Double Shot

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Lance firing Double Shot with the Shadow Blaster equipped.
CharIcon Lance.png "I'll stab you... with bullets."
―Lance, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Double Shot is a weapon-elemental skill available for Lance in Epic Battle Fantasy 3, 4 and 5.


When used, Lance quickly loads two bullets into his gunblade or revolver before firing both shots at a targeted foe. Starting from EBF4's Battle Mountain update, if the target is killed by the first shot, Lance will automatically aim the second shot at a different foe.

Double Shot is essentially a more powerful version of Lance's Normal Attack, dealing respectable damage and hitting twice. It's a useful means of ensuring status effects land on a foe; furthermore, later games give it a retargeting ability that allows Lance to pick off a weakened foe and potentially damage another enemy with his second shot. This feature is particularly useful when farming foes that can spawn others (such as the Yellow Wasp).

However, Lance is typically not meant for physical damage, so using Double Shot may be seen as a waste of MP; EBF5 increases its utility by replacing MP with the Cooldown system, also making Double Shot one of the only spammable skills in Lance's base kit.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Double Shot is one of Lance's default skills.

EBF3 Skill Double Shot.png
Double Shot
Standard attack that hits twice. Useful for getting twice the special effect from a weapon.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical Element Weapon.png Element Weapon.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 40/2 (100%) (100%) 6 N/A
2 60/2 (100%) (100%) 10 150
3 100/2 (100%) (100%) 14 500
Note: Has 70% chance to trigger bonus skill at 80% of host skill's base power.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Lance already has Double Shot at Level 2 when he joins the party in the Crystal Caverns. It's more powerful than before and has an increased unleash chance, but the status infliction chance of each shot was slightly reduced and its MP cost is slightly higher once fully upgraded. Since the Battle Mountain update, Double Shot (as well as Unload) will target another enemy in the wave if the initial target is eliminated. This makes it useful for farming Yellow Wasps and the like.

EBF4 Skill Double Shot.png
Double Shot
Element and effects depend on current weapon. Weapon effects are stronger than usual. Hits twice.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical Element Weapon.png Element Weapon.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 N/A (85%) (100%) N/A N/A
2 95/2 {94/2} (85%) (100%) 10 N/A
3 140/2 (85%) (100%) 15 700
Note: Bonus skills have their trigger chance multiplied by 1.5.
Stats in braces (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Emo0061.jpg "Always double tap - to make sure it's dead!"
―Lance, Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Lance joins the party with Double Shot already learned at Level 1. Compared to EBF4, it gained another power boost per level, and its status infliction chance is 150% of the base weapon's. Moreover, it's Lance's only physical skill (and one of his few skills in general) that does not have a cooldown (aside from his Normal Attack); as such, it can utilized as a consistent means to inflict status effects. In fact, it is often a better idea to have Lance use Double Shot instead of his Normal Attack unless specifically aiming to land an unleash.

EBF5 Skill Double Shot.png
Double Shot
An attack which shoots a single target twice.
  • Element and effects depend on current weapon.
  • Weapon effects are stronger than usual.
  • Hits a new foe if the target is killed.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Physical Element Weapon.png Element Weapon.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 60/2 (150%) (100%) N/A
2 110/2 (150%) (100%) 200
3 180/2 (150%) (100%) 700
Note: Bonus skills have their trigger chance multiplied by 1.5


  • Lance's quote upon using Double Shot for the first time in EBF5 echoes the Bestiary's flavor text for the Zombie Hand: "Always remember to double-tap, or this might happen."