Soul Eater

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The Soul Eater is one of Matt's recurring swords in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. It has appeared in every main game in the series so far, except for Epic Battle Fantasy 4.


In its first three appearances, the Soul Eater has a large, red-tinted blade lined with small spikes and a few faint cracks. Its oval crossguard has a large, reddish eye and two pairs of orange horns curving away from the blade. The hilt is the same shade of orange as the guard, and another metal piece extends into the middle of the blade (presumably to reinforce it).

The Soul Eater's general appearance remained the same in EBF5, but its coloring was altered. It is now predominantly made of shiny crimson metal, save for the spikes and eye on its crossguard; the former are black and the latter became orange.

The Soul Eater has consistently followed the "glass cannon" archetype: it severely weakens Magic Attack (except EBF5), Defence and Magic Defence in exchange for phenomenal Attack, allowing Matt to hit much harder with all of his physical skills. Aside from its EBF1 debut, it also gives Matt's weapon-elemental attacks a partial Dark element, although the exact degree differs between appearances.

Epic Battle Fantasy

The Soul Eater gives Matt significant penalties to both defenses and Magic Attack, but it also has a huge Attack boost. This allows Matt to cut through foes' HP quickly at the expense of also taking much more damage in return; Natalie can mitigate this with Revive, but the loss of momentum this brings should be taken into consideration when strategizing.

As its in-game description states, the Soul Eater works well with Matt's weapon-elemental skills; it lets him slay waves of normal foes at once with Windslash, absorb good amounts of HP with Drain, and inflict serious damage to single targets with Legend.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

The Soul Eater has monstrous offensive power, with twice as much Attack as the next strongest swords; however, it also has serious penalties to Magic Attack (which is negligible) and both defenses (which is decidedly not negligible). It has a slight Dark element and an Unleash that deals enormous amounts of damage rather than applying debuffs or status effects.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Soul Eater boosts Matt's Attack to terrifying extremes, being half again as high as that of the Blizzard; it actually does more damage with elemental skills than swords with the appropriate elemental boost. This allows Matt to cut down foes in record time...and he'll need to, because the sword has an elemental weakness and no resistances on top of halving his Defence and Magic Defence. The Magic Attack reduction is relatively minor - with Power Metal being the skill most affected - and the Accuracy loss fades at higher forging levels.

The Soul Eater's weapon-elemental skills are partially Dark-based, but the low elemental degree means that resistances and weaknesses won't do much to alter their damage. Its unique Unleash inflicts extreme physical damage, but suffers from poor Accuracy; as such, support from Natalie and Lance may be needed to ensure it finds its mark. It is also famous as part of the "SoulZerker" strategy for defeating Akron.

The Soul Eater decreases Matt's Holy resistance, with the degree remaining constant no matter its forging level.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5


The Soul Eater greatly reduces Matt's Defence and Magic Defence in the process of sending his Attack through the roof - at maximum level, his physical attacks will be two-and-a-half times stronger than normal. Its weapon-elemental skills can drain HP and frequently Curse their targets, keeping Matt healthy while slowly making foes even more vulnerable to his ridiculous offenses; unfortunately, it has a high chance to Curse Matt himself between turns, reducing his already crippled defenses while further amplifying one of its two elemental weaknesses.

Once the player learns to properly compensate for its frailty, the Soul Eater becomes Matt's best option for general offense, being able to out-damage other swords even with their elemental boosts. Morale support is highly recommended; not only will it let Matt survive potentially lethal attacks, he can recoup some of his health with his Normal Attack counter. It pairs well with the Turtle Gi, which offers auto-Morale and a useful self-buffing effect that can somewhat mitigate the sword's frailty while further enhancing its offensive power.

However, the Soul Eater's greatest obstacle may be its competition with the Honjo Masamune; not only does NoLegs have more efficient stats for a "glass cannon" build, Matt's access to Temper gives him the most efficient buff build to support physical attackers. In contrast, Matt's high base HP and the Soul Eater's draining abilities make him somewhat bulkier and on-hit Curse is more broadly useful than Light, but other players will need Beer to buff Matt's Attack (preferably with Food-boosting equipment) if he's taking point.

The Soul Eater is weak to Holy and Dark, with neither changing as it is forged.

Equip Remix

Apart from its elemental affinity and ability to drain HP with Weapon-elemental skills (which also have a good chance to inflict Bad Luck), the Alt Soul Eater is the complete opposite of its normal counterpart. It's one of the bulkiest pieces of equipment (much less weapons) in Equip Remix; its Defence is only matched by the Alt Heroic Armor, its HP boost equals those of the next three best swords combined, and its Magic Defence is higher than the sum total of all other Alt swords. Alas, this comes at the cost of halved Attack and constant Scorch applications, the latter of which becomes even more dangerous with the sword's Fire weakness.

While theoretically useful for tank builds, the Alt Soul Eater's contradictory stats and effects severely undercut its utility. The Attack penalty and lack of a counter skill renders its HP-draining ability nigh-useless, while its amazing bulk is crippled by Scorch and its elemental weaknesses. Aside from reliable ailment removal (e.g. the Purify skill, Natalie's Cleanse, or the auto-skill of NoLegs's Alt Godly Book), the Alt Space Helmet is useful for its on-Defend HP buff and Fire resistance, while the Alt Shell Armor or the Alt Priest's Tunic provide Holy resistance and utility effects for when Matt has a turn to act between maintaining Target status.

Combining the Alt Soul Eater with the Alt Flame Suit and the Alt Dragon Helm is an option for supporting Doom strategies; not only do they give Slicing Cyclone a guaranteed Bad Luck effect on anything with up to 50% resistance, their combined Fire resistance will let Matt heal from Scorch (although the HP debuff remains problematic).

The Alt Soul Eater has Holy and Fire vulnerabilities that remain constant at all forging levels.

Epic Battle Fantasy

  • Attack: 60%
  • Defence: -20%
  • Magic Attack: -20%
  • Magic Defence: -20%
"Kills very fast. Works well with Wind Slash, Drain and Legend."

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

  • Attack: 60%
  • Defence: -30%
  • Magic Attack: -30%
  • Magic Defence: -30%
  • Element: 20% Dark
  • Unleash: Massive damage
"The user won't live long with this..."

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Soul Eater can be bought from The Town's Equipment Shop for 22,000 gold.

EBF3 WepIcon Soul Eater.png Soul Eater
Pure attack power. Level 4: Counters with Attack.
Unleash: Very low accuracy attack which deals extreme damage.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - Stat MP.png - - - - - Element Holy.png -20% -20% -20% -20% -20%
Stat Attack.png 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Stat Defence.png -50% -50% -50% -50% -50% - - - - - -
Stat Magic.png -20% -20% -20% -20% -20% Stat Mdef.png -50% -50% -50% -50% -50% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png -10% -5% - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - - Element 25% Element Dark.png
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier Attack Status
Auto Skill -- -- - - - - - -
Bonus Skill -- -- - - - - -
Note: Prior to the 2016 update, the Defence and Magic Defence penalties were only -40%.
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Steel Plate
x 3
-- -- 3 Curly Horn
x 3
Steel Plate
x 3
4 Dark Rune
x 1
-- -- 5 Darkmatter
x 1
Dark Rune
x 1

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The Soul Eater is found inside a chest in the Forgotten Temple of the Forgotten Ruins; the chest is behind a Diamond Block, requiring a Diamond Key to reach it.

EBF5 WepIcon Soul Eater.png Soul Eater
A weapon which contains many demonic souls.
  • Gives the player cursed status.
  • Level 3: Counter-attacks with Normal Attack.
  • Level 5: Drains HP from targets.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - - - - - - - EBF5 Element Holy.png -30% -30% -30% -30% -30%
Stat Attack.png 70%[100%] 90%[120%] 110%[140%] 130%[160%] 150%[180%] Stat Defence.png -40% -40% -40% -40% -40% EBF5 Element Dark.png -30% -30% -30% -30% -30%
Stat Magic.png - - - - - Stat Mdef.png -40% -40% -40% -40% -40% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - - Element 50% EBF5 Element Dark.png
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier Attack Status
Auto Skill -- -- EBF5 Status Curse.png 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Bonus Skill -- -- 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
Auto Status 1x EBF5 Status Curse.png (50%) - - - - - -
Defend Status -- -- - - - - -
Note: Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Iron Plate
x 3
-- -- 3 Razor Claw
x 3
-- --
4 Amber
x 4
Bone Spike
x 6
-- 5 Dark Matter
x 1
Demon Mirror
x 1

Statistics with Equip Remix enabled.

EBF5 WepIcon Soul Eater.png Soul Eater
A weapon which contains many demonic souls.
  • Gives the player scorched status.
  • Level 3: Drains HP from targets.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% - - - - - - EBF5 Element Fire.png -30% -30% -30% -30% -30%
Stat Attack.png -50% -50% -50% -50% -50% Stat Defence.png 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% EBF5 Element Holy.png -30% -30% -30% -30% -30%
Stat Magic.png - - - - - Stat Mdef.png 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - - Element 50% EBF5 Element Dark.png
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier Attack Status
Auto Skill -- -- EBF5 Status Bad Luck.png 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Bonus Skill -- -- 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
Auto Status 2x EBF5 Status Scorch.png (100%) - - - - - -
Defend Status -- -- - - - - -
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Iron Plate
x 3
-- -- 3 Razor Claw
x 3
-- --
4 Amber
x 4
Bone Spike
x 6
-- 5 Dark Matter
x 1
Master Wraith
x 1


  • The Soul Eater's design is based off of the Soul Edge, an evil sword from the fighting game series, Soulcalibur.
    • While the sword shares its name with the Soul Eater manga/anime, this is only a coincidence.
  • While the Soul Eater does not appear in Epic Battle Fantasy 4, the Anarchy fulfills a similar role.
  • The Soul Eater's elemental degree has increased with every successive appearance: it was non-elemental in EBF1 before gaining a 20% Dark element in EBF2, which increased to 25% in EBF3 and 50% in EBF5.
  • In the original version of Epic Battle Fantasy, the Soul Eater's description said it was "For tanking bosses". Given its defensive penalties, this was most likely a typo and was supposed to be "For taking on bosses". In the updated version of the game in the Epic Battle Fantasy Collection, the sword's description was changed entirely to better fit its capabilities.