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Sacrifice is a Dark-elemental special skill available for Matt, Natalie, and Anna in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. It is also present as a foe-only spell in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


When cast, Sacrifice creates a glowing red 死 (Shi - Death) kanji over the target, wreathed in red vapor and emblazoned over a red and black "burst" detail. It generally deals magical Dark damage with high Accuracy, but its power, elemental degree, and additional effects vary greatly between games.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Sacrifice kills the user to deal massive, slightly Dark-elemental magic damage to a single enemy, with a chance of inflicting Instant Death to the target. The act of sacrifice cannot be blocked by Instant Death resistance, Bless or Morale, but will still trigger Auto-Revive; it also has no impact on the Limit Break bar.

In general, Sacrifice has little to no practical applications, as the loss of a party member outweighs the damage dealt and most of the enemies potentially worth bursting down are highly resistant or outright immune to the Death effect. While Auto-Revive mitigates its main drawback, the time spent setting up for a single move is usually better spent on other tactics. Additionally, Sacrifice only hits one enemy and has a low elemental degree, which reduces the effectiveness of Dark-boosting weapons. And just to add insult to injury, Dark Godcat can spam it to her heart's content without a single drawback (thereby serving as her equivalent to her Light counterpart's Judgement).

Although Sacrifice can be used in certain extremely specific situations, such as those revolving around Revenge or to kill off a player to conserve experience, even these niches are hampered by it being unusable by Lance (who has the least useful skillset of the four players and is most often benched). Overall, it has no practical use in normal play.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Sacrifice deals a small amount of pure Dark-elemental magic damage, but it's guaranteed to debuff the target's HP while having a decent chance to inflict Doom. It is only used by the Zombie Hydra, which suffers no negative consequences by using the spell.

Foe Users

Sacrifice has no side effects when used by foes.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Sacrifice is found in a chest in the deepest part of Graybone Cemetery, outside the Left Tomb in the bottom-left corner of the map. To reach the chest, a simple block puzzle must be solved.

EBF4 Skill Sacrifice.png
Sacrifice the user to inflict massive damage to the target. May kill targets instantly.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Magical 30% Element Dark.png Status Death.png 150% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 250 {180} 20% {10%} -- 12 500
2 320 {260} 30% {15%} -- 17 1000
3 400 {340} 40% {15%} -- 22 2000
4 500 {420} 50% {20%} -- 27 4000
Note: Stats in braces (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

In addition to being massively overhauled in gameplay terms, Sacrifice is no longer usable by players; it is only seen as one of the Zombie Hydra's spells.

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Sacrifice Single 30 Magical 100% EBF5 Element Dark.png 50%
EBF5 Status Doom.png
EBF5 StatDown HP.png
150% 10% 10%


  • The EBF4 version of Sacrifice has some thematic similarities to the Annihilate Limit Break, being a Dark-based skill intended to quickly kill its target and featuring Japanese kanji in its predominantly red-and-black animation.