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Natalie using Revive on Lance

Revive is a recurring spell in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. Appearing in every single game so far, it is usually associated with Natalie and Anna (though in EBF5, NoLegs can also learn it).


Upon casting, it bathes a single party member in a ray of divine light, accompanied by the image of an ornate cross.

As its name suggests, Revive can resurrect a defeated party member with a portion of their maximum HP according to spell power. Since EBF2, it can also be cast on an already living party member to provide them with the Auto-Revive status effect for a few turns, which will automatically revive them if they die while under its effect.

Epic Battle Fantasy

Revive is one of Natalie's "White Magic" skills. It's automatically cast on Matt and will have no effect (but still consume MP) if he's not dead.

Revives player one. More effective than Water of Life.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP RdF
Matt Stat Magic.png -- ---- -- 90 10%
Power Status Chance Status Strength
5700 -- --
Note: Does nothing but still consumes MP if Matt is still alive.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Revive is one of Natalie's "White Magic" skills. Now it can be cast on either player and gives Autolife to players that are still alive.

Revives fallen players. Puts living players into Autolife status.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP Acc RdF
Ally Stat Magic.png ---- -- 90 -- 10%
Power Status Chance Status Strength
5700 -- --
Note: If used on a living ally, gives 5x EBF5 Status Auto Revive.png Autolife instead.
Skill Bonuses
Name Effect
Divinity Power increases to 9999, and also gives
2x Autolife when revived

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

EBF3 Skill Revive.png
Revives a fallen comrade.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Ally -- ---- -- -- -- 100%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 10 -- -- 20 150
2 30 -- -- 30 500
3 60 -- -- 40 2000
4 90 -- -- 50 6000
EBF3 Skill Healmore.png
Note: The number in the Power section indicates the HP percentage the target is healed to.
If used on a living ally, gives 5x EBF5 Status Auto Revive.png Auto-Revive instead.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Revive is now a Special Skill that can be learned by either Natalie or Anna. It becomes available when Natalie joins the party in Ashwood Forest.

EBF4 Skill Revive.png
Revives a dead ally or gives auto-revive status to a living one.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Ally -- ---- -- -- -- 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 10 -- -- 20 150
2 30 -- -- 35 500
3 55 -- -- 50 2000
4 80 -- -- 65 6000
Note: The number in the Power section indicates the HP percentage the target is healed to.
If used on a living ally, gives 3x EBF5 Status Auto Revive.png Auto-Revive instead.
Prior to the v3 update, it required one of Heal, Cleanse, or Purify, to be learned first to be learnable.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Revive is an Extra Skill that can be learned by Natalie, Anna and NoLegs. It can be obtained by completing Angela's quest in the first tree you need to enter in the Mystic Woods.

EBF5 Skill Revive.png
Revives a dead ally, or gives auto-revive status to a living one.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Ally* -- ---- EBF5 Status Auto Revive.png -- -- 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 10 -- 2x N/A
2 50 -- 3x 600
3 80 -- 4x 3000
4 120 -- 5x 8000
Note: *When used on a dead ally, revives them with (Power)% of their max HP.
When used on a living ally, gives 5x EBF5 Status Auto Revive.png Auto-Revive instead.