Coat of Teeth

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The Coat of Teeth is a seasonal male armor available in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. Its hat counterpart is the Pumpkin Head, although it has some design similarities with the Necromancer's Helmet.


The Coat of Teeth is a black coat with red borders decorated with white teeth. A skull sits on each shoulder, with faint red lights visible in their eye sockets. If worn by Matt or Lance, it comes with black pants with red cuffs and a single tooth tied to the left leg by a red string. If worn by NoLegs, the coat has an additional piece of cloth which wraps around his tail; it is also decorated with two white spikes.


The Coat of Teeth has mediocre Defence and Magic Defence, as well as a moderate Evade boost, but its Magic Attack is only surpassed by that of the Wizard Robe. It empowers both debuffs and Dark skills, and it has a decent chance to cast Sharp Teeth between turns, dealing non-elemental physical damage with a chance of Doom.

Lance can make excellent use of the Coat of Teeth in magically offensive and debuff-based builds. Although it doesn't boost Magic Attack quite as much as the Wizard Robe, it has no stat penalties, useful special effects, and excellent synergy with Lance's base kit; in exchange for a relatively small damage loss on his non-Dark skills, he gets a powerful Antimatter Flux and more potent debuffs from his three main offensive skills (as well as the many shared debuffs he can learn). The Sharp Teeth auto-skill is relatively unimportant - especially since the armor lacks an Attack boost, but being able to apply extra damage and potential Doom is still another advantage it has over the Wizard Robe.

The Coat of Teeth resists Dark, Curse, Bad Luck, Death, and Doom. It becomes immune to all but Dark at Level 5.

Equip Remix

The Alt Coat of Teeth has average Defence and Magic Defence, pinches of Evade and Accuracy, and a great Attack boost for a piece of armor. It empowers Dark skills and lets its wearer drastically buff his Attack on Defend, but also applies Shroud every turn; fortunately, Shroud is more annoying than debilitating, as it only makes it harder to keep track of the victim's status.

Matt can make decent use of the Alt Coat of Teeth when Demon Swords becomes available, but the armor is especially well-suited for an offensive NoLegs build. In addition to naturally learning a physical Dark skill, NoLegs can pair the Alt Coat of Teeth with the Alt Devil's Sunrise to make the most out of the Dark damage and the general Attack boost with no extra downsides, as the two Shroud effects are not much worse when combined.

The Alt Coat of Teeth resists Dark, Death, and Doom. At Level 5, it becomes immune to the latter two while absorbing the former.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The Coat of Teeth is part of the reward of Jack's quest in the Warp Zone. Jack is a seasonal NPC who only appears during the Halloween season (October 1 - November 7).

EBF5 Arm Coat of Teeth.png Coat of Teeth
A powerful necromancer's coat.
  • Boosts the damage of dark skills.
  • Level 3: Increases the effect of debuff skills used.
  • Level 5: Randomly casts Sharp Teeth between turns.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - - - - - - - EBF5 Element Dark.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Stat Attack.png - - - - - Stat Defence.png - 5% 10% 15% 20% Curse & Bad Luck 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Stat Mdef.png - 5% 10% 15% 20% Instant Death & Doom 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill 70/3 (60%)
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Defend Status -- --
Note: Before the v2 update, casted Skeleton Hand (with 40% modifier) instead of Sharp Teeth.
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Razor Claw
x 1
-- -- 3 Razor Claw
x 2
-- --
4 Bone Spike
x 1
Dark Rune
x 1
-- 5 Dark Rune
x 4
-- --

Statistics with Equip Remix enabled.

EBF5 Arm Coat of Teeth.png Coat of Teeth
A powerful necromancer's coat.
  • Gives the player shroud status.
  • Level 3: Boosts the damage of dark skills.
  • Level 5: Defending also buffs attack by 80%.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - - - - - - - EBF5 Element Dark.png 30% 60% 90% 120% 150%
Stat Attack.png 20% 20% 20% 25% 25% Stat Defence.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Instant Death & Doom 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png - - - - - Stat Mdef.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - 5% 5% Stat Evade.png - - - - 5%
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill -- --
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status 2x EBF5 Status Shroud.png (100%)
Defend Status 80% Stat Attack.png --
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Razor Claw
x 1
-- -- 3 Razor Claw
x 2
-- --
4 Bone Spike
x 1
Dark Rune
x 1
-- 5 Dark Rune
x 4
-- --