Dark Shot

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Dark Blast.png

Dark Shot (also known as Darkblast) is a basic Dark-elemental skill available for Lance in Epic Battle Fantasy 3, 4 and 5.


When cast, Lance fires a blast of dark energy from his equipped gun, dealing moderate magical damage to a single enemy. As the name suggests, it deals Dark damage, but it wouldn't become fully elemental until Epic Battle Fantasy 5; the same game also gave it a decent chance to lower the target's Magic Defence.

Dark Shot is Lance's basic Dark spell, largely outclassed by Gravity Surge unless facing a single Dark-weak foe with multiple Dark-resistant allies. It has a similar benefit compared to Antimatter Flux, but the latter's centered nature and even higher power makes this a negligible advantage at best.

Foe Users

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Shadow Blaster's menu description claims that it empowers Darkblast, but this is not the case.

EBF3 Skill Darkblast.png
Basic dark magic.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Magical 75% Element Dark.png -- 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 50 -- -- 10 300
2 75 -- -- 13 600
3 100 -- -- 16 1200
EBF3 Skill Flameshot.png EBF3 Skill Plasma.png

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Aside from a name change, Dark Shot is functionally identical to its EBF3 incarnation; however, its AP costs per level are slightly lower.

EBF4 Skill Dark Shot.png
Dark Shot
Basic dark magic.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Magical 75% Element Dark.png -- 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength MP AP Cost
1 50 -- -- 10 200
2 75 -- -- 13 400
3 100 -- -- 16 800
EBF4 Skill Plasma Shot.png EBF4 Skill Flame Shot.png

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Lance joins the party with Dark Shot already learned at Level 2. Compared to previous games, it's slightly stronger per upgrade level and has a chance to debuff the Magic Defence of its target; it also has a 1-turn cooldown instead of an MP cost.

Dark Shot becomes Gravity Surge at Level 3.

EBF5 Skill Dark Shot.png
Dark Shot
Basic dark shot which hits a single foe.
  • May debuff targets' magic defense.
  • Has a 1-turn cooldown.
Target Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Single Magical 100% EBF5 Element Dark.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png 100% 10% 10%
Level Power Status Chance Status Strength AP Cost
1 55 50% 25% N/A
2 80 75% 25% N/A