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The Pyrohydra is the penultimate boss encountered in Epic Battle Fantasy 3. Found at the end of the Volcano Peak, it is an enormous red dragon with three heads: Abyss, Blaze, and Czars. Each head is treated as an independent foe with unique elemental properties; all three heads must be defeated in order to slay the Pyrohydra and reach The Rift.


The Pyrohydra's full body is never seen, but its overworld sprite gives it a fairly standard reptilian body with dark red scales and a pale red underside. The end of its tail can barely be seen poking out from the chasm it rests in, tipped with a large bone spike. While the sprite shows its three heads resting directly on its shoulders, the actual battle gives each of them a long neck that leaves their main body unseen.

Abyss appears to be the Pyrohydra's rightmost head in the battle. It has two pairs of red eyes, three small black horns on its nose, a pair of long black horns on its head, and several black spikes dotting its neck and lower jaw (including an especially large one on its chin). It has large, fin-like ears on the sides of its head and smaller fins running down the back of its neck.

Blaze is the Pyrohydra's central head in the battle. It has a long horn on its nose and a smaller one above its orange eyes, at least six horns on its head, and numerous spikes on its neck and lower jaw. Unlike Abyss, Blaze's spikes are all the same shade of light red as its teeth and underbelly, and none of them point forward. It is also the only Pyrohydra head to lack "jowls" of any sort, showing that its teeth run all the way to the back of its skull.

Czars appears as the Pyrohydra's leftmost head in the battle. It has white eyes, a very small horn on its nose, and two blunt horns on the back of its head. It has a mane of off-white hair running down its neck, with other tufts on its head and jaw (including one patch on its chin resembling a goatee).


The Pyrohydra might be a single entity in the lore, but it's effectively three bosses in one when you fight it. Each head is a capable opponent with high stats and powerful abilities to pose an enormous threat to the party, and they only become stronger as their numbers decline. In addition to their own unique buffs, each head gains a hidden boost to its base offenses when another head dies; when a head is left alone, it also gains a base Evade increase and the ability to summon normal foes as reinforcements.

While they share some common traits - Fire absorption, an immunity to Stun and Death, a near-immunity to Syphon, slightly above-average Evade, a -20% debuff cap, and identical non-elemental physical attacks - the Pyrohydra's heads are otherwise unique in their tactics, abilities, weaknesses, and resistances.


As its name suggests, Abyss uses Dark attacks, but it also has some Poison skills for variety. It specializes in harmful Status Effects, either applying Poison to slowly chip down the party's HP or inflicting Doom and Death to kill them immediately. Either way, it forces the party to waste time either curing the statuses or reviving and re-buffing themselves, shifting momentum in the Pyrohydra's favor.

Abyss is extremely vulnerable to Thunder and especially Holy, but it absorbs Poison, Fire, and especially Dark. On Epic difficulty, it also enters battle with three stacks of Poison, which its resistance turns into a makeshift Regen effect; since the party has no means of removing the status, it can become a fair bit harder to wear down. Its HP is also slightly higher than the Pyrohydra's other heads.

When Blaze or Czars dies, Abyss automatically buffs its Magic Attack and Magic Defence by 70%.


Apart from its non-elemental physical attacks, Blaze lives up to its name by using nothing but pure Fire-elemental attacks. Most of these attacks are magic-based and capable of debuffing the party's stats, but Hellfire deals physical damage and has a decent chance of inflicting Berserk. Additionally, Blaze can slightly support itself and its allies by raining Hot Ash over the battlefield, inflicting light Fire damage to ally and enemy alike - since the Pyrohydra absorbs Fire, this translates to a weak heal for them while the players suffer damage and possible Magic Defence drops.

Aside from the Pyrohydra's standard status resistances and Fire absorption, Blaze is immune to Bomb and highly resistant to Poison. On the other hand, it is weak to Wind, Ice, and Water (in ascending order of severity).

When Abyss or Czars dies, Blaze automatically buffs its Attack and Defence by 70%.


Of the Pyrohydra's heads, Czars has the most varied elemental options. It can hit the entire party at once with Fire, Ice, Thunder, or Holy magic, each with its own debuff or status effect. However, Czars's most notable trait is its effective support magic, which allows it to simultaneously heal and buff its allies. It can either heal them on the spot while raising their physical stats, or apply Regen while buffing their magic stats.

Czars is primarily weak to Dark, but it also takes severe damage from Earth attacks. On the other hand, it absorbs Fire and especially Holy while being immune to Stun and Death. It also has a near-immunity to both Syphon and Berserk.

When Abyss or Blaze dies, Czars automatically buffs its Evade and Accuracy by 70%.

Post-Update Changes

The 2016 update applied several changes to the Pyrohydra in order to make it slightly easier. Each head's HP was decreased by 5 to 18%, making them less durable, and their Fire resistance was reduced from 200% to 150%, making Blaze's Hot Ash less effective at healing them. Additionally, Abyss's elemental Poison resistance was changed from 200% to 130%; combined with the global nerf to Poison status (≈30% less damage on foes), this made Abyss's regeneration over four times weaker.



EBF3 Foe Icon Abyss.png
Abyss Red Hydra Head EBF3
Attacks with dark and poison magic.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP Gold
1800 4 4 6 4 4 4.3 400 60 400
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
150% -90% - - - - 130% 200% -100% -
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Status Dispel.png Status Doom.png Status Berserk.png Status Stun.png Status Death.png
- 90% - - - 100% 100%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Darkmatter Solid Spike Dragon Scales Dragon Scales Dragon Scales - -
Name Darkmatter Solid Spike Dragon Scales Dragon Scales Dragon Scales - -
Chance 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% - -

On Epic difficulty, enters the battle with 3x Status Poison.png Poison, effectively regenerating each turn.

Abyss cannot be debuffed further than to -20% of a stat.

Prior to the 2016 update, Abyss used to have 2200 base health, 200% Fire resistance and 200% Poison resistance.


EBF3 Foe Icon Blaze.png
Blaze Red Hydra Head EBF3
Attacks with fire, smoke and sharp teeth.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP Gold
1700 4 4 6 4 4 4.3 400 60 400
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
150% - -90% -100% -80% - - - - 100%
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Status Dispel.png Status Doom.png Status Berserk.png Status Stun.png Status Death.png
90% 90% - - - 100% 100%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Ruby Ruby Dragon Scales Dragon Scales Dragon Scales - -
Name Ruby Ruby Dragon Scales Dragon Scales Dragon Scales - -
Chance 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% - -

Blaze cannot be debuffed further than to -20% of a stat.

Prior to the 2016 update, Blaze used to have 1900 base health and 200% Fire resistance.


EBF3 Foe Icon Czars.png
Czars Red Hydra Head EBF3
Attacks with holy skills and heals allies. Can inflict dispel.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP Gold
1700 4 4 4 4 4 4.3 400 60 400
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
150% - - - - -80% - -100% 200% -
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Status Dispel.png Status Doom.png Status Berserk.png Status Stun.png Status Death.png
- 90% - - 90% 100% 100%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Ruby Ruby Dragon Scales Dragon Scales Dragon Scales - -
Name Ruby Ruby Dragon Scales Dragon Scales Dragon Scales - -
Chance 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% - -

Czars cannot be debuffed further than to -20% of a stat.

Prior to the 2016 update, Czars used to have 1800 base health and 200% Fire resistance.

Attacks and Abilities


Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Headbutt Single 50 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Bite Single 60 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Poison Cloud Single 20 Magical 100% Element Poison.png 100% 10x Status Poison.png 110% 10% 10%
The Dead All 33 Physical 60% Element Poison.png 70% 2x Status Poison.png 110% 10% 10%
Grim Reaper Single 5 Physical 100% Element Dark.png 100% -- Status Death.png 50% 10% 10%
Notes: On Epic difficulty, accuracy is increased to 110%.
Black Megaflare All 55 Magical 100% Element Dark.png 30% 3x Status Doom.png 120% 10% 10%
Notes: On Epic difficulty, status chance is increased to 100%.


Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Headbutt Single 50 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Bite Single 60 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Hellfire Single 55 Physical 100% Element Fire.png 50% 1x Status Berserk EBF3.png 110% 10% 10%
Hot Ash Everyone 30/3 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 20% 15% StatDown Mdef.png 200% 10% 10%
Notes: Allies will only be hit for 15/3 power and won't ever have their Magic Defence debuffed.
Melee Fire Burp Single 45 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 100% 50% StatDown Defence.png 120% 10% 10%
Ranged Fire Burp All 33 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 70% 20% StatDown Mdef.png 120% 10% 10%
Smoke Burp All 18 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 70% 20% StatDown Accuracy.png 120% 10% 10%
Red Megaflare All 55 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 70% 20% StatDown Defence.png 120% 10% 10%


Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Headbutt Single 40 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Notes: Has no usage conditions set, and therefore may not be seen during normal gameplay.
Bite Single 50 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Firestorm All 33/3 Magical 100% Element Fire.png 50% 5% StatDown Defence.png 100% 10% 10%
Icestorm All 30/3 Magical 100% Element Ice.png 10% -- Status Freeze.png 100% 10% 10%
Thunderstorm All 25/5 Magical 100% Element Thunder.png 5% 1x Status Stun.png 100% 10% 10%
Heal Allies 20k -- ---- -- 30%
Stat Attack.png
Stat Defence.png
-- -- 0%
Regen Allies -- -- ---- -- 30%
Stat Magic.png
Stat Mdef.png
Status Regen.png
-- -- --
White Megaflare All 45 Magical 100% Element Holy.png 40% -- Status Dispel.png 120% 10% 10%

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

  • When one head dies, other heads' base Attack and Magic Attack are increased by 50%.
  • When one head is left alone, its base Attack and Magic Attack are doubled (resulting in 3x the original stat in total), and its base Evade is increased by 50%.


  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Headbutt (1/2), Bite (1/2);
  • >48.5% HP → Headbutt (1/7), Bite (1/7), Poison Cloud (1/7), The Dead (1/7), Grim Reaper (1/7), Black Megaflare (2/7);
  • ≤48.5% HP → Poison Cloud (1/5), The Dead (1/5), Grim Reaper (1/5), Black Megaflare (2/5).
Extra abilities
  • Every time another head dies, Abyss buffs self by 70% Stat Magic.png Magic Attack and Stat Mdef.png Magic Defence.
  • When left alone, Abyss will passively summon reinforcements the first turn and then each 4th turn. Reinforcements are two exemplars of either of the following, chosen at random: Dark Clay, Holy Eye, Swift Crow and Skull Ghost, all level 31, placed into foe slots 1 and 5. This ability may not be used earlier than on 5th turn of the battle.


  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Headbutt (1/2), Bite (1/2);
  • >48.5% HP → Headbutt (1/9), Bite (1/9), Hellfire (1/9), Hot Ash (1/9), Melee Fire Burp (1/9), Ranged Fire Burp (1/9), Smoke Burp (1/9), Red Megaflare (2/9);
  • ≤48.5% HP → Bite (1/8), Hellfire (1/8), Hot Ash (1/8), Melee Fire Burp (1/8), Ranged Fire Burp (1/8), Smoke Burp (1/8), Red Megaflare (2/8).
Extra abilities
  • Every time another head dies, Blaze buffs self by 70% Stat Attack.png Attack and Stat Defence.png Defence.
  • When left alone, Blaze will passively summon reinforcements the first turn and then each 4th turn. Reinforcements are two exemplars of either of the following, chosen at random: Red Clay, Eyeball, Drill Bot, and Fire Bit, all level 31, placed into foe slots 1 and 5. This ability may not be used earlier than on 5th turn of the battle.


  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Bite;
  • >48.5% HP → Bite (1/8), Firestorm (1/8), Icestorm (1/8), Thunderstorm (1/8), Heal (1/8), Regen (2/8), White Megaflare (1/8);
  • ≤48.5% HP → Firestorm (1/7), Icestorm (1/7), Thunderstorm (1/7), Heal (1/7), Regen (2/7), White Megaflare (1/7).
Extra abilities
  • Every time another head dies, Czars buffs self by 70% Stat Accuracy.png Accuracy and Stat Evade.png Evade.
  • When left alone, Czars will passively summon reinforcements the first turn and then each 4th turn. Reinforcements are two exemplars of either of the following, chosen at random: Light Clay, Ancient Eye and Mage Bird, all level 31, placed into foe slots 1 and 5. This ability may not be used earlier than on 5th turn of the battle.


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The Pyrohydra has a lot of elements to consider (both offensively and defensively), but most of its attacks are Dark, Fire, and Holy-based, with some Poison, Ice, Thunder, and non-elemental moves thrown in for variety. Its main weaknesses include Holy, Water, and Dark, with Thunder, Ice, and Earth being fairly effective as well.

CharIcon Matt.png Matt
EBF3 WepIcon Sol Spear.png EBF3 WepIcon Heaven's Gate.png EBF3 Hat Officer Hat.png EBF3 Hat Viking Helmet.png EBF3 Arm Red Jacket.png EBF3 Arm Ninja Cloak.png

Other options include the Ninja Cloak, the Soul Eater, and the Rune Blade.

CharIcon Natalie.png Natalie
EBF3 WepIcon Flameheart.png EBF3 WepIcon Seraphim.png EBF3 Hat Pink Flower.png EBF3 Hat Pope Hat.png EBF3 Arm Flame Skirt.png EBF3 Arm Pope Dress.png

Another option is the Ninja Skirt.

CharIcon Lance.png Lance
EBF3 WepIcon Ark Angel.png EBF3 WepIcon Red Vulcan.png EBF3 Hat Officer Hat.png EBF3 Hat Soldier Helmet.png EBF3 Arm Officer Coat.png EBF3 Arm Ninja Cloak.png

Other options include the Red Jacket, the Chainsaw, and the Shadow Blaster.


Pyrohydra as it appears in batle

Start the battle by targeting Czars - not only will its healing abilities make defeating any of the heads substantially more difficult, but it has the widest variety of elemental spells to hit you with. Use any non-Holy Limit Breaks at your disposal (Black Hole works well here), which will probably take care of the Fire Bits that appear at the beginning of the battle; ignore the other heads except with multi-target attacks. After the initial assault, Czars will most likely cast its Regen spell while the other heads start attacking; counter this with Dispel.

Once you've used your Limit Breaks, revert to standard battle tactics - prioritize keeping your HP and defenses strong to survive the Pyrohydra's triple assault. In between healing and buffing yourself, hit Czars with Fright, Pulse, and Darkblast, and stack as much Poison as you can - it will counteract Czars's healing attempts and it has no way to remove it. Another tactic that works is stocking up on Dark Runes, equipping Natalie with the Death Bringer, and have her use Doomsday on every available turn; this heavily damages Czars and does a good deal of damage to Blaze as well, but it won't even scratch Abyss.

Once Czars is dead, focus your attacks on one of the remaining heads. On one hand, Blaze has a weak healing attack that hurts your party and heals the Pyrohydra at the same time, one of its attacks can lower your Accuracy, it's easier to build resistance to Dark attacks than Fire, and it's a little less durable than Abyss (especially on Epic difficulty). On the other hand, Abyss uses a lot of attacks with no Dark property as well, and it can inflict a variety of dangerous status ailments (Poison, Doom, and Death). Don't try to Poison either of the two remaining foes; Blaze is nearly immune, and Abyss absorbs it (which means that you'd essentially give it a permanent Regen). Use Seiken, Judgement, Plasma, Thunderbolt, and Genesis (if the battle lasts that long) on Abyss, and hit Blaze with Iceberg, Iceshard, Shockwave, and Power Metal (if your party needs healing).

Keep in mind that every defeated head buffs the remaining heads, and that the final head will start summoning backup every four turns. Once you've brought down two of the three heads, it may be wise to spend a few turns buffing and healing until the final head's power has decreased to a more survivable level; remember, however, that some of the buffs are to its base stats, and thus cannot be degraded easily (especially since the Pyrohydra's stats can't be debuffed by more than 20%).

Veteran players often try to balance attacks between Abyss and Blaze, allowing them to kill both at once. This strategy sometimes requires more time and resources, but it makes the battle more manageable by avoiding the summons and stat boosts that the Pyrohydra gains when it's down to its final head.


  • The Pyrohydra's overworld sprite has Abyss as the left head and Czars as the right head, but their positions are reversed in the actual fight. If the screen was mirrored (players on the right, enemies on the left), the overworld sprite would match the heads' positions in battle.
    • In the cutscene between the Volcano and the Rift, the position of the Pyrohydra's heads continues to be inconsistent. In the first two scenes, Abyss and Blaze appear to have switched positions; the former is in the middle while the latter is on the Pyrohydra's right. In the third scene, their heads have returned to the positions they were in the boss battle, but Czars has disappeared entirely (it was last seen attempting to eat Natalie, and was presumably killed offscreen). Abyss and Blaze switch positions once again in the fourth scene (Abyss' coils are visible in the foreground as Matt and Natz examine Blaze's remains).
    • The third scene shows Natalie using Blizzard against Blaze, a skill that can't be learned until Epic Battle Fantasy 4. This inconsistency is similar to Lance's use of Hyper Beam in some of EBF3's cutscenes.
    • The third scene also reveals that the Pyrohydra has green-brown blood, shown when Matt cuts his way out of Abyss after being eaten in the previous scene.
  • The Pyrohydra inspired the design and abilities of the Dragons seen in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5, with the Red, Black, and Gold Dragons being remakes of Blaze, Abyss, and Czars respectively.
  • Due to the Evade boost the last standing head gets, its base Evade increases to 13.5, which, outside of the 60 Medals bonus area with extremely high leveled foes, is the second-highest base Evade seen in the game, immediately followed by Rune Claw (13 Evade) and only surpassed by the Cosmic Monoliths found right before the final boss in The Rift, with 15 Evade.