Toxic Squid

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"Hmm, that squid came out of a pool of sludge. To eat, or not to eat...?"
―Matt meets Toxic Squid, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Toxic Squid is a foe that appears in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. It is found in the Waste Disposal Plant and the Lankyroot Jungle.


The Toxic Squid is a huge squid with a dull purple tint to its skin and a bulbous, rotund head with light grey markings resembling a distorted skull. It has large green eyes flanking its tubular mouth, and two long tentacles it uses as arms.


The Toxic Squid is quite bulky, as it has high health and many resistances, and on Hard/Epic enters the battle with many stacks of Poison which it absorbs, effectively regenerating each turn. However, Toxic Squid also has significant weaknesses to several elements and Instant Death, which can be abused (e.g. via the Frost Wraith summon) to dispatch it in a far easier manner.

The Toxic Squid has several strong physical attacks, and is also capable of inflicting Poison, Curse and debuffing Accuracy. However, all of its damaging attacks are single-target, so it should be easy enough to defend against. It still has a strong Attack stat and should not be taken lightly.


Icon bestiary ebf4 toxic squid.png Toxic Squid EBF4
A giant squid which lives in toxic waste and uses dark and poison attacks. Can greatly lower the party's accuracy.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
562 6 4 6 4 4 4 70 14 14 80 50
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
50% -80% -50% -80% 200% - 50% 200% -80% 200%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- 70% 70% - - - - - - - - -50%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Tentacle Bio Virus Seaweed Glass - - -
Name Tentacle Bio Virus Seaweed Glass - - -
Chance 100% 40% 80% 50% - - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
3.5% -3% per stack,
up to -27%
25% -33.(3)%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Prior to the Battle Mountain update, it had -30% Death & Doom resistance instead.

Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
Icon bestiary ebf4 toxic squid.png Toxic Squid EBF4
A giant squid which lives in toxic waste and uses dark and poison attacks. Can greatly lower the party's accuracy.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
562 6 4 6 4 4 4 70 14 14 80 50
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
50% - - -80% 200% - 50% 200% -80% 200%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- 70% 70% - - - - - - - - 70%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Tentacle Bio Virus Seaweed Glass - - -
Name Tentacle Bio Virus Seaweed Glass - - -
Chance 100% 40% 80% 50% - - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
3.5% -3% per stack,
up to -27%
25% -33.(3)%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

On Hard and Epic difficulties, enters the battle with 9x Status Poison.png Poison.

Attacks and Abilities

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Jab Single 45 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Double Jab Single 75 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Poisonous Jab Single 50 Physical 50% Element Poison.png 100% 3x Status Poison.png 100% 10% 10%
Ink Shot Single 55 Magical 100% Element Dark.png 100% 50% StatDown Accuracy.png 100% 10% 10%
Dark Cloud All -- -- ---- 50%
Status Curse.png
StatDown Accuracy.png
100% -- --

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Double Jab;
  • ≥49% HP → Jab (1/4), Poisonous Jab (1/4), Ink Shot (1/4), Dark Cloud (1/4);
  • <49% HP → Double Jab (1/4), Poisonous Jab (1/4), Ink Shot (1/4), Dark Cloud (1/4).