Cow Costume

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Emo0093.jpg "H-hey, I've got decent breasts now!? I can get used to this! Take a look at me now, guys!"
―Anna, pleasantly surprised by the Cow Costume's special "enhancement", Epic Battle Fantasy 5
Emo0043.jpg "W-WHAAA?! What's with this outfit?! What sort of perverted magic is this?"
―Natalie, much less pleasantly surprised by the same, Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The Cow Costume is a recurring female armor available in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. Its hat counterpart is the Cow Horns in EBF3 and 4 and the Curly Horns in EBF5.


EBF5 censored version.

The Cow Costume features a knee-length dress, detached sleeves, and a bikini top, all in cow print cloth. It also has a red belt with a cow tail on the back, a cowbell choker, and light brown boots.

In EBF5, the Cow Costume's black spots are larger, and its boots are white with black trim along the top. It now comes with a low-cut tank top unless Natalie wears it with the Cleavage option enabled, in which case it becomes a pair of straps attached to the belt that cover her breasts and wrap around the back of her neck.

The Cow Costume focuses almost entirely on defensive tactics, with a large HP boost and solid bonuses to both defenses. It also gives the wearer resistance to Dispel and usually has the ability to buff a defensive stat under certain conditions.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Cow Costume has an average boost to Defence and Magic Defence as well as a modest MP increase, but it's most notable for the best HP of any female armor. It also provides a large Defence buff when Natalie takes a powerful attack, which further amplifies her durability by shoring up her weaker defensive stat.

The Cow Costume is arguably the bulkiest armor available to Natalie; the Breastplate has better defenses and only slightly less HP, but it's also hampered by small Evade/Accuracy penalties and common (if minor) elemental weaknesses. However, a lack of offensive boosts or elemental resistances can leave it outclassed by other armors.

The Cow Costume resists Dispel, becoming fully immune to it at Level 5.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

With good boosts to Defence and Magic Defence and the second-best HP of any female armor, the Cow Costume is a solid defensive option for Natalie or Anna. It also buffs its wearer's Defence if she suffers a powerful attack, allowing her to tank more physical punishment afterwards. However, it has no elemental resistances or additional effects, which can make other armors more tempting to use; the Breastplate is also bulkier overall, despite its penalties.

The Cow Costume has resistance to Dispel, which becomes a full immunity at Level 5.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5


With average defenses backed by the second-best HP of any female armor, the Cow Costume has great all-around durability. It can boost its wearer's HP even further if she Defends herself, and it empowers both Earth attacks and debuffing skills.

The Cow Costume is typically the preferred armor for a female debuffing build, since it's a little bulkier overall compared to the Spider Gown. It's effective for Natalie, who has access to most of the shared debuff skills, but Anna can also get some mileage from boosted debuffs in addition to taking better advantage of the armor's elemental boost. Its on-Defend effect is typically rather niche, but HP debuffs are fairly uncommon outside of Scorch, and so the buff is unlikely to be overridden. In terms of overall durability, it's eclipsed by the Mecha Suit, but its utility effects and lack of an elemental weakness may make it more appealing for players.

The Cow Costume resists Dispel, Earth and Water. The Dispel resistance becomes an immunity at Level 5.

Equip Remix

The Alt Cow Costume trades some raw defensive potential for a surprising amount of offensive utility, with average Defence and Magic Defence backed by an immunity to two elements and decent bonuses to Attack and Magic Attack. It grants a plethora of useful status effects when the wearer Defends herself - Good Luck, Regen, and Brave - which allows her to heal over time while becoming immune to critical hits and offensive debuffs, delivering critical hits of her own more reliably, and acquiring a host of smaller bonuses.

With its on-Defend abilities, the Alt Cow Costume has potential in an offensive Target Tank build; by Defending herself, Anna or Natalie can draw enemy attention while simultaneously powering up for stronger retaliation on her next turn. It works well with a hat that provides further on-Defend buffs; the likes of the Alt Bunny Ears or the Alt Nurse Hat emphasize its defensive abilities, while the Alt Amber Bobble or the Alt Holly Hairpin provide additional offensive punch. However, the Alt Cactus Dress provides stiff competition for pure Target Tank builds; it has identical defenses, useful HP and Evade bonuses, and on-Defend Morale along with Regen.

The Alt Cow Costume resists Earth and Wind, becoming immune to both at Level 5.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Cow Costume is obtained by finishing a quest for Mattie in The Town.

EBF3 Arm Cow Costume.png Cow Costume
Become a cow. Level 4: Buffs defence when hit by a powerful attack.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Stat MP.png - 5% 5% 10% 10% Status Dispel.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Attack.png - - - - - Stat Defence.png - 5% 10% 15% 20% - - - - - -
Stat Magic.png - - - - - Stat Mdef.png - 5% 10% 15% 20% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - -
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill -- --
Bonus Skill -- --
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Milk
x 2
-- -- 3 Milk
x 6
-- --
4 Silk
x 5
x 5
-- 5 Mercury
x 1
x 2
x 2

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Cow Costume is found on the triple bridge screen in Crystal Caverns, in the middle chest blocked by a battle that appears as a Black Clay.

EBF4 Arm Cow Costume.png Cow Costume
Become a cow. Buffs defence when hit by a powerful attack.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png 5% 5% 10% 15% 20% Stat MP.png - - - - - Status Dispel.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Attack.png - - - - - Stat Defence.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% - - - - - -
Stat Magic.png - - - - - Stat Mdef.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - -
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill -- --
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Milk
x 2
-- -- 3 Curly Horn
x 4
x 2
4 Curly Horn
x 10
x 6
-- 5 Curly Horn
x 12
x 10
Solid Spike
x 7

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Emo0042.jpg "Please let me change clothes before I snap in half from all this extra flab. This is cruel and unusual torture!"
―Natalie, complaining about the Cow Costume

The Cow Costume is found in the left chest inside the Stable in Greenwood Village, which is unlocked after competing Pablo's quest.

EBF5 Arm Cow Costume.png Cow Costume
Cosplay as a cow. Some people are into that.
  • Boosts the damage of earth skills.
  • Level 3: Increases the effect of debuff skills used.
  • Level 5: Defending also buffs HP by 20%.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png 5% 5% 10% 15% 20% - - - - - - EBF5 Element Earth.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Stat Attack.png - - - - - Stat Defence.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% EBF5 Element Water.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Stat Magic.png - - - - - Stat Mdef.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% EBF5 Status Dispel.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - -
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill -- --
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Defend Status 20% Stat HP.png --
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Belt Buckle
x 1
-- -- 3 Leather
x 2
-- --
4 Silk
x 6
x 12
-- 5 Food#5Hamburger
x 3
x 12

Statistics with Equip Remix enabled.

EBF5 Arm Cow Costume.png Cow Costume
Cosplay as a cow. Some people are into that.
  • Defending gives good-luck status.
  • Level 3: Defending gives regenerate status.
  • Level 5: Defending gives brave status.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - - - - - - - EBF5 Element Earth.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Attack.png 5% 5% 5% 10% 15% Stat Defence.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% EBF5 Element Wind.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png 5% 5% 5% 10% 15% Stat Mdef.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - -
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill -- --
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Defend Status 2x EBF5 Status Good Luck.png
2x EBF5 Status Regenerate.png
2x EBF5 Status Brave.png
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Belt Buckle
x 1
-- -- 3 Leather
x 2
-- --
4 Silk
x 6
x 12
-- 5 Food#5Hamburger
x 3
x 2
Key Items#5Bottled Milk
x 1


  • The Cow Costume increases the size of its wearer's breasts by roughly 25%. This "hidden effect" applies to both Natalie and Anna; in EBF5, both girls will comment on it the first time they enter battle with the Cow Costume equipped.
    • This effect (and the associated in-battle commentary) is disabled when the "Cleavage" option is turned off in EBF5, making the Cow Costume one of the rare female armors to have a "censored" version for both Anna and Natalie. Notably, Natalie's "censored" version of the Cow Costume is identical to Anna's "uncensored" version.
  • Along with the Spider Gown and the Camo Skirt, the Cow Costume is one of the few female armors in EBF5 to have a "censored" version that still shows some of Natalie's cleavage. (The Bubble Dress and the Casual Skirt don't count, since their design doesn't change if "Cleavage" is disabled.)