Skill Bonuses

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Example selection screen, with currently chosen bonuses highlighted white

Skill Bonuses are a gameplay mechanic unique to Epic Battle Fantasy 2. After every few waves of enemies, a special screen will appear where the player can upgrade both Matt and Natalie by increasing one of their stats and selecting one of multiple available Skill Bonuses to help them for the rest of the game.


Skill bonuses provide the player characters with various effects that can range from an additional boost to their stats (such as "Mighty Warrior" or "Wizardry"), improvement of the power or special effects of their skills (such as "Hurricane" or "Thunderclap"), ability to randomly cast additional spells between turns (such as "Bunny!!!" or "Cat Tamer"), instantly counter enemy attacks with their own (such as "Counter" or "Magic Counter"), to some more miscellaneous or unique effects (such as "Survivor" or "Protection (M)").

The Skill Bonuses available depend on the player's actions during battle, such as what skills and swords were used and how hard they were hit (e.g. using Airstrike will make Airstrike-improving bonuses appear). Every bonus has an action or another sort of criteria tied to it; performing the action or fulfilling the criteria will increase that bonus's hidden point counter by a set amount of points. When the player completes the appropriate wave, the game picks the bonuses with the highest amount of accumulated points for Matt and Natalie to choose from and presents them on the upgrade menu. Each player will have three bonuses to choose from (four after the EBF Collection update); if there are any ties for the last slot, the game will pick whichever bonus has the higher index number (see the table at the bottom for reference).

Any Skill Bonus selected by the player will be added to their skill bonus list and removed from the pool for future selections. Unchosen bonuses will return to the pool; however, they will have their amount of accumulated points halved. If a Skill Bonus has another bonus as a prerequisite, it won't start to accumulate points until the prerequisite has been selected; it's worth noting that the effects of said bonuses also don't stack (e.g. having both "Astrology" and "Astrology x2" only gives a 50% damage boost to the related skills, not 75%).


Matt has a total of 49 (38 pre-EBF Collection update) Skill Bonuses available to choose from. The list is ordered thematically for convenience, bonuses added in the EBF Collection update are in bold.

Skill Bonus In-game Description Notes Unlocked by
Never Forgive Boosts the power of Revenge by 40% Using Revenge
+1 per use
Bloodthirsty Boosts the power of Drain by 50%, +20% resistance to Poison Before the EBF Collection update, didn't give Poison resistance (the element, not the status) Using Drain
+1 per use
Magic Shatter Adds a powerful MagicDefenceDown effect to Drain Debuffs target's Magic Defence by 40% with 100% chance Using Drain
+0.8 per use
Starts from -1
Hurricane Boosts Windslash by 40%, +20% resistance to Wind and Holy Before the EBF Collection update, it didn't give Holy resistance and also didn't actually provide +10% Wind resistance Using Windslash
+1 per use
Rock On Boosts Quake by 40%, +20% resistance to Earth and Bomb Before the EBF Collection update, only gave +10% resistance, and gave Wind resistance instead of Bomb resistance Using Quake
+1 per use
Sub Zero Boosts IceBerg by 40%, +20% resistance to Earth and Ice Before the EBF Collection update, only gave +10% resistance, and gave Water resistance instead of Earth resistance Using Iceberg
+1 per use
Burning Soul Boosts Eruption by 40%, +20% resistance to Fire and Bomb Before the EBF Collection update, only gave +10% resistance, and gave Ice resistance instead of Bomb resistance Using Eruption
+1 per use
Earthquake Quake, Eruption and Iceberg do extra Earth damage to all foes Damage is dealt as a separate hit: 1800 power, physical, 100% Earth-elemental, 150% Acc. Gets a 20% boost from Stone Edge Using Quake, Iceberg or Eruption
+0.4 per use
Sword Heart Boosts Unleash's damage by 40% Using Unleash
+1 per use
Holy Power Boosts Seiken by 40%, +20% resistance to Dark Using Seiken
+1 per use
Shield Shatter Adds a powerful DefenceDown effect to Seiken Debuffs target's Defence by 40% with 100% chance Using Seiken
+0.8 per use
Starts from -1
Legendary Boosts the power of Legend by 30% Before the EBF Collection update, it only boosted the final attack by 50% Using Legend
+1 per use
Jebus Gives Autolife status to player after using Legend Sets Autolife status stacks to 2x (only if current stacks are equal or lower) Using Legend
+1 per use
(requires Legendary),
using Rune Blade
+0.3 each turn
Sniper Boosts Accuracy by 50% Note that due to an oversight, the Accuracy bonus is permanently lost upon switching Swords. Using Bushido category
+0.2 per use
Cat Tamer NoLegs will randomly bring Healing Items on his own Has 20% chance to appear each turn. Won't activate at the same turn as Cat Warrior. Unlike manual use, won't count for nor benefit from Chemist Using NoLegs
+1 per use
Cat Warrior NoLegs will randomly attack foes on his own Has 10% chance to strike with sword, 15% to throw a bomb each turn. Won't activate at the same turn as Cat Tamer. Unlike manual use, won't count for nor benefit from Chemist. NoLegs summoned via Cat Tamer also counts towards this bonus Using NoLegs
+1.2 per use
BlackSmith Temper adds an extra 20% Attack 70% buff in total Using Temper
+1 per use
Secret Weapon Adds a new type of bomb for AirStrike Each type has 33.3% chance to be used (1/3). Airstrikes summoned via Aerial Support also count towards this bonus Using Airstrike's "peace bomb"
+2.5 per use
Aerial Support AirStrike activates randomly Has 30% chance to activate each turn Using Airstrike's missiles
+3 per use
Fear Lord Boosts Screamer by 40%, +20% resistance to Holy Before the EBF Collection update, didn't actually provide Holy resistance Using Screamer
+1 per use
Extreme Metal Boosts Power Metal's damage by 50% Before the EBF Collection update, the description incorrectly said it boosted by 40% Using Power Metal
+1 per use
Healing Metal Boosts Power Metal's healing by 50% Before the EBF Collection update, it boosted by 30% Using Power Metal
+0.8 per use
Ready Edge Buffs Attack when switching swords Buffs Attack by 50%. Before the EBF Collection update, gave +40% buff only if Attack buff was less than 10% Switching swords
+1 per swap
Mighty Warrior Boosts Attack, Magic Attack, Defence, and Magic Defence by 4% Before the EBF Collection update, base Defence and Magic Defence were ignored in damage calculations Using Heaven's Gate
+0.4 each turn
Mana Leech Adds MP drain to basic attack for some other swords Works with Standard Attack, Windslash, Legend and Cleaver. Combines with other on-hit effects except for Blood Blade and Rune Blade itself Using Rune Blade
+0.5 each turn
Rock Solid Boosts Defence by 8% Before the EBF Collection update, base Defence and Magic Defence were ignored in damage calculations Using Blood Blade
+0.5 each turn
Earthern Soul Boosts Magic Defence by 8% Before the EBF Collection update, base Defence and Magic Defence were ignored in damage calculations Using Stone Edge
+0.4 each turn
Fiery Spirit Immune to freezing, +20% resistance to Fire, Thunder and Ice Before the EBF Collection update, only gave +10% resistance, and didn't give Thunder resistance Using Inferno
+0.4 each turn
Scorched Earth +20% resistance to Holy, Fire, Earth, and Bomb Using Inferno or Stone Edge
+0.3 each turn
Arctic Wind +20% resistance to Thunder, Ice, Water and Wind Before the EBF Collection update, only gave +10% resistance, and gave Fire resistance instead of Thunder resistance Using Blizzard
+0.3 each turn
Venomous Immune to Poison and Stun, +20% resistance to Poison For Poison, gives immunity to the status effect, and resistance to the element. Before the EBF Collection update, didn't give resistance to Poison element Using Black Fang
+0.4 each turn
Eagle Eye Boosts Evade by 5%, and Accuracy by 20% Using Swift Brand
+0.5 each turn
Swordbreaker Adds AttackDown effect to basic attack of most swords Debuffs target's Attack by 20% with 150% chance. Stacks with Anarchy's default debuff for a total of 40% with 200% chance. Works with Standard Attack, Revenge, Drain, Windslash, Legend and Cleaver. Combines with other on-hit effects except for Black Fang. Before the EBF Collection update, didn't work with Drain Using Anarchy
+0.4 each turn
Dark Knight +20% resistance to Dark, Poison, Wind and Bomb Using Anarchy or Black Fang
+0.3 each turn
Slayer Boosts Attack by 8% Using Soul Eater
+0.5 each turn
The Force Boosts Magic Attack by 8% Using Razorback
+0.4 each turn
Swordsman Boosts standard attack by 40% Standard attacks used via Counter also count towards this bonus Using Standard Attack
+1 per use
Cleaver Boosts the power of a certain ultimate attack by 40% Using Cleaver
+4 per use
Ultra Cleaver Boosts the power of a certain ultimate attack by 100% Using Cleaver
+4 per use
Requires Cleaver
Starts from -0.1
Giga Cleaver Boosts the power of a certain ultimate attack by 200% Using Cleaver
+6 per use
Requires Giga Cleaver
Starts from -0.1
Defender Doubles the effect of defend Effectively reduces incoming physical damage by 87.5% (7/8), and magical damage by 75% (3/4). Before the EBF Collection update, it reduced physical damage by 93.75% due to Defend reducing damage more than intended Getting hit while Defending
+1 per hit
Magic Tank Buffs magic defence when using Defend Buffs by +50% Using Defend
+2 per use
Starts from -0.1
Chemist Boosts Item effects by 40% Affects both healing/buffing and damaging items, including items used via NoLegs. Before the EBF Collection update, actually only boosted by 30% Using Items or NoLegs
+1 per use
Chemist x2 Boosts Item effects by 80% Affects both healing/buffing and damaging items, including items used via NoLegs Before the EBF Collection update, actually only boosted by 60% Using Items or NoLegs
+0.6 per use
Requires "Chemist"
Starts from -0.1
Potion Thief Standard Attack steals an item (each foe has one item) Works even if the attack misses, item is fixed for each type of foe Using Standard Attack
+2 per use
Starts from -0.5
Counter Counter physical attacks sometimes Has 50% chance to activate upon getting hit. Works well with swords and skill bonuses that add on-hit effects to Matt's attacks (such as Anarchy and Mana Leech) Automatically
+0.15 each turn
Counter x2 Counter physical attacks more often Has 100% chance to activate upon getting hit. Works well with swords and skill bonuses that add on-hit effects to Matt's attacks (such as Anarchy and Mana Leech) Automatically
+0.1 each turn
Requires "Counter"
Starts from -0.1
Berzerker Attack increases when hit by a powerful attack Gives +50% Attack buff. Before the EBF Collection update, only gave +25% Getting hit by a powerful attack
+1 per hit
Survivor 30% chance of surviving a lethal attack with 1HP Actually gives 33.3% chance (1/3) Dying
+3 per death


Natalie has a total of 54 (31 before the EBF Collection update) Skill Bonuses available to choose from. The list is ordered thematically for convenience, bonuses added in the EBF Collection update are in bold.

Skill Bonus In-game Description Notes Unlocked by
White Magic
Cleric Boosts Magic Defence by 9% Before the EBF Collection update, base Defence and Magic Defence were ignored in damage calculations Using White Magic category
+0.3 per use
Immunity 50% immunity to all bad status effects Protects from both status effects and stat debuffs. Reduces the chance of infliction, not strength/duration Using White Magic category
+0.33 per use
Immunity x2 100% immunity to all bad status effects Protects from both status effects and stat debuffs Using White Magic category
+0.25 per use
Requires "Immunity"
Starts from -0.1
Healer Boosts Heal and Healmore by 40% Before the EBF Collection update, boosted by 20% Using Heal or Healmore
+0.9 per use
Healer x2 Boosts Heal and Healmore by 100% Before the EBF Collection update, boosted by 40% Using Heal or Healmore
+0.6 per use
Requires "Healer"
Starts from -0.1
Regenerate Gives Heal and Healmore the Regen effect Status duration is 10x for Heal and 6x for Healmore, not stacking Using Heal or Healmore
+0.7 per use
Solar Flare Enemies enter battle already blinded Inflicts 3x stacks of Blind, infliction is guaranteed except against enemies immune to Blind. Not affected by Curses Using Flare
+1 per use
Starts from -1
Divinity Revive fully heals HP and gives Autolife, when used on dead ally Revive's Power increases to 9999, and it gives 2x Autolife to revived ally. Does not gain points when Revive is used on a living target Using Revive
+3 per use
Starts from -1
Genesis Boosts Judgement by 40% Using Judgement
+1.2 per use
Jebus Gives Autolife status to player after using Judgement Sets Autolife status stacks to 2x (only if current stacks are equal or lower) Using Judgement
+1.2 per use
(requires Genesis)
Starts from -0.1
Holy Quake Judgement does extra Earth damage to all foes Damage is dealt as a separate hit: 3500 power, magical, 100% Holy-elemental (despite what the description says), 150% Acc. Using Judgement
+0.8 per use
Starts from -0.1
Black Magic
Wizardry Boosts Magic Attack by 9% Lucky Stars used via Magic Counter also count towards this bonus Using Black Magic category
+0.3 per use
Sniper Boosts Accuracy by 50% Lucky Stars used via Magic Counter also count towards this bonus. Before the EBF Collection update, boosted by 20% Using Black Magic category
+0.2 per use
Astrology Boosts the power of Lucky Star, Flare and Pulsar by 25% Lucky Stars used via Magic Counter also count towards this bonus. Before the EBF Collection update, the description didn't mention it also boosted Flare Using Flare, Lucky Star or Pulsar
+1 per use
Astrology x2 Boosts the power of Lucky Star, Flare and Pulsar by 50% Lucky Stars used via Magic Counter also count towards this bonus. Before the EBF Collection update, the description didn't mention it also boosted Flare Using Flare, Lucky Star or Pulsar
+0.7 per use
Requires "Astrology"
Antimagic Adds a powerful MagicDown effect to Lucky Star Debuffs target's Magic Attack by 40% with 100% chance Using Lucky Star
+1 per use
Starts from -1
Elementalist Boosts Fireball, Thunderbolt, Glacier and Toxic by 20% Using Fireball, Glacier, Thunderbolt or Toxic
+0.7 per use
Elementalist x2 Boosts Fireball, Thunderbolt, Glacier and Toxic by 40% Using Fireball, Glacier, Thunderbolt or Toxic
+0.6 per use
Requires "Elementalist"
Starts from -0.1
Elementalist x3 Boosts Fireball, Thunderbolt, Glacier and Toxic by 60% Using Fireball, Glacier, Thunderbolt or Toxic
+0.4 per use
Requires "Elementalist x2"
Starts from -0.2
Frostbite Adds a powerful AttackDown effect to Glacier Debuffs target's Attack by 40% with 100% chance Using Glacier
+1 per use
Starts from -1
Thunderclap Increases Thunderbolt's chance of stunning the foe From 10% per hit to 25% per hit Using Thunderbolt
+1 per use
Ionic Skies Thunderbolt activates randomly Has 30% chance to activate each turn Using Ion Cannon
+1.5 per use
Starts from -0.1
The Plague Enemies enter battle already poisoned Inflicts 3x stacks of Poison, infliction is guaranteed except against enemies immune to Poison. Not affected by Curses Using Toxic/Beholder
+1/+0.8 per use
Starts from -1
Pain Magic Boosts Syphon by 500% Using Syphon
+2 per use
Starts from -0.1
Bunny! Boosts healing from Regen by 50% Slime Bunnies summoned via Bunny!!! also count towards this bonus. Before the EBF Collection update, the description only mentioned Slime Bunny instead of Regen in general Using Slime Bunny
+1 per use
Bunny!!! Slime Bunny sometimes appears without being called Has 20% chance to appear each turn Using Slime Bunny
+0.8 per use
Behold! Boosts Beholder's damage by 40% Before the EBF Collection update, it only boosted the laser attack by 40%, the melee attack was boosted by 20% instead Using Beholder
+1 per use
Tentacles Boosts Beholder's damage by 80% Using Beholder
+0.8 per use
Requires "Behold!"
Starts from -0.1
Meows! Boosts Meow Meow's damage by 40% Does not boost the recoil damage. Before the EBF Collection update, 40% boost normally, but only 20% if the sword breaks (recoil included); it also only gave +1 point per use when the sword didn't break Using Meow Meow
+1.2 per use
Mega Knife! Boosts Meow Meow's damage by 80% Does not boost the recoil damage Using Meow Meow
+0.8 per use
Requires Meows!
Starts from -0.1
Ions! Boosts Orbital Ion Cannon's damage by 40% Does not boost the recoil damage. Before the EBF Collection update, actually only boosted damage by 20%, but recoil was still boosted by 30%; it also only gave +2 points per use Using Ion Cannon
+2.2 per use
Doomsday! Boosts Orbital Ion Cannon's damage by 80% Does not boost the recoil damage. Using Ion Cannon
+1.8 per use
Requires Ions!
Starts from -0.1
Scholar Automatically adds new enemies to bestiary Using Scanbot]
+0.8 per use
Starts from -0.1
Curses The effects of Syphon, Flare and Thunderbolt last longer Doubles the duration of their statuses (resulting in 10x Seal, 10x Blind, and 2x Stun respectively) Using Flare, Thunderbolt or Syphon
+0.8, +0.3 or +1.2 per use respectively
Death Touch Boosts the power of Standard Attack by 999% Using Standard Attack
+1 per use
Starts from -0.1
Mana Leech Standard Attack leeches MP from a foe Restores MP equal to 6.(6)% of the damage dealt (1/15) Using Standard Attack
+1.5 per use
Potion Thief Standard Attack steals an item (each foe has one item) Works even if the attack misses, item is fixed for each type of foe. Can't get points for this bonus once you have Death Touch Using Standard Attack
+5 per use
Starts from -0.5
Chemist Boosts Item effects by 40% Affects both healing/buffing and damaging items. Before the EBF Collection update, actually only boosted by 30% Using Items
+1 per use
Chemist x2 Boosts Item effects by 80% Affects both healing/buffing and damaging items. Before the EBF Collection update, actually only boosted by 60% Using Items
+0.6 per use
Requires "Chemist"
Starts from -0.1
Magic Counter Sometimes counters magic attacks with Lucky Star Has 60% chance to activate upon getting hit. Unlike other skill bonuses (such as Bunny!!!), each use will actually drain Natz's MP Automatically
+0.1 each turn
Mighty Mage Boosts Magic Attack, Defence, Magic Defence and Evade by 4% Before the EBF Collection update, the description incorrectly said it boosted Attack instead of Evade, and base Defence and Magic Defence were ignored in damage calculations Automatically
+0.2 each turn
Elusive Boosts Evade by 20% Before the EBF Collection update, only boosted by 10% Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.15 per hit
Ninja Boosts Evade by 20% Stacks with Elusive for +40% Evade Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.5 per hit
Requires "Elusive"
Starts from -0.1
Resistance Boosts resistance to all elements by 10% Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.2 per hit
Resistance x2 Boosts resistance to all elements by 20% Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.1 per hit
Requires "Resistance"
Starts from -0.1
Resistance x3 Boosts resistance to all elements by 30% Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.1 per hit
Requires "Resistance x2"
Starts from -0.2
Resistance x4 Boosts resistance to all elements by 40% Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.1 per hit
Requires "Resistance x3"
Starts from -0.3
Resistance x5 Boosts resistance to all elements by 50% Getting hit by a weak attack
+0.1 per hit
Requires "Resistance x4"
Starts from -0.4
Protection (P) Defence increases when hit with a powerful attack Gives +75% Defence buff, only triggers against physical attacks. Before the EBF Collection update, the buff was 15% Getting hit by a powerful physical attack
+1.5 per hit
Protection (M) Magic Defence increases when hit with a powerful attack Gives +75% Magic Defence buff, only triggers against magical attacks. Before the EBF Collection update, the buff was 15% Getting hit by a powerful magical attack
+1.5 per hit
Physical Tank Buffs defence when using Defend Buffs by +50% Using Defend
+1 per use
Starts from -0.1
Magical Tank Buffs magic defence when using Defend Buffs by +50% Using Defend
+1 per use
Starts from -0.1
Careful Offence Buffs magic attack when using Defend Buffs by +50% Using Defend
+1.2 per use
Starts from -0.1
Angel Occasionally gains Autolife status for no reason Has 10% chance to activate each turn, gives +2x Autolife stacks. Before the EBF Collection update, it set Autolife stacks to 2x instead of adding them Dying
+5 per death
Kyun* Gauge for special attack fills faster Gauge fills 40% faster. Before the EBF Collection update, this bonus was automatically obtained the first time Kyun was used, without using up a slot Using Kyun
+3 per use


Within the code of the game, there are some unimplemented Skill Bonuses. Some are incorrectly programmed, thus never appear for the player to select, and some were scrapped at some point in the development, but still have a name and description entry left on the main bonus list. Some of them were eventually properly implemented or fixed in the EBF Collection update.


  • Curses - The effects of Syphon and Flare last longer
    • It would have doubled their statuses' length, but it applied the effect to and scored points from weird unused alternative status infliction functions.
    • Properly implemented in the EBF Collection update; it also affects Thunderbolt.
  • Divinity - Revive fully heals HP
    • Properly implemented in the EBF Collection update; it also gives Autolife on the revived target.
  • Kyun - Gauge for special attack fills faster
    • Every Skill Bonus has two number parameters: one decides whether the skill bonus should take effect (0 = false, anything else = true), and another one is normally used to store accumulated points. However, this skill bonus added the points into the wrong parameter, permanently activating its effects the first time the Limit Break, Kyun, was used, making Natalie's Limit Break bar fill 40% faster. This way it didn't take up a skill bonus slot and thus didn't show up in Natalie's skill bonus list in in-game Help menu.
    • Properly implemented in the EBF Collection update.
  • Meows!!! - Meow Meow sometimes appears without being called
    • No data besides name and description.
  • Star Shower - Lucky Star activates randomly and quite often - not used
    • Added in the EBF Collection update.
    • It would have had a 50% chance to appear each turn.


  • Physical Tank- Buffs defence when using Defend
    • Added in the EBF Collection update.
    • The counterpart to the Magic Tank skill bonus, would have buffed Matt's Defence by 50% on Defend.
    • Defending with Matt was supposed to add 1 point to Physical Tank and 1 point to Magic Tank if you didn't already have the bonuses, but due to a typo it instead increases the score of Magic Tank by 1 two times. So Physical Tank never gains any points, while Magic Tank gains them twice as fast as intended.
  • Big Buffer- Buffs
    • Added in the EBF Collection update.
    • No data besides name and description.

List by index number

This is how the game's coding lists the Skill Bonuses for each player. If the game tries to select Skill Bonuses for the player to choose from and there are any ties for the last slot, whichever tied bonus has the highest index number will be selected.

# Matt Natalie
0 Berzerker Astrology
1 Survivor Astrology x2
2 Mighty Warrior Elementalist
3 Slayer Elementalist x2
4 Eagle Eye Elementalist x3
5 Swordsman Healer
6 Holy Power Healer x2
7 Cat Tamer Angel
8 Cat Warrior Divinity
9 BlackSmith Bunny!
10 Secret Weapon Meows!
11 Aerial Support Ions!
12 Counter Behold!
13 Counter x2 Curses
14 Chemist Resistance
15 Chemist x2 Resistance x2
16 Defender Resistance x3
17 Mana Leech Kyun
18 Fiery Spirit Chemist
19 Burning Soul Chemist x2
20 Arctic Wind Protection (P)
21 Sub Zero Protection (M)
22 Hurricane Mana Leech
23 Bloodthirsty Bunny!!!
24 Swordbreaker Meows!!! (N/A)
25 Venomous Magic Counter
26 Earthern Soul Thunderclap
27 Rock On Immunity
28 Fear Lord Immunity x2
29 Extreme Metal Wizardry
30 Healing Metal Cleric
31 Cleaver Mighty Mage
32 Never Forgive Elusive
33 Legendary Sniper
34 Ready Edge Genesis
35 Sword Heart Star Shower (N/A)
36 The Force Ionic Skies
37 Rock Solid The Plague
38 Earthquake Frostbite
39 Ultra Cleaver Antimagic
40 Scorched Earth Solar Flare
41 Dark Knight Resistance x4
42 Physical Tank Resistance x5
43 Magic Tank Regenerate
44 Big Buffer (N/A) Holy Quake
45 Sniper Jebus
46 Giga Cleaver Mega Knife!
47 Potion Thief Doomsday!
48 Jebus Tentacles
49 Shield Shatter Pain Magic
50 Magic Shatter Death Touch
51 Scholar
52 Ninja
53 Potion Thief
54 Frostbite (N/A)
55 Physical Tank
56 Magical Tank
57 Careful Offence