NoLegs (skill)

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NoLegs bringing a Max Potion to the party in EBF2.

NoLegs is a skill in Epic Battle Fantasy 2 and 3, as well as a summon in Epic Battle Fantasy 4.


The "NoLegs" skill can refer to one of three different effects over the course of its appearances:

  1. NoLegs gives a random item to a random player. (EBF2 & 3). While theoretically useful for saving on items (especially in EBF2, where they could only be bought at two specific points), the random nature of both the item and its recipient makes it unreliable at best.
  2. NoLegs attacks the enemies with his sword, hitting them all with physical damage (EBF2 & 3).
  3. NoLegs throws a Hand Bomb, dealing magical Bomb damage to a single foe (EBF2 only).

The activated version of NoLegs is essentially the successor of Mog, an EBF summon which also brought random items to the party. In turn, EBF4 would effectively replace this version of NoLegs with the Friend Dog summon; the attack version of NoLegs became another summon that can also be used by certain Equipment Effects.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

In battle, NoLegs can be summoned through Matt's "NoLegs" skill, bringing a random item and using it on either player. He will randomly do this on his own if Matt takes the Cat Tamer skill bonus between stages. Matt can also take the Cat Warrior skill bonus, which will randomly summon NoLegs to strike an enemy with either a sword or a bomb. Note that the Chemist skill bonus only affects NoLegs' items if he was used manually; the random casts from Cat Tamer and Cat Warrior won't benefit from it.

Item version

NoLegs the cat brings random support items and uses them on a random player.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP Acc RdF
Random Ally -- ---- -- 5 -- --
Power Status Chance Status Strength
-- -- --
Note: 6/15 chance for Potion, 2/15 chance for Ether, and 1/15 chance for each of the following: Max Potion, Max Ether, Antidote, Attack Potion, Magic Potion, Water of Life, Mist Potion.
Items other than Holy Water will only be thrown at living players.
Skill Bonuses
Name Effect
Cat Tamer 20% chance to automatically cast NoLegs between turns
Chemist 1.4x healing/buff multiplier
[1.3x healing/buff multiplier]
Chemist x2 1.8x healing/buff multiplier
[1.6x healing/buff multiplier]

Sword version

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc RdF
NoLegs (sword) All 7000 Stat Attack.png ---- -- -- -- 120% 10%
Notes: Uses Matt's base Attack, ignoring sword stat modifiers and (de)buffs.
Ignores Matt's Accuracy.
Skill Bonuses
Name Effect
Cat Warrior 10% chance to automatically cast NoLegs (sword) between turns.
(cannot activate on the same turn as Cat Tamer)

Bomb version

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc RdF
NoLegs (bomb) Single 19500 -- 100% Element Bomb.png -- -- -- 150% 10%
Notes: Isn't affected by user's offensive stats, but still affected by target's Magic Defence.
Ignores Matt's Accuracy.
Skill Bonuses
Name Effect
Cat Warrior 15% chance to automatically cast NoLegs (bomb) between turns.
(cannot activate on the same turn as Cat Tamer)

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

NoLegs's item-bringing version can be summoned manually through the use of Matt's "NoLegs" skill. This time, he comes in with a treasure chest that he throws into the air, dropping its stored item into a random player's hands. He can also be randomly summoned by a fully-upgraded Cat Costume (array of possible items depends on the last skill cast by the player or a counter. For more information, see Cat Costume's article), while a fully-upgraded Knight Helmet has a chance to summon him to strike a random enemy with his sword; there is no longer a version that throws a bomb at an enemy.

Item version

EBF3 Skill NoLegs.png
NoLegs the cat brings a random healing item and uses it on a random ally. Does not use up your stock.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Random Ally -- ---- -- -- -- --
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 -- -- -- 3 50
2 -- -- -- 5 150
3 -- -- -- 7 500
4 -- -- -- 9 1200
5 -- -- -- 11 3000
Note: Items follow their normal targeting parameters, e.g., Kiwi will only target one player, while Pineapple is given to each player.
List of possible items
Item Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Garlic 2/8 1/6 1/11 1/13 1/16
Kiwi 3/8 1/6 2/11 1/13 1/16
Muffin 2/8 2/6 2/11 1/13 1/16
Pumpkin 1/8 1/6 1/11 2/13 1/16
Milk -- 1/6 1/11 1/13 1/16
Beer -- -- 1/11 1/13 1/16
Hamburger -- -- 1/11 1/13 1/16
Icecream -- -- 1/11 1/13 --
Softdrink -- -- -- 1/13 1/16
Cupcake -- -- -- 1/13 2/16
Coconut -- -- -- 1/13 2/16
Pineapple -- -- -- 1/13 1/16
Pizza -- -- -- -- 1/16
Sundae -- -- -- -- 1/16
Watermelon -- -- -- -- 1/16

Sword version

Name Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
NoLegs Single 60 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 60% 30%

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

NoLegs returns as a summon that is unlocked when Natalie joins the party. He dashes through the enemy wave with a sword, hitting all of them for modest physical damage with a partial Wind element. He can still be summoned at random with the Knight Helmet, as well as with the Cat Badge; he is also the pilot of the Kitten Fort summon, although this is purely cosmetic.

Summon NoLegs.png
NoLegs SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
Targets all foes. 12 Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
All 15 Physical 50% Element Wind.png -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Note: Unlike other damaging summons, this one scales off full Summon Attack rather than a half, effectively dealing twice the expected damage. In other words, you can consider NoLegs to be attacking with 30 Power.