Good Luck (status)

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"Luck is quite a subtle status affect. It should be most noticeable when it comes to resisting or inflicting status effects!"
―Natalie, Epic Battle Fantasy 5

EBF5 Status Good Luck.png Good Luck is a positive status effect in Epic Battle Fantasy 5, and the opposite of the Bad Luck status. Its icon is a golden horseshoe pointing up. It affects many aspects (and is always multiplicative), but none drain the status' length. Its effects are as follows:

  • Cancels out Bad Luck.
  • The afflicted's attacks have 25% more accuracy.
  • The afflicted's attacks have 25% more critical hit chance, calculated after Brave's bonus but prior to Stagger's.
  • The afflicted's attacks have 25% more chance to cause status effects and debuffs.
  • Incoming attacks have 10% less accuracy.
  • Incoming attacks have 30% less critical hit chance, calculated prior to Stagger's bonus.
  • Incoming attacks have 25% less chance to cause status effects (debuff chances are unaffected).
  • Incoming Instant Death becomes Stagger; infliction chance stays the same.
  • For its effects on foe catching/capturing, see the capture formula.