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Protect is a recurring skill in the Epic Battle Fantasy series.


When used, Protect assembles a magical golden glyph in front of the player party, consisting of several triangles overlaid on two rings. Once the glyph fades away, the party gains a boost in Defence, which will fade away by 5% each turn. Prior to the v2 update, it did not affect members in Backup in EBF4; this is a non-issue in earlier games and the skill was changed to affect players in backup in EBF5.

Protect, like all buffs, is an incredibly useful skill and should be used liberally unless the foes pose little threat in the first place.

Epic Battle Fantasy

Protect is part of Matt's Special skill set. It raises the party's Defence to +65%. Prior to the EBF Collection update, the description also erroneously said it boosted by 50%.

Boosts party Defence by 65%[incorrect — actually boosts to +65%]. Wears off at 5% per turn.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP RdF
Allies -- -- ---- Stat Defence.png 25 --
Power Status Chance Status Strength
-- -- 65%

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Protect remains unchanged, costing 25 MP to use. Before the EBF Collection update, it boosted Defence to +65% (contrary to its description once again).

Boosts party Defence by 50%.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP Acc RdF
Allies -- ---- Stat Defence.png 25 -- --
Power Status Chance Status Strength
-- -- 50%
Note: Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-EBF Collection update version.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

EBF3 Skill Protect.png
Buff the party's defence.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies -- ---- Stat Defence.png -- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 -- -- 20% 5 200
2 -- -- 35% 10 500
3 -- -- 50% 15 1500
4 -- -- 60% 20 3000
5 -- -- 70% 25 6000
EBF3 Skill NoLegs.png
Note: The in-game Power numbers are merely used to visualize Defence buff strength; this skill does not heal or damage the team in any way.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Protect is now a Special Skill that either Anna or Matt can learn. It is unlocked when Matt joins the party in Ashwood Forest.

EBF4 Skill Protect.png
Buffs the defence of all allies.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies+B -- ---- Stat Defence.png -- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 -- -- 30% 5 200
2 -- -- 40% 10 500
3 -- -- 50% 15 1500
4 -- -- 60% 20 3000
5 -- -- 70% 25 6000
Note: Before the v2 update, didn't affect backup.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Protect is a Special Skill that Anna, Matt and NoLegs can learn. It now also buffs backup players, and has a 5-turn cooldown.

It is obtained at the beginning of the game; Matt starts the game with the skill learned at Level 1.

EBF5 Skill Protect.png
Buffs the defence of all allies, including those in backup.
  • Has a 5-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Allies+B -- ---- Stat Defence.png -- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 -- -- 30% 100
2 -- -- 40% 400
3 -- -- 50% 1500
4 -- -- 55% 3000
5 -- -- 60% 6000


  • The glyph that appears in Protect's animation is an homage to the Triforce from The Legend of Zelda series.