Cheats & Challenges

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EBF5 Cheats & Challenges.png

Cheats and Challenges are a pair of features in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, first introduced in the v2 update of Epic Battle Fantasy 5 before being retroactively added in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. They enable features that make the game easier or harder respectively, allowing the player to further customize the difficulty of the game beyond the standard difficulty options.

Cheats make the game easier, with features that either hinder foes or help players. These range from a Treasure Finder to making foes have weaker resistances. With the exception of a few cheats (which are marked with an asterisk (*) in game), use of Cheats disables nearly all Medals (barring a couple of exceptions) earned for defeating certain bosses on Epic until the Cheat is turned off,

Challenges make the game harder, with features that either help foes or hinder players. These range from foes being more resistant to elements, statuses and debuffs, to being unable to see the foes' HP bars. No Medals are disabled with Challenges on. Earning an Epic-difficulty Medal with all challenges enabled will mark the medal with a gold star, although this has no effect other than giving the player some bragging rights.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4


In EBF4, cheats are represented by the Medipack icon.

  • Less Foe Resistance: Foes' elemental weaknesses are increased significantly.
    • A blanket reduction to all foe elemental weaknesses is applied: -10%~-45% turns to -50%, -50%~-75% turns to -100%, -80%~-100% turns to -150%, and -300% turns to -400%.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "More Foe Resistance" challenge.
  • Less Foe HP: Foes have 25% less HP.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "More Foe HP" challenge.
  • More SP: Foes give 30% more SP when defeated, and max SP is also increased by 30%.
  • More Limits: Limit Breaks charge 50% faster.
  • Even Rewards*: Dead players get the normal amount of EXP and AP after each battle.
  • Players Act First: Players always get the first turn in each wave in battle.
    • Automatically "resets" the player turn on each new wave of foes.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Foes Act First" challenge.
  • Learn Any Skill: All players can learn any special skill or Limit Break.
    • Upon turning this cheat off, any skills learned on a character that can't usually learn them are automatically forgotten.
  • More "Free" Attacks: Players counter attacks, unleashes, and other "free" skills activate more often.
    • Gives a 1.33x multiplier to counter, unleash and auto-skill activation chance.
  • Auto Scan*: Foe info is always available in battle, without scanning them. This does not affect the bestiary.
    • As stated, while the foe's info will be available to see in-battle, they won't be added to the Bestiary unless the player actually uses the Scan tactic on them.
  • Treasure Finder (v3 only) *: A question mark appears over the player if there is a treasure chest or secret on your current map.
    • The question mark only shows up once the player stops moving.
    • Applies to all chests, including those that need specific conditions to appear (like puzzles or switches).
    • Doesn't apply to NPCs that give items or quest rewards, or to items in pedestals.


In EBF4, challenges are represented by the Nuke icon.

  • More Foe Resistance: Foes have more resistance to elements and status effects. This has a different effect on each type of foe.
    • As stated, the specific effects of this Challenge vary between foes, though it generally increases their elemental resistances to make them have less weaknesses, increases their resistance to certain statuses to make it harder to abuse those against them, and/or increases their debuff resistance to make them less susceptible to them. Some foes will have their resistances and weaknesses changed entirely.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Less Foe Resistance" cheat.
  • More Foe HP: Foes have 20% more HP.
  • More Foe Evade: Foes have 10% more Evade.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Less Foe HP" Cheat.
  • More Foe Attack: Foes have 30% more attack and magic attack.
  • No Rare Food: Rare food items are banned in battle.
  • Foes Act First: After the first wave, foes will attack immediately when they enter the battle.
    • Automatically "resets" the foe turn on each new wave of foes, potentially interrupting the players' turn.
    • There isn't any kind of restriction on which attacks the foes can use.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Players Act First" cheat.
  • No Grinding: Foes do not respawn (except for Boss Rushes), and backup foes called in battle do not give any EXP or AP.
    • Turning the Challenge off will allow foes to respawn again.
  • No Revive Turn: Players revived in battle cannot take their turn immediately. Does not affect Auto-Revive.
    • A backup player revived with Genesis can be switched to the front, but won't be able to act (essentially consuming the turn of the switched-out character).
  • Hide Foe HP: Foe HP bars are hidden in battle. Only their max HP is available.
  • Double MP Cost (v3 only): Doubles the MP costs of skills.
    • Does not affect summons.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5


In EBF5, they're represented by the Companion Cube icon.

  • Less Foe Resistance: Foes' elemental weaknesses are increased significantly.
    • A blanket reduction to all foe elemental weaknesses is applied: -30% turns to -50%, -50% turns to -100%, -80% turns to -150%, and -300% turns to -400%.
      • The cheat only applies to those four values, so -100% elemental weaknesses are unaffected.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "More Foe Resistance" challenge.
  • More SP: Foes give 30% more SP when defeated, and max SP is also increased by 30%.
  • More Limits: Limit breaks charge 50% faster.
  • Learn Any Skill: All players can learn any bonus skill and any bonus Limit Break.
    • Upon turning this cheat off, any skills equipped on a character that can't usually learn them are automatically unequipped.
  • Less Foe HP: Foes have 25% less HP.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "More Foe HP" challenge.
  • Treasure Finder*: A question mark appears over the player if there is a treasure chest or secret on your current map.
    • The question mark only shows up once the player stops moving.
    • Applies to all chests, including those that need specific conditions to appear (like puzzles or switches).
    • Doesn't apply to NPCs that give items or quest rewards, or to items in pedestals.
  • Players Act First: Players always get the first turn in each wave in battle.
    • Automatically "resets" the player turn on each new wave of foes.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Foes Act First" challenge.
  • Cowardly Foes: Foes surrender more easily and are easier to capture. This does not affect many bosses.
    • Increases catch rate of all foes by 30% (rounded down), which also makes them Surrender more easily.
      • Contrary to the description, bosses are still affected by the catch rate increase; the description most likely refers to the fact bosses cannot Surrender.
  • No "Free" Attacks*: Players counter attacks, unleashes, and other "free" skills will never activate. This is helpful for catching foes.
    • Does not affect Auto-Statuses from equipment.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "More "Free" Attacks" cheat.
  • More "Free" Attacks: Players counter attacks, unleashes, and other "free" skills activate more often.
    • Gives a 1.3x multiplier to counter and unleash activation chance and a 1.33x multiplier to auto-skill activation chance.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "No "Free" Attacks" cheat.
  • Auto Scan: Foe info is always available in battle, without scanning them. This does not affect the bestiary.
    • As stated, while the foe's info will be available to see in-battle, they won't be added to the Bestiary unless the player actually uses the Scan tactic on them.

The following Cheats are unlocked upon checking one of the shelves in the All Medal Room of the Grand Gallery.

  • Animal Sounds*: All NPCs make stupid animal sounds for no reason.
  • Cat Simulator: All foes in battle are replaced with cats. This may break the game if bosses are replaced.
  • God Mode: All foes have 1 HP.
  • Hell Mode: All foes are stunned and suffer forever.
    • Despite what the description may imply, it simply makes all foes spawn with 9x Stun and 9x Scorch. Once the Stun runs out/is cured, they'll be able to act normally afterwards.


In EBF5, they're represented by the Nuke icon. There is a medal for defeating a boss with all challenges on at once, as well as two for clearing a minimum of 30 battles with specific challenges active (one for the "Counter-Attacking Foes" challenge, and one for having both "Less Player Resistance" and "More Foe Resistance").

  • More Foe Resistance: Foes have more resistance to elements and status effects. This has a different effect on each type of foe.
    • As stated, the specific effects of this Challenge vary between foes, though it generally increases their elemental resistances to make them have less weaknesses, increases their resistance to certain statuses to make it harder to abuse those against them, and/or increases their debuff resistance to make them less susceptible to them. Some foes will have their resistances and weaknesses changed entirely.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Less Foe Resistance" cheat.
  • Less Player Resistance: Equipment gives roughly 40% less elemental resistance.
    • As a clarification, it's 40%, not "40 percentile points". For example, equipment that normally gives 50% resistance to an element will give 30% instead [50 - (50 * 0.4) = 30].
      • Effect is smaller on lower equipment levels, generally only reaching the actual 40% reduction on the last few levels.
    • Elemental weaknesses will instead be increased.
    • Does not affect status resistance.
  • Counter-Attacking Foes: Most foes have a chance of counter-attacking when hit. This has a different effect on each type of foe.
    • Details vary, but it generally gives foes a chance to counter any attack made against them (including skills randomly cast by equipment) with an attack of their own (summons won't be countered).
      • To trigger a counter, the attack needs to deal positive damage, thus attacks that are absorbed or deal 0 damage won't be countered. It's also worth noting that multi-target unleashes won't cause counters from foes that weren't the main target of the attack that triggered the unleash.
      • Chance of countering tends to be around 25-33%, though some foes have as high as 100%, guaranteeing a counter.
      • Each foe has a specific attack or set of attacks that can be used as counters.
      • A lot of counters can be blocked by syphoning the relevant foe. Like players, foes that have Defend cannot counter. Foes that are inflicted with Freeze/Stun or have Surrendered also won't counter.
      • Certain enemies are unaffected by this Challenge and gain no counters (eg, Neon Valhalla or the Final Boss).
      • Only one foe can counter any given attack, so using a multi-target attack against five foes will never trigger more than one counter. For multi-target attacks, the foes are checked from top to bottom in order. For centered spells, the main target has the highest priority and then it goes through the other foes.
      • Foe counters can trigger player counters; on the other hand, player counters won't trigger foe counters.
  • More Foe Evade: Foes have 10% more evade.
  • More Foe HP: Foes have 20% more HP.
    • The effect of this Challenge is reduced to 10% more HP when fighting in the Battle Arena.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Less Foe HP" Cheat.
  • More Foe Attack: Foes have 30% more attack and magic attack.
    • The effect of this Challenge is reduced to 10% more Attack and Magic Attack when fighting in the Battle Arena.
  • Foes Act First: After the first wave, foes will attack immediately when they enter the battle.
    • Automatically "resets" the foe turn on each new wave of foes, potentially interrupting the players' turn.
      • The only exception is if a foe dies due to status damage, in which case players will still get the first turn.
    • There isn't any kind of restriction on which attacks the foes can use.
    • Cannot be active at the same time as the "Players Act First" cheat.
  • Status Antibody: Foes gain a little bit of resistance to a status effect each time they are inflicted with it.
    • Each time a foe is successfully inflicted with a status effect, the foes' resistance to that status increases by 10%. This affects both statuses if they share a resistance; for example, an enemy with 70% resistance to Weaken and Tired will become immune to both if they get inflicted by either status 3 times.
      • Does not affect Instant Death.
      • Due to a bug, Doom causes the enemies' resistance to increase before the status is actually inflicted, which may cause an otherwise-guaranteed infliction to fail.
  • Even Rewards: Dead players get the normal amount of EXP and AP after each battle. This isn't actually a challenge.
  • Combo Cap: The total damage multiplier from critical hits, debuffs, and status effects is capped at 6x normal damage.
    • Essentially, anything that increases the players' damage output that isn't elemental weaknesses or elemental boosts from weapons and armor are capped at a 6x damage boost in total.
    • Other than what's mentioned in the description, this Challenge also includes the damage boost from Berserk.
  • No Grinding: Foes do not respawn (except for Boss Rushes), and backup foes called in battle do not give any EXP or AP.
    • Does not include the foes from the Battle Arena.
    • Turning the Challenge off will allow foes to respawn again.
  • No Revive Turn: Players revived in battle cannot take their turn immediately. Does not affect Auto-Revive.
    • A backup player revived with Genesis can be switched to the front, but won't be able to act (essentially consuming the turn of the switched-out character).
  • No Rare Food: Rare food items are banned in battle.
  • Hide Foe HP: Foe HP bars are hidden in battle. Only their max HP is available.
  • Turn Time Limit: You have 30 seconds to take your entire turn in battle, excluding animations.
    • Once the timer reaches 0, the currently selected player will automatically skip their turn, and the player turn forcibly ends.

Secret Features

Secret Features are exclusively available on the Mobile version of Epic Battle Fantasy 5 and they can be accessed by tapping the star on the options menu (prior to their removal, they, alongside the Debug Features can only be access during gameplay by tapping on the symbol representing game difficulty filter (Sawblade)). Despite the name, there were also some exclusive cheats available to be used alongside the regular cheats and will also disable medals during the current session of gameplay. Features marked with a superscripted pound sign (#) are unstable and may crash the game while features marked with a superscripted dollar sign ($) are paid exclusives that requires the Dungeon DLC.

  • Password Save System#: Appears on the Save and Load menus. Can be used for backups.
  • Turbo Speed#: Speeds up the game if your device can handle it.
  • Anti-Aliasing#: Some graphics may not display correctly if specs are too low.
  • Flip Screen Orientation#: Should not be needed if your device can automatically do this.
  • Disable Cloud Saving#: Data will only be loaded from and saved to current device.
  • Disable Aspect Ratio Scaling#: Locks the game in a standard 16:9 aspect ratio, which will be updated on map transition. The Game's ratio is usually 16:10 by default.

Debug Features

(Most of these have since been removed from the game, with the regular cheats returning to their original menu. Removed features will have a superscripted "X" next to them.)

  • 1HP Foes/God Mode: All foes have 1 HP.
  • Stun Foes/Hell Mode: All foes are stunned and suffer forever.
    • Despite what the description may imply, it simply makes all foes spawn with 9x Stun and 9x Scorch. Once the Stun runs out/is cured, they'll be able to act normally afterwards.
  • Random MhatX: Gives you a random male hat.
  • All MhatX: Presumably works in a similar way to Random Mhat, but affects everybody.
  • Skip Cutscenes#X
  • Walk Anywhere#$X: Disabled as of version 1.016 (Android).
  • Invis HUD#X: Removes the HUD during gameplay. Disabled as of version 1.016 (Android).
  • Remove/Get Premium$X: Enables or disables premium features during gameplay if purchased.
  • Get GoldX
  • Level UpX
  • Get APX: Gives every character 200.000 AP.
  • All Items/Equips$X
  • All Summons$X
  • All Medals$X: Disabled as of version 1.016 (Android).
  • Redraw RegionsX: This changes the whole map, presumably.