Mana Drain

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Mana Drain is a skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 4, used exclusively by foes.


A number of white-green orbs appear over the player, and move away to the right while shrinking, accompanied by a strange sound effect.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Mana Drain removes a portion of the target's current MP, originally 66% on Easy/Normal, or 88% on Hard/Epic. During the v2 update, the spell's effect was reduced to 50% of current MP on Easy/Normal and 75% on Hard/Epic. The v3 update furthermore made it so the drain effect will be mitigated by Syphon resistance (i.e. having 50% Syphon resistance would reduce the drain by half, and having 100% would negate it completely).

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Mana Drain Single -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- --
Notes: Drains 50% of a player's current MP, or 75% on Hard and Epic difficulties (66% and 88% respectively pre-v2 update).
Post-v3 update, the drain will be reduced based on target's Syphon resistance.