The Reaper

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The Reaper (also known as Grim Reaper) is a recurring Dark-elemental skill in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, used primarily by foes or through the special effects of equipment. It is one of the few skills whose type varies between games. In the v2 update of Epic Battle Fantasy 5, it became a shared skill learnable by everyone but Lance.


This skill summons a shadowy apparition with a ragged black cloak and hood, carrying the Death Scythe by unknown means. It approaches the target and slashes them with its scythe, attempting to instantly kill them. In earlier games, it achieved this by inflicting ludicrous amounts of damage; later games simply gave it a high chance to inflict Instant Death while dealing negligible damage otherwise.

While obviously a very devastating skill, The Reaper can typically be nullified with high Death resistance; if that isn't an option, its effect can be counteracted with Status Effects such as Auto-Revive, Bless, or Morale. However, its biggest weakness is that it tends to be highly inaccurate, so buffing the target's Evade of the target and/or debuffing the Accuracy of the user works well to reduce its threat.

In EBF5, the learnable version of The Reaper has much higher Accuracy compared to when it's used by foes; however, it remains somewhat unreliable and suffers from a lengthy cooldown. Due to its high chance of inflict Instant Death, it can be used to easily defeat any enemy not immune to the status; pairing it with three pieces of status-boosting Equipment gives it a 506.25% chance of Instant Death, enough to ensure the demise of anything with up to 80% Death resistance.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy

Grim Reaper exists in the first Epic Battle Fantasy's original version, albeit unused. It is included in the patterns of the Skull Ghost and Zombie Roku, but cannot be executed due to certain oddities in the coding; if it's ever selected by the AI, the choice will be immediately overwritten by another ability (Dispel for Skull Ghost, The Dead for Roku).

Grim Reaper was intended to deal negligible damage 2/3 of the time, but the other 1/3 it's basically guaranteed to kill one player by inflicting massive damage (66666 power) well beyond the target's ability to survive. It was classified as a "magic" attack, and thus respects the target's Magic Defence, but this would have been a moot point, considering that its power would render it either useless or an instant kill.

In the EBF Collection update, Grim Reaper was updated and reintroduced. It now simply deals a moderate amount of non-elemental magic damage with no special effects. The Skull Ghost's battle logic was also fixed so it now can properly use the spell; oddly enough, Zombie Roku's was not, so he still cannot use it.

Name Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Grim Reaper Single 2500 -- Stat Magic.png Stat Magic Defence.png -- -- -- 10%

Pre-EBF Collection

Name Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Grim Reaper Single 2 10 -- Stat Magic Defence.png -- -- -- 10%
Notes: Has 1/3 chance to have its Power become 66 666.
Doesn't scale with user stats, but is still reduced by target's Magic Defence.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

In Grim Reaper's proper debut, it is inaccessible to players, only being used by the Zombie Hydra. It is now guaranteed to inflict a ludicrous amount of magical damage that will kill whoever it hits; however, the introduction of Accuracy and Evade mechanics saddled it with its signature drawback of terrible Accuracy. Its Accuracy is tripled in Epic difficulty, making it far more dangerous - it's entirely possible for both of the Zombie Hydra's heads to cast Grim Reaper in the same turn, ensuring a Game Over unless one or both of the players has Auto-Revive or some other means of enduring the instant kill.

In the EBF Collection update, Grim Reaper's power was significantly reduced on difficulties below Hard; while still very powerful, it's no longer a guaranteed kill on said difficulties. It was also changed to deal physical damage instead of magical damage, although this only makes a difference on the aforementioned below-Hard difficulties.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc RdF
Grim Reaper Single 999+ -- ---- -- -- -- 40% 10%
Notes: 99 999 999 Power, reduced to 6000 on Zero, 7000 on Easy, and 8000 on Normal difficulties. Isn't affected by user's Attack, but still affected by target's Defence. On Epic difficulty, accuracy is increased to 120%. Before the EBF Collection update, this attack's damage was reduced by target's Magic Defence instead of Defence, and didn't have its Power lowered on lower difficulties.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Still inaccessible to players, Grim Reaper can be used by Abyss, Skull Ghosts and Zombie Dragons. Its mechanics were modified to deal light physical damage (being normally affected by user and target stats) with a great chance of inflicting the Instant Death status, allowing it to be resisted by equipment. Once again, its Accuracy increases dramatically on Epic difficulty, which should be accounted for when fighting the enemies capable of using it.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Grim Reaper Single 5 Physical 100% Element Dark.png 100% -- Status Death.png 50% 10% 10%
Notes: On Epic difficulty, accuracy is increased to 110%.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Grim Reaper is finally accessible to players, but only as a random summon from the Death Scythe staff; the Flame Wraith and Zombie Hydra can also use the skill. Compared to its EBF3 version, it is slightly less accurate, and its associated physical attack is slightly stronger and only half-elemental. Its accuracy is no longer boosted on higher difficulties.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Grim Reaper Single 30 Physical 50% Element Dark.png 100% -- Status Death.png 40% 10% 10%

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

In the v2 update of EBF5, The Reaper had a slight name change and finally became a learnable skill for the players. Additionally, the Human Skull has a chance to cast it between turns, while the Alt Soul Crusher uses it as an unleash.

The Reaper is obtained by completing Maka's quest in Redpine Town, one screen to the right of the slime cat. Before the v2 update, Maka gave Enfeeble instead.

EBF5 Skill The Reaper.png
The Reaper
Dark attack which instantly kills a single target.
  • Low accuracy.
  • Has a 5-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical 100% EBF5 Element Dark.png EBF5 Status Death.png 75% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 40 70% -- N/A
2 75 110% -- 3500
3 120 150% -- 7000