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Natalie eating a hamburger.

Food is a category of items in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, making its first appearance in the third game. It is used to replenish characters' HP and MP, clear away status ailments or debuffs, buff their statistics, and provide some other miscellaneous bonuses during battle, or even increase their stats permanently.

Food are essentially a replacement for well-known generic "potions" commonly present in video games (especially RPGs), including the first two games of the series. Following Epic Battle Fantasy's light-hearted nature, food are mostly fruits, sweets, cakes, fast-foods, drinks, and a few fairly humorous items.

For item usage in forging equipment, see Food/Forging. For drop rates from foes, see Farming.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Food can be found in chests and is occasionally dropped by enemies. It can also be bought (and sold) at the Old Brick Inn, located in The Town.

In this game, characters will express their reaction to food eaten, different for each player. A heart signalizes they like the item, a skull is the opposite, and no expression means neutral reaction. This is only for visuals and has no impact on the item's effects.

Image Name Effect Price Reaction
Matt Natalie Lance
Item Kiwi.png Kiwi Heals an ally for 300 HP. 30 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - -
Item Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Heals an ally for 1,500 HP. Great for Halloween. 150 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - -
Item Coconut.png Coconut Heals an ally for 5,000 HP. Kills more people than sharks. 480 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Dislike.png
Item Watermelon.png Watermelon Heals an ally for 10,000 HP. Smash it at the beach. 1000 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - -
Item Pineapple.png Pineapple Heals all living party members for 3,000 HP. 1500 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - -
Item Muffin.png Muffin Heals an ally for 50 MP. 120 - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png -
Item Ice Cream.png Icecream Heals an ally for 200 MP. 600 - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png -
Item Cupcake.png Cupcake Heals an ally for 500 MP. 1400 - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png -
Item Sundae.png Sundae Heals an ally for 1000 MP. 3000 - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png -
Item Softdrink.png Softdrink Buffs an ally's accuracy by 70%. 300 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png
Item Beer.png Beer Buffs an ally's attack by 70%. 300 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Dislike.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png
Item Milk.png Milk Buffs an ally's magic attack by 70%. 300 - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png
Item Coffee.png Coffee Revives a fallen ally. 1000 - EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png -
Item Garlic.png Garlic Heals status defects. Is disgusting. 10 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Dislike.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Dislike.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Dislike.png
Item Burger.png Hamburger Fully heals HP and MP. Boosts fatness. 10000 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Dislike.png EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png
Item Pizza.png Pizza Fully heals all living party members. Tastes real good. 40000 EBF3 Food Reaction Icon Like.png - -

Note that although Natalie is supposed to like Coffee, reactions can be displayed only when the character is alive; since Coffee only works on dead characters, Natalie's reaction to it goes unused.


A special type of Food that permanently increases a character's statistics by a fixed amount when eaten; the final stat is calculated by (base scaled to level + total food bonus) * total equipment bonus * in-battle (de)buff. It is considerably rarer than normal food and cannot be purchased in a shop; it can only be found in chests or received as a reward for completing quests.

NOTE: In EBF3, healing skills are unaffected by permanent food bonuses for Magic Attack due to an oversight in coding. Fortunately, they should be plenty strong enough either way.

Image Name Effect
Item Chocolate Cornet.png Choco Cornet Permanently increases HP by 100.
Item Yoghurt.png Yoghurt Permanently increases MP by 10.
Item Bacon.png Bacon Permanently increases Attack by 3.
Item Beef.png Beef Permanently increases Defence by 2.
Item Cake.png Cake Permanently increases Magic Attack by 3.
Item Chocolate.png Chocolate Permanently increases Magic Defence by 2.
Item Lollipop.png Lollipop Permanently increases Accuracy by 1.
Item Gummy Bear.png Gummy Bear Permanently increases Evade by 1.

Related Medals

  • Fatty — Eat a Hamburger. (Must be consumed in-battle, not in overworld)

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Food can be found in chests or dropped by certain foes, but each town contains a dedicated Food Shop where it can be bought and sold. However, some foods (Burger, Pizza, and Orange Juice) are sold at the Rare Shop instead of the Food Shop, while Chili Sauce can't be bought in a shop at all.

The Battle Mountain update has completely changed the stats of Crisps and Chips. This article lists both updated and old requirements, with the latter marked by square brackets.

The v3 update halved the price of Coffee, the original price is indicated between braces.

Image Name Effect Price
Item Kiwi.png Kiwi Heals an ally for 300 HP. 30
Item Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Heals an ally for 1500 HP. 160
Item Coconut.png Coconut Heals an ally for 7000 HP. 700
Item Watermelon.png Watermelon Heals an ally for 40000 HP. 6000
Item Muffin.png Muffin Heals an ally for 50 MP. 120
Item Ice Cream.png Ice Cream Heals an ally for 200 MP. 600
Item Cupcake.png Cupcake Heals an ally for 500 MP. 1600
Item Sundae.png Sundae Heals an ally for 1000 MP. 3500
Item Cherry.png Cherry Heals all living party members for 200 HP. 60
Item Lemon.png Lemon Heals all living party members for 1000 HP. 300
Item Pineapple.png Pineapple Heals all living party members for 6000 HP. 3000
Item Chocolate.png Chocolate Heals all living party members for 300 MP. 3300
Item Cheese.png Cheese Heals an ally for 1600 HP and 160 MP. 500
Item Fried Chicken.png Fried Chicken Heals an ally for 8000 HP and 800 MP. 4000
Item Crisps.png Crisps Heals all living party members for 25% of their max HP.
[Heals all living party members for 500 HP and 50 MP.]
Item Chips.png Chips Heals all living party members for 50% of their max HP.
[Heals all living party members for 3000 HP and 300 MP.]
Item Softdrink.png Softdrink Buffs an ally's accuracy by 70%. 400
Item Energy Drink.png Energy Drink Buffs an ally's evade by 70%. 400
Item Beer.png Beer Buffs an ally's attack by 70%. 400
Item Milk.png Milk Buffs an ally's magic attack by 70%. 400
Item Coffee.png Coffee Revives a fallen ally with 30% HP. 500 {1000}
Item Garlic.png Garlic Heals an ally's status problems. 20
Item Burger.png Burger Fully heals an ally. Very rare. 10000
Item Pizza.png Pizza Fully heals all living party members. Very rare. 50000
Item Orange Juice.png Orange Juice Buffs an ally's maximum HP by 70%. Very rare. 500
Item Chilli Sauce.png Chilli Sauce Fills up an ally's Limit Bar instantly. Very rare. N/A


Unlike the previous game, stat-boosting foods are available in a shop — the special Rare Shop located in the Whitefall Town. However, unlike normal shops, the prices in the Rare Shop double each time another item of the same kind is bought (starting from 1000), which makes buying consecutive items quite expensive. Some foes can drop certain stat boosters, although the chances of them doing so is low enough to make farming next to useless.

EBF4 also changed the way stat-boosting foods work; they now provide a percentage-based bonus (2% for each item) instead of a fixed value. The final stat is now calculated with the following formula:

base scaled to level * total food bonus * total equipment bonus * in-battle (de)buff.

The v2 update added the option to reset all used steroids, allowing the player to redistribute them at any point in the game.

Image Name Stat
Item Honeycomb.png Honeycomb HP
Item Sushi.png Sushi MP
Item Ham.png Ham Attack
Item Beef.png Beef Defence
Item Cake.png Cake Magic Attack
Item Donut.png Donut Magic Defence
Item Lollipop.png Lollipop Accuracy
Item Candycane.png Candycane Evade

Related Medals

  • Lunchtime — consume any Food item in the overworld. (Permanent Stat Booster foods doesn't count towards it.)
  • Taste Pain — consume Chilli Sauce. (In the overworld, feeding it to a player whose Limit Break bar is already full won't consume the item, yet still award the Medal.)
  • Overpriced Snacks — buy enough of an item in the Rare Shop (which includes more than just these items) to raise its price to at least 500,000 gold.
  • Permanent Stat Boost — consume a permanent stat booster.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Food items can be bought in five shops: Sadie's Food Shop in Hope Harbor, Pam's Food Shop in Hope Harbor, the makeshift stall in Iron Fortress, Ronja's Food Shops in Greenwood Village and Barman's Food Shop in Redpine Town. V2 adds Val and Hal's Food and Material Shop in The Great Sea.

Image Name Description Price
EBF5 Item Pumpkin.png
Pumpkin Heals an ally for 300 HP, or 20% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 30
EBF5 Item Pineapple.png
Pineapple Heals an ally for 1000 HP, or 40% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 160
EBF5 Item Watermelon.png
Watermelon Heals an ally for 3000 HP, or 60% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 700
EBF5 Item Dragon Fruit.png
Dragon Fruit Heals an ally for 10000 HP, or 80% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 6000
EBF5 Item Raspberries.png
Raspberries Heals all living party members for 200 HP, or 20% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 250
EBF5 Item Blueberries.png
Blueberries Heals all living party members for 1000 HP, or 30% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 1600
EBF5 Item Cloudberries.png
Cloudberries Heals all living party members for 6000 HP, or 40% of their max HP. Whichever is higher. 8000
EBF5 Item Garlic.png
Garlic Heals an ally's status problems. 20
EBF5 Item Banana.png
Banana Heals an ally's debuff problems. 30
EBF5 Item Pretzel.png
Pretzel Heals the debuff problems of all allies, and stuffs them for 2 turns. 4000
EBF5 Item Apple.png
Apple Reduces an ally's cooldowns by 1. 100
EBF5 Item Cupcake.png
Cupcake Reduces an ally's cooldowns by 2, and stuffs them for 3 turns. 1000
EBF5 Item Beer.png
Beer Buffs an ally's attack by 60%. 400
EBF5 Item Cola.png
Cola Buffs an ally's magic attack by 60%. 400
EBF5 Item Iron Brew.png
Iron Brew Buffs an ally's accuracy by 60%. 400
EBF5 Item Energy Drink.png
Energy Drink Buffs an ally's evade by 60%. 400
EBF5 Item Coffee.png
Coffee Revives a fallen ally with 30% HP. 500
EBF5 Item Espresso.png
Espresso Revives a fallen ally with 100% HP and buffs their HP by 50%. Very rare. N/A
EBF5 Item Chili Pepper.png
Chili Pepper Fills up an ally's Limit Bar instantly and also scorches them. Very rare. N/A
EBF5 Item Orange Juice.png
Orange Juice Buffs an ally's maximum HP by 100%. Very rare. N/A
EBF5 Item Crisps.png
Crisps Reduces the cooldowns of all allies by 1, and stuffs them for 1 turn. 3000
EBF5 Item Chips.png
Chips Heals all living party members for 60% of their max HP, and stuffs them for 2 turns. 10000
EBF5 Item Hamburger.png
Hamburger Fully heals an ally, reduces their cooldowns by 3, and stuffs them for 3 turns. 10000
EBF5 Item Pizza.png
Pizza Fully heals all living party members, reduces their cooldowns by 3, and stuffs them for 3 turns. Very rare. N/A


These items boost the characters' stats permanently. Unlike in previous games, each character has their own set of Steroids (some of which boost two stats at the same time), which removes a layer of party customization. Other than that, they are largely the same as in EBF4: they are generally obtained from chests and quests, but a few foes have a very low chance of dropping some; they can also be bought from Steroid Shops in Hope Harbor, Greenwood Village, and Redpine Town, with the price starting at 1000 gold and doubling each time one of the same kind is purchased.

Steroids provide a percentage bonus to the base stat, with different types providing different boosts. The final stat is calculated by: base scaled to level * total food bonus * total equipment bonus * in-battle (de)buff).

Using a Steroid for the first time awards the Roid Rage Medal.

Attack &
(2% boost)
Magic Attack &
Magic Defence
(2% boost)
Evade &
(1% boost)
Health Points
(2% boost)
Matt EBF5 Item Crispy Bacon.png
Crispy Bacon
EBF5 Item Raw Beef.png
Raw Beef
EBF5 Item Chicken Leg.png
Chicken Leg
EBF5 Item Fried Egg.png
Fried Egg
Natalie EBF5 Item Poptart.png
EBF5 Item Donut.png
EBF5 Item Cake.png
EBF5 Item Lollipop.png
Lance EBF5 Item Bread.png
EBF5 Item Potato.png
EBF5 Item Red Pill.png
Red Pill
EBF5 Item Mushroom.png
Anna EBF5 Item Turnip.png
EBF5 Item Grapes.png
EBF5 Item Mint Leaf.png
Mint Leaf
EBF5 Item Hard Nut.png
Hard Nut
NoLegs EBF5 Item Sushi.png
EBF5 Item Riceball.png
EBF5 Item Yoghurt.png
EBF5 Item Chocolate Milk.png
Chocolate Milk


  • The effects of food that boosts stats permanently are always stored as a separate value and are affected by any bonuses normally, so you don't have to rush or wait to get the most benefit from them. In that sense, this type of food is "installed", not "consumed".
  • The Honeycomb being used as the permanent HP booster item in EBF4 may be a reference to the Banjo-Kazooie series, where honeycombs are used to represent the player's health.
  • The Beer can's appearance, with a red T letter on a yellow background, is based on a common Scottish Alcoholic beverage, Tennent's Lager.
  • Iron Brew is also based on a real life Scottish drink, Irn-Bru.
  • Two of Anna's Steroids, the Mint Leaf and Hard Nut, are references to the Golden Sun series. In it, there are permanent stat boosters with the same names. Appropriately, in Golden Sun Mint raises the eater's agility while Hard Nuts raise defense.