Triple Sawblades

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Triple Sawblades.png
"Ha, your defence does nothing!"
―Matt, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Triple Sawblades is an expert non-elemental special skill available for Matt, Lance, and Anna in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. It is the upgraded version of Sawblade in EBF4, being replaced by Shredder in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


Upon casting, three large silver sawblades fall onto the battlefield and then roll through the ground to slash the target. This deals a large amount of physical non-elemental damage that ignores Defence buffs and has a small chance to inflict Instant Death.

Since its Death chance is extremely unreliable and the ability to ignore Defence buffs is fairly niche (and inferior to outright removing the buffs with Dispel effects), Triple Sawblades is best used as a coverage option when the wielder's other skills would be ineffective against a target. It typically does the most damage when used by Matt, but both Anna and Lance are perfectly viable alternatives, since they have more gaps in their elemental coverage.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Triple Sawblades is unlocked when Lance joins the party near the Crystal Caverns. The Chainsaw Blade and the Chainsaw Gun may randomly cast the skill between turns.

EBF4 Skill Triple Sawblades.png
Triple Sawblades
Expert non-elemental attack. Ignores defence buffs. May kill targets instantly. Hits 3 times.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical ---- Status Death.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 120/3 3.33% {3%} -- 20 1200
2 150/3 5% [3%] -- 24 2400
3 180/3 6.66% {6%} [4%] -- 28 4800
4 230/3 {228/3} 8.33% {8%} [5%] -- 32 8000
EBF4 Skill Sawblade.png
Note: Stats in braces (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.
Prior to the v2 update, this attack didn't actually ignore defence buffs.
Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-Battle Mountain update version.