Battle Arena/Natalie Strategies

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To do: Flesh out Natalie's wave-specific strategies

Natalie has the questionable distinction of being the player with the least viable status build for a solo challenge. Although she has good status effect options (such as a Plasma Cage unleash from the Wrath of Zeus or on-hit Instant Death from The Knife), they're generally single-target; her multi-target weapon-elemental skill (Rainbow Blast) has an impractical quirk of halving status chance. She does have access to Syphon, which can disable some of her foes' more annoying and dangerous skills; focusing it on one foe greatly extends its duration. However, keep in mind that Syphoned foes tend to spam physical attacks, which can be problematic considering Natalie's lacking physical bulk.

Instead, Natalie can try using a hybrid buff/debuff build with the Rubber Duck and the Beholding Eye; 7th Heaven is a great way to buff her offenses and defenses simultaneously (on top of healing her if necessary), and she has access to the most important debuff skills. Screamer and Flare are especially useful for reducing enemy damage output, while Enfeeble can leave them more vulnerable to Natalie's magic attacks (although casting Star Power is probably a little more efficient in a solo challenge). If the Greenwood Library Sketch Boss Rush has been cleared, Art Attack can be substituted for 7th Heaven as a Limit Break; it won't make Natalie's attacks any stronger, but the Evade buff works well with Flare. Depending on the player's preference, Natalie's armor can further amplify buffs or debuffs; the latter is usually more efficient, since a double buff boost will give Heavenly Shield the maximum buff power. Regardless the Sami Dress and Cow Costume are probably the best options for buffs and debuffs, respectively, due to their durability.

Like Matt, Natalie has reliable options for every single element in the game, so tailoring her build to maximize elemental damage against each wave is an option for all-out offense. Using a powerful generalist staff like the Shooting Star or the Obsidian is an option to hit everything hard, but the lack of resistances or defensive assets can complicate matters.

If "Weather Remix" is enabled, you'll have to deal with Electric weather in every battle. Raising Natalie's Stun resistance is advised; the last thing she needs is to lose a turn in her solo challenge. Any Stun-resistant Flair will do (even at Level 1), but the Pocket Watch is notable for its chance to bestow Haste between turns.

Battle 1: Wooden Servants of Darkness

A Beheaded Fallen is backed by four Gloops in this wave: two Stumpy and two Roasted. Natalie can scare off the Gloops with the Oak Staff; she should use her first turn to cast Revive on herself. Once the Gloops are gone, she can switch her loadout to something that gives her the maximum advantage over the Beheaded Fallen; debuff builds will get a lot of mileage out of Flare, since its main attacks have below-average Accuracy. Natalie can also equip the Pope Hat or the Celtic Cross to scare the Beheaded Fallen; however, remember that it'll go Berserk (and spam its strong physical attacks) unless it's been reduced to less than 49% of its HP.

Alternatively, Natalie can use an all-out offensive build and start the battle with Genesis to hit the foes' shared Holy weakness. Even if something survives the Limit Break, Natalie will receive several stacks of Auto-Revive as a safety net; this works especially well with the "revival buff" Flairs (i.e. the Companion C*be, the Dog Tags, and the Narutomaki).

Alt Battle 1: Rocky Servants of Light

The Foe Remix version of this wave has two Hardy Gloops and two Chunky Gloops assisting a Crucified Fallen. The biggest difference here is that the Fallen absorbs Holy and none of the Gloops can be scared off with Natalie's equipment, forcing her to take them down conventionally. Fortunately, she can take advantage of the Gloops' ability to cast Invisibility; between her naturally high Magic Defence and gear like the Pope Hat or the Red Dress, Natalie can largely benefit from the frequent bouts of invulnerability to the predominantly physical attacks of her enemies. On the other hand, the Crucified Fallen's ability to use Enchantment will be an issue, but Natalie can keep it stun-locked with the Plasma Cage unleash from the Wrath of Zeus while she deals with the Gloops or kills the Fallen outright with her Dark spells.

Battle 2: Gem Idols

A Gem Idol quintet doesn't sound especially dangerous, but it's not to be underestimated when Natalie's all by her lonesome. If you're feeling risky, you can outfit Natalie with the Dark Gown, the Dark Bobble, the Obsidian Staff, the Gold Star, The One R*ng, and the Hoop Earrings; between a double Dark boost and massive Magic Attack, Pulsar should pulverise the Idols, especially if Natalie boosts herself with 7th Heaven beforehand. Similar results can be achieved via Black Hole, although Natalie will want to give herself Auto-Revive to ensure that the backlash doesn't kill her too.

Alt Battle 2: Idols and a Glitch

The wave diversifies a bit in Foe Remix, with three Wooden Idols, a Stone Idol, and (most concerningly) a Small Glitch. The latter should be eliminated immediately, but pay attention to its appearance to avoid hitting it with a useless attack. If it looks like a Green Pixel, Natalie should use Star Shower or Geometry; if it looks like a Gray Pixel, she should use her elemental spells instead.

With the Small Glitch out of the way, the Idols aren't much of a problem; Natalie can tailor her build for high Defence and Earth resistance to further weaken their offensive output. They don't have any overlapping weaknesses, but their worst weaknesses are to elements that Natalie can easily exploit; Ice for the Stone Idol and Fire for the Wooden Idols. Another option is to use the Oak Staff to instantly scare off the Wooden Idols; once they're gone, the Stone Idol will be even easier prey.

Battle 3: Ghostbusting 101

Four Wraiths to deal with here: two each of the Leaf and Steel variants. The easiest way to win this battle is to equip the Celtic Cross or the Pope Hat along with gear that maximizes Natalie's Bomb resistance. The Ghost-scaring equipment will force the Leaf Wraiths into immediate Surrender while the Steel Wraiths go Berserk and spam their Triple Shot attack; with Bomb immunity/absorption, Natalie won't even be scratched as she picks off the Steel Wraiths with anything besides Dark skills.

Alt Battle 3: Ghostbusting 201

Foe Remix still has four Wraiths, but two are Flame Wraiths and two are Master Wraiths. This is a little tougher than the normal version, mainly because it's impossible to fully negate the Master Wraiths' Double Stab, but combining the Celtic Cross, the Drill Bits, the Obsidian Armor, and the Shield Medal (if available) with Heavenly Shield and Flare will maximize Natalie's chances of survival while she whittles them down with Judgement and her other Holy spells. Using the Celtic Cross (or the Pope Hat) will also scare off the Flame Wraiths without a fight.

Battle 4: Deconstructed Topaz Golem (not really)

While they might not be able to form a Topaz Golem, two Fire Sprites, two Rock Sprites, and a Topaz Ore should be dealt with just as carefully. Syphon will cripple most of their skills, and a buff/debuff build can use a combination of Heavenly Shield and Screamer to dampen their physical attacks. If you don't mind risking a bit of Thunder damage, you can even ignore the Topaz Ore completely; its Electric Blast isn't too bad outside of possible Stagger, and Protect is little hindrance to the magic-focused Natalie.

Alt Battle 4: Deconstructed Viking Monolith (not really)

We may never know if two Ice Sprites, two Wind Sprites, and a Sapphire Ore can combine into a Viking Monolith, but Foe Remix will pit them against Natalie for this phase of her solo challenge. The strategy is largely the same as the regular version; seal their skills with Syphon and use a high-Defence build to better survive their physical attacks. Leaving the Sapphire Ore alone is a bit riskier than its Topaz counterpart; both of its suicide attacks can Wet Natalie and increase the Ice Sprites' damage output. Freeze and Dispel resistance are also helpful to nullify the Sprites' annoying status effects.

Battle 5: Pretty But Powerful

Here's some new faces (figuratively): a trio of Fabulous Gloops. A full status build is effective here; despite a 50% resistance, the Gloops are severely crippled by Syphon. With the Nano Machines Flair to reduce the skill's cooldown to 1 turn, Natalie can keep her foes consistently locked down with a bit of luck; she can then alternate between casting Syphon and Judgement to pick them off one at a time. Fairy Bombs is a useful backup spell in case the Gloops manage to make themselves Lovable.

An alternative strategy is to go in with the Oak Staff to make the Fabulous Gloops go Berserk, limiting them to their basic physical attacks. Dark resistance can slightly blunt the blows, but it's probably better to use high-Defence equipment (e.g. the Obsidian Armor and the Drill Bits), Heavenly Shield, and Screamer to weather the assault; on higher difficulty levels, Natalie can also benefit from the occasional Invisible status inflicted by Hit and Arm Flail. To actually kill the Gloops in this build, Natalie can equip the Tentacle Flair to spread Virus and Poison among them; if Virus spreads back to her, she can cure herself with Cleanse.

This battle becomes easier in Weather Remix, since Electric weather exploits the Fabulous Gloop's hideous Stun vulnerability.

Alt Battle 5: Sword Versus Sorcery, Girl Power Edition

If you're playing Foe Remix, prepare for a surprise; instead of Fabulous Gloops, Natalie will face Super Chibi Knight! She's quite threatening, but she can't summon backup here; as such, maintaining Auto-Revive on Natalie will go a long way to helping her outlast the little warrior. In between Revive casts, Natalie can opt for an offensive or defensive build to defeat her foe.

The defensive approach uses the Obsidian Armor, the Ice Shards, the Lightning Badge, the Frost Badge, the Shield Medal, and the Wrecking Rod to nullify all of Super Chibi Knight's magic attacks while giving Natalie good physical bulk against her sword strikes. Since Natalie won't have especially high Magic Attack in this build, she should focus on maintaining Poison with Toxic before hitting Super Chibi Knight's serious Dark weakness with Dark Pulse.

For a more offensive angle, Natalie can opt for the Dark Gown, the Dark Bobble, the Obsidian Staff, the Gold Star, The One R*ng, and the Hoop Earrings, giving her double-boosted Dark spells and the Magic Attack to really make them hurt; however, finding time to attack in between maintaining Auto-Revive may be difficult. If so, safer options include replacing the Obsidian Staff with the Dark Tooth or switching some of the Flairs for the likes of the Fairy, the Narutomaki, or the Pocket Watch.

Battle 6: Bad Reflections

Five Mirrors to shatter here (two Haunted Mirrors, two Angel Mirrors, and a Wise Mirror), and wouldn't you know it - they all reflect magical damage! You could bypass the Haunted Mirrors' reflection with Natalie's Normal Attack, but it's probably easier to just pick them off one at a time or force them to use Glass Shards.

One option to battle the Mirrors is to exploit the fact that Reflection's "counter attack" retains the elemental properties of the original attack. By equipping the Amber Bobble, the Sami Dress, the Nimbus Rod, and the Flame Badge, Natalie's Holy and Fire resistance will be high enough to heal off of her reflected attacks while hitting the Haunted and Wise Mirrors' weaknesses; as a bonus, she'll also greatly reduce the damage of the Angel Mirrors' attacks. Alternatively, Natalie can fire off Genesis or Supernova from an elemental attack build in order to quickly wipe out three foes; afterwards, she can tailor her build to take out the Angel Mirrors. Said foes are extremely weak to Ice and Dark, which Natalie can use to her advantage; the likes of the Fur Dress and the Dark Gown will give her elemental attacks more punch on top of reducing the damage she suffers from Reflection.

Alt Battle 6: Flybot Fleet

Foe Remix replaces the Mirrors with a trio of Flybots; Red, Blue, and Yellow. A full status build is recommended to let Syphon get past the robots' high Syphon resistance and lock them out of their incredibly annoying support skills; on higher difficulty levels, the Big Eyebrows will negate the risk of Stun and Confuse from their remaining attacks. As long as you maintain Syphon status (the Nano Machines help immensely) and give Natalie periodic heals or Auto-Revive, the Flybots will be left all but helpless as you whittle them down with your skills of choice; once there's only one left (preferably not the Water-absorbing Blue Flybot), you can use a focused Syphon and/or Bubble Ring to Syphon-lock it even more efficiently.

It's best to teach Natalie Energy Barrage and Bubble Blast for this fight; the former lets her hit all three Flybots hard, and focusing the latter gives her the most damage output against the Yellow Flybot.

Battle 7: Cat-astrophe

Three Cat Warriors and two Cat Wizards might look cute, but they'll turn Natalie into a scratching post if she's not careful. Syphon can trivialize the Wizards, and Brave-granting equipment like the Obsidian Armor or the Battle Paint can counteract the Warriors' own use of the status. On the offensive side of things, Natalie can use Acid Blast and Fire Storm to whittle the cats down while exploiting their main elemental weaknesses; she can focus Acid Blast on one cat at a time to get a stronger Magic Defence debuff before following up with Fireball.

Alt Battle 7: Purrfect Assassins

In Foe Remix, Natalie will have to take on the other members of the Kitten Army: two Cat Snipers, two Cat Ninjas, and a Cat Bomber. They mainly use Bio and Bomb attacks, so raising those resistances will greatly reduce their damage output; their shared Bio weakness also makes a Virus strategy viable. Even one buff boost from the Beholding Eye will let Natalie massively buff her defenses with Heavenly Shield, allowing her to use the likes of the Mecha Suit and the Blue Elephant to further increase her defenses and the healing she gets from Virus spreading back to her; this specific combination also makes her immune to Bomb and adds a status boost that can help her start the epidemic. The Bandage is also recommended to prevent the Cat Snipers from killing Natalie with a lucky headshot; as a bonus, it reduces the damage of the Cat Ninjas' Log attack.

Battle 8: Slimes on Ice

Two Icecream Slimes and a Big Icecream Slime to deal with here. The easiest way to handle them is to use a status build and The Knife; with their -100% Death resistance, Rainbow Blast should take all three foes out despite its halved status infliction rate. Alternatively, Natalie can use a high-Accuracy status build with the Slime Staff to kill the Big Slime with The Reaper while scaring off the smaller Slimes; if you're using a different staff for the first turn (such as the Beholding Eye for its high Accuracy), Confuse resistance can mitigate the main risk the latter pose on their own while Natalie switches to the Slime Staff.

Alt Battle 8: Slimes on...Mud?

The Foe Remix version of this wave has two Mud Slimes and a Big Mud Slime, but the same strategies apply; fire a Rainbow Blast off of The Knife or hit the Big Slime with The Reaper and equip the Slime Staff to scare off the smaller Mud Slimes.

Battle 9: Poisonous Pests

A pair of Putrid Worms back up a lone Leafy Chomper for this wave. There's no shortage of healing in this round; the Chomper can cast Refresh and heal itself with a bite, while the Worms have automatic Poison and the ability to inflict Virus that can easily spread back to them and the Chomper. Fortunately, they share a Fire weakness that Natalie can use to her advantage; if all else fails, Supernova will burst them down or at least leave them much less capable of keeping up with Natalie's attacks. Once the Worms are dealt with, Natalie can even switch to the Oak Staff to force the Chomper into Berserk Poison Root spam, which she can mitigate with strong Bio resistance while she slowly wears it down.

Alt Battle 9: Hitting the Books

Straight from Greenwood Library (and the normal version of NoLegs's Arena challenge), Foe Remix brings two Book Worms and an Origami Dragon in to battle Natalie. The Book Worms can be easily dealt with (as long as you hit them before they have a chance to Enchant themselves), allowing Natalie to make the fight a one-on-one affair and stall out the Dragon with Revive; Syphon and Dispel resistance are advisable to negate its most annoying status effects in the process.

Battle 10: Doggone Batty

This wave has two Wolf Dogs, a Zap Dog, and two Bone Bats for variety. They can combine their skills to set up a surprising amount of pain; the Wolf Dogs can buff the wave's Attack and inflict Freeze, the Zap Dog's charged attack can rarely Stagger Natalie, and the Bone Bats can debuff Defence with their screeches. On the other hand, they're all weak to Holy, so a combination of Holy Light, Judgement, and Fairy Bombs will do serious damage; the Wolf Dogs are also quite vulnerable to Natalie's Fire attacks. Weather Remix can help Natalie as well; none of these foes resist Stun, and the Bone Bats are actually vulnerable to the status.

Alt Battle 10: Doggone Batty, with Extra Magic

The Bone Bats stick around for the Foe Remix version of this wave, but the Wolf Dogs and Zap Dog are replaced by Tanuki Dogs and a Mage Dog, respectively. The Mage Dog should be taken out immediately, or at least Syphoned into uselessness; as a bonus, you can afford to hit it with Mute for even longer Syphoning, since the other foes don't have especially notable abilities to seal. The Dogs are all weak to Bio, and the Bats are neutral to it, so a Virus-based status/buff build becomes an option for taking them down with minimal risk to Natalie; remember that the Tanuki Dogs can heal themselves and the Mage Dog uses Heal More when not Syphoned.