHOENIX, it heals for their full health.
    • Like in EBF4, if the attack that kills also inflicts Dispel, Auto-Revive will be removed before taking effect.
    • Due to a bug, players in the backrow will not retain their de/buffs and status effects when revived with Auto-Revive.

    Auto-Revive is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

    • Revive — 100% chance, 5x length.
    • Genesis — 100% chance, 5x length, targets all players.
    • PHOENIX (summon) - 100% chance, 5x length, targets all players
    • Godly Book (Cat Toys) may inflict the status on the user — 50% chance, 1x length.
    • Red Ribbon (female hat) may inflict the status on the user — 25% chance, 2x length.
    • Priest's Tunic (male armor may inflict the status on the user — 50% chance, 1x length.
    • Pope's Dress (female armor) may inflict the status on the user — 50% chance, 1x length.
    • Fairy (flair) may inflict the status on the user — 25% chance, 2x length.
    • Fairy (flair) inflicts status on Defend — 1x length

    Although Natalia can cast Genesis as a Limit Break, her variant won't provide Auto-Revive.


    • In an early build of EBF4, a different Auto-Revive icon can be seen. 6th from the left in the status row, it resembles the icon of the Genesis skill.