Burn (status)

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"Will take fire damage every turn. Effect removed by water or ice damage."
―Burn's mostly accurate hover-over tip, Epic Battle Fantasy 4
in 4
in 5
Burn is a negative status effect introduced in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. Its icon is, unsurprisingly, an assortment of small red flames each with an orange-yellow center. It deals Fire-elemental damage every turn to the victim. If the afflicted target absorbs the element, it will heal them instead. Additional application of Burn will increase the duration of the ailment, and only in EBF5, will also increase the damage per turn.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Burn takes the effect at the end of the afflicted's side's turn, inflicting MaxHP * Hit2HP * 0.0014 damage per turn, 100% Fire-elemental, independent of Defence, Magic Defence and Defend. Most entities (including the players) have Hit2HP at 50, getting hurt for 7% of maximum health (assuming no resistance or weakness); several foes, usually bosses and massive enemies, have a lower Hit2HP value and thus will be hurt less. See the Hit2HP article for a list of everyone's Hit2HP and resulting damage.

Burn can be cured with Garlic (consumable item), Purify, Medipack, Cleanse (ordinary skills) and Kyun (Natalie's Limit Break), as well as by getting hit by Water- or Ice-elemental attacks (even those without direct damage, namely Cloudburst). Like most status effects, Burn also vanishes after the battle, when the victim dies (except if with Auto-Revive), or after a number of turns.


  • Burn is usually less potent than the similar Poison status effect. Poison's damage also scales with the # of Poison inflicted, quickly outpacing Burn's consistent damage.
  • Burn can score a critical hit (for 1.5x damage), but only with help of the Stagger status effect.
  • When afflicted with both Burn and Poison at the same time, Burn's damage is applied first.
  • Like Poison, Burn will not cause any damage when the victim is Frozen, but will tick down anyway.
  • As with all EBF4 status effects, if the last foe in a wave dies to Burn, the next wave of foes (if any) will come in immediately and have the first turn.
  • As with Doom and Poison, Burn's "attack" has permanent 999.99 accuracy, not affected by anything. Thus, there is a chance to dodge it if victim's Evade is above that value.
Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

Burn is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

  • Bullet Hell — up to 12% chance and 1x length, 4 hits, centers on one foe.
  • Eruption — 30% chance, 2x length.
  • Fireball — up to 50% chance and 2x length.
  • Fire Spin (Premium only) — up to 100% chance and 4x [5x] length, targets all foes.
  • Firestorm — up to 16.66% chance and 2x length, 3 hits, targets all foes.
  • Flame Burst — up to 20% chance and 1x length, targets all foes.
  • Flame Shot — up to 40% chance and 1x length.
  • Red Dragon (summon) — 30% chance, 2x length, targets all foes.
  • Sludge Slime (summon, Premium only) — 100% chance, 2x length.
  • Nuke (Limit Break) — up to 100% chance and 5x length, targets everyone.

For players, Burn can be cured with:

Equipment providing resistance against Burn:

Enemy attacks that can cause Burn:

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The biggest change Burn received in EBF5 is that now its damage scales with the number of Burn stacks the afflicted has, just like Poison. Burn takes effect at the end of the afflicted's side's turn, it deals MaxHP * 0.035 * (Hit2HP / 50) * Stacks 100% Fire-elemental magic damage per turn, independent of Magic Defence or Defend.


  • Since Burn's damage is Fire-elemental, it'll deal 1.5x damage if the target also has Dry at the end of the turn, and unlike regular attacks, this won't consume Dry stacks. By the same token, since Burn deals magic damage, its damage will be doubled by Invisible and nullified by Enchanted.
  • Burn can score a critical hit (for 1.5x damage), but only with help of the Stagger status effect, this won't consume Stagger stacks.
  • Burn's damage has the highest priority amongst all damaging statuses, and thus will be applied first if multiple of them are inflicted at the same time.
  • Like Poison, Burn will not cause any damage when the victim is Frozen, but will tick down anyway.
  • Unlike in EBF4, if the last foe in a wave dies to Burn, when the next wave of foes comes in, the player will have the first turn.
  • As with most other damaging statuses, Burn's "attack" has permanent 999.99 Accuracy, not affected by anything. Thus, there is a chance to dodge it if victim's Evade is above that value.
  • Like most other damaging statuses, Burn's damage is reduced in Easy and Zero difficulties (down to 70% and 35% respectively) for both players and foes.
  • When afflicted by Dry, the affected is twice as likely to get Burnt.

This section is incomplete. You can help Epic Battle Fantasy Wiki by adding required information to it.
To do: sources of Burn for players/foes, preventing burn with equipment

Burn is available to players through the following skills and equipment:

  • Fire Storm (Natalie's skill) — Single target: 80% at Max. level / All: 50% at Max. level.
  • Fire Spin (Extra Skill) — All: 100% at Max. level.
  • Nuke (Lance's Limit Break) — All & Allies: 100% at Max. level.
  • Supernova (Extra Limit Break) — All & Allies: 300% at Max. level.
  • Inferno (Matt's sword) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Fusion Blade (Matt's sword) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Dragon Wings (Natalie's staff) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Alchemy Set (Natalie's staff) — 120% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • Flame Titan (Lance' gun) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Crimson Dragon (Anna's bow) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Alchemist's Bow (Anna's bow) — 100% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).
  • Dog Sausage (NoLegs toy) — 100% at Max. level.
  • Pixel Popper (NoLegs toy) — 100% at Max. level. (5% chance to roll the required status).

Equipment providing resistance against Burn:

Enemy attacks that can cause Burn:

Enemy attacks that self-inflict Burn:

For players, Burn can be cured with: