Mana Points

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This article lists the ways to boost and recover the Mana Points or MP stat. For a general description of the stat, see Stats#Mana Points (MP).

Epic Battle Fantasy

No MP-boosting equipment exists yet.


In this game, offensive drainage completely ignores enemy parameters and targeting mode, depending only on attacker's stat bonuses/buffs and attack's power.

Skills that support MP drain:

  • Matt has to equip the Devil's Sunrise sword to be able to drain MP from enemies.
    • Normal Attack — 1/10 or 10%.
    • Wind Slash — 1/15 or 6.(6)%
    • Legend — 1/15 or 6.(6)% of the final attack's damage. Will work even if the enemy died long before.
  • Natalie
    • Defend — 1/8 or 12.5% of damage taken from the last hit of the attack. Works only with magical attacks.


Available MP-replenishing items:
(Note that randomization affects only the pop-up number, not the actual amount of MP restorted.)

  • Ether — 500.
  • Max Ether — 999.

Other means of MP healing:

  • Mog (skill) — throws random items at players, see its own article for more information. Has a 10% chance to be summoned during the foes-to-players turn transition.
  • Reaching the second shop will fully heal both players.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

No MP-boosting equipment exists yet.


In this game, offensive drainage completely ignores enemy parameters and targeting mode, depending only on attacker's stat bonuses/buffs and attack's power.

Skills that support MP drain:

  • Matt has to equip either the Rune Blade sword or the Mana Leech skill bonus. When both are on, Rune Blade takes priority and Mana Leech is ignored. (When Blood Blade — the HP draining sword — is equipped, Mana Leech is also ignored.)
    • Rune Blade
    • Mana Leech
      • Normal Attack — 1/80 or 1.25%.
      • Windslash — 1/70 or ≈1.42%.
      • Legend — 1/80 or 1.25% of the final attack's damage. Won't drain if the final attack misses.
      • Cleaver (Limit Break) — 1/80 or 1.25% of the last successful hit.
  • Natalie
    • Normal Attack with Natalie's own version of the Mana Leech skill bonus — 1/15 or 6.(6)%.
    • Defend — 1/8 or 12.5% of damage taken from the last hit of the attack. Works only with magical attacks.


Available MP-replenishing items:
(In format: without the Chemist skill bonus, with Chemist, with Chemist x2. Note that randomization affects only the pop-up number, not the actual amount of MP restorted.)

  • Ether — 500, 650, 800.
  • Max Ether — 999, 1299, 1598.
  • Mystery Potion's stronger Ether (20% chance to roll) — 777, 1010, 1243.

Other means of MP healing:

  • NoLegs (skill) — throws random items at players, see its own article for more information. The Cat Tamer skills bonus grants 20% chance to summon him during the foes-to-players turn transition.
  • Reaching a checkpoint will fully heal both players.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Equipment bonuses


In this game, offensive drainage heals for a portion of damage dealt by the last successful hit of the skill, now considering enemy resistances and all.

Weapons with MP drain capabilities:

Skills that support MP drain:


Available MP-replenishing items:

  • Cupcake — 500.
  • Icecream — 200.
  • Hamburger — 99 999.
  • Muffin — 50.
  • Pizza — 99 999, targets all players.
  • Sundae — 1000.

Casual Shirt (male armor) doubles the effect of healing items.

Other means of MP healing:

  • NoLegs (skill) — throws random items at players, see its own article for more information. Cat Costume (female armor) grants 1/6 or 16.(6)% chance to summon him at the beginning of players' turn.
  • Walking around — 0.6% + 1 MP for each step, rounded to nearest integer. Prior to the 2016 update, each step healed simply for 1 MP instead.
  • Sleeping in the Inn — 100 000 MP.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Stats before the Battle Mountain update are listed in brackets.

Equipment bonuses


In this game, it heals for a part of total damage/heal (if absorbed) dealt by the skill. Extra spells cast by equipment after the attack do not count.

Weapons with MP drain capabilities:

Skills that support MP drain:

Enemy abilities that drain players' MP:


Available MP-replenishing items:

  • Burger (rare) — 99 999.
  • Cheese — 160.
  • Chips — None. [50, targets all players.]
  • Chocolate — 300, targets all players.
  • Crisps — None. [300, targets all players.]
  • Cupcake — 500.
  • Fried Chicken — 800.
  • Ice Cream — 200.
  • Muffin — 50.
  • Pizza (rare) — 99 999, targets all players.
  • Sundae — 1000.

Casual Shirt (male armor), School Uniform (female armor, Premium only) and Shrine Maiden Dress (female armor) double the power of healing items.

Other means of MP healing:

  • Friend Dog (summon) — throws random items at all players, see its own article for more information. Puppy Hat (male hat, Premium only) grants a chance to summon it at the beginning of players' turn.
  • Being in the backup slot in-battle heals for 10% of maximum MP each turn.
  • Passive healing in overworld — 1/180 or 0.(5)% of maximum MP per second, three minutes for full heal.
  • Slime Bunnies/healing pools, found all accross the world, heal each party member for 99 999 MP when interacted with.