Power Metal

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Power Metal's speakers
"Some of you may prefer to use ear plugs now. I CAN'T HEAR MYSELF SPEAK."
―Lance, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Power Metal is a recurring spell in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. It is mainly associated with Matt, being one of his Special skills in Epic Battle Fantasy 1 and 2; subsequent games made it a shared skill for Matt, Lance and NoLegs (as of Epic Battle Fantasy 5).


When cast, two large speakers appear out of thin air, playing a brief snippet of intense rock/metal music before vanishing. This hits all foes with magical Wind damage while slightly healing the entire party, making it fairly versatile.

In earlier games, Power Metal was hampered by Matt's low Magic Attack; while he could compensate for it with some of his magic-focused swords, it still paled in comparison to his physical attacks or Natalie's offensive magic. As a shared skill, it tends to work best on Lance, who has strong Magic Attack and appreciates the Wind coverage.

EBF4 introduced a Limit Break counterpart of Power Metal: Death Metal, which is essentially a much stronger version of the skill with the same properties and special effects.

Epic Battle Fantasy

Power Metal deals non-elemental magic damage to all enemies and also heals the party slightly. It works well with the Rune Blade, which increases Matt's Magic Attack by 30% (thereby boosting both the damage and healing effect of Power Metal).

Power Metal
Deals Magic damage to all enemies and heals the party slightly.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP RdF
Stat Magic.png
Stat Magic.png
Stat Magic Defence.png
---- -- 100 10%
Power Status Chance Status Strength
-- --

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Power Metal is similar to its EBF1 version, but with a Wind element and a great Accuracy bonus. It works best with the Razorback, which increases Matt's Magic Attack by 30% and boosts Power Metal's damage.

Before the EBF Collection update, Power Metal used Natalie's Accuracy (including Blind) instead of Matt's. It also got less of a bonus from the Razorback.

Power Metal
Targets all foes and also heals the party. More effective with Razorback equipped.
Target Type Element Status Effect MP Acc RdF
Stat Magic.png
Stat Magic.png
100% Element Wind.png
-- 100 150%
Power Status Chance Status Strength
-- --
Note: Deals 1.4x damage/healing with the Razorback equipped.
Before the EBF Collection update, Razorback only boosted the damage by 1.1x
Skill Bonuses
Name Effect
Extreme Metal 1.5x damage multiplier
Healing Metal 1.3x healing multiplier

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Power Metal is a reward for completing a quest given by Calum, who resides in The Town.

EBF3 Skill Power Metal.png
Power Metal
Magic that hits all foes and heals all party members.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Magical 100% Element Wind.png
-- 200%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 40
-- -- 20 400
2 60
-- -- 30 800
3 80
-- -- 40 2000
4 100
-- -- 50 4000
5 120
-- -- 60 10000

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Power Metal is a reward for completing a quest in Whitefall Town, once again given by Calum. The G*bson EB0 has a chance to cast the skill between turns. Compared to EBF3, it doesn't do as much damage per level and has no crit chance, but its healing power has improved.

EBF4 Skill Power Metal.png
Power Metal
Targets all foes. Heals all allies. High accuracy.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Magical 100% Element Wind.png
-- 200%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 30
-- -- 20 1000
2 40
18 {12}
-- -- 30 2000
3 50
24 {12}
-- -- 40 4000
4 60
30 {12}
-- -- 50 8000
Note: Stats in braces (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.
Before the v2 update, it also didn't affect backup.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Power Metal is given as a quest reward from Xavier in the main hall of the Iron Fortress. After reaching Level 5, the Crimson Razorback (sword) has a chance to cast Power Metal between turns.

The EBF5 version of Power Metal inflicts damage roughly equivalent to its EBF3 incarnation per level, on top of another boost to its healing power. Its AP costs per level are lower than its EBF4 counterpart, but it's also saddled with a two-turn cooldown to prevent it from being spammed.

EBF5 Skill Power Metal.png
Power Metal
Deals magical wind damage to all foes, and heals all allies.
  • High accuracy.
  • Has a 2-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Magical 100% EBF5 Element Wind.png
-- 200%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 40 [30]
15 [12]
-- -- N/A
2 60 [40]
30 [24]
-- -- 1200
3 90 [50]
45 [35]
-- -- 2500
4 120 [60]
60 [45]
-- -- 5000
Note: Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.


  • In the first two games and pre-2016 update EBF3, using Power Metal caused the speakers to play a portion of Through the Fire and Flames by DragonForce (lampshaded by Matt, who says "Through the fire and the flames we carry on!" when using Power Metal for the first time). In EBF4, 5 and the 2016 update of EBF3, they instead utilize Winter Night's Journey (Through The Storm) by LEAF XCEED. However, Matt's EBF3 line was not updated to account the change.
    • This is referenced when using Power Metal in EBF5, where Matt says "THROUGH THE FIRE AND THE FLAMES WE CARRY- Oh, hold on - that's a different song."

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