List of Equipment Effects in Epic Battle Fantasy 5

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This page lists the various Equipment Effects present in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.

As a reminder, for specific info about the chance modifiers or applied status strengths of equipment, see their specific page.

Boosts the damage of X skills

  • Unlike previous games, the effect is now present in both armor and weapons.
  • Boosts the power of the specific elemental skills by (20 + 2 * Lv)%, maxing out at a 30% boost at level 5.
    • This bonus stacks additively, for a maximum boost of 60% if both an armor and a weapon that boost the same element are equipped at once.
  • Does not affect weapon-elemental skills, healing spells or summons.

Boosts the power of healing spells

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except flairs.
  • The user's healing spells will double in potency for each piece of equipment worn, stacking multiplicatively for a maximum of 8x healing if 3 pieces of healing-boosting equipment are worn at once.
  • Does not affect HP drain, healing items or summons, or revival spells.

Boosts the power of healing and buff items

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except flairs.
  • Healing items used by the wearer will have their healing increased by 100% for each piece of equipment worn, stacking additively for a maximum of 4x healing with items.
    • Does not affect revival food like Coffee or Espresso.
  • Buffing items get their buff strength increased by a flat 10% per piece of equipment, for a maximum of 30% additional buff strength if 3 pieces are worn at once.
    • Does not affect the HP buff of Espresso.

Boosts the power and effect of thrown items

  • Effect present in hats and armor.
  • For each piece worn, thrown Hand Bombs, Snowballs, Bricks and Shurikens will get their power and status chance increased by 100% (the Brick is an exception, instead of getting its status chance increased, the number of Target stacks it inflicts on the thrower are increased); this effect stacks additively.

Increases the strength of buff skills used

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except flairs.
  • Increases the strength of any cast buffs by a flat 10% per piece, for a maximum of 30% increased buff strength.
  • Does not affect buffing items or summons.

Increases the strength of debuff skills used

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except flairs.
  • Increases the strength of any cast debuffs by a flat 10% per piece, for a maximum of 30% increased debuff strength.
  • Increases the debuff chance of skills by 1.3x per piece of equipment, stacking multiplicatively for a maximum of 2.179x increased debuff chance.
  • Does not affect debuffing summons, nor the debuffs inflicted by statuses like Curse.

Increases the chance of inflicting status effects

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except flairs.
  • Increases the status chance of skills used by 1.5x per piece of equipment, stacking multiplicatively for a maximum of 3.375x increased chance.
  • Does not affect status-inflicting summons, and does not increase infliction chance for debuffs.

May unleash X while attacking

  • Effect only present on weapons.
  • Can trigger a bonus skill when attacking with single target weapon-elemental skills. The unleashed skills scale with wearer's stats normally and are affected by other special effects from their equipment, like elemental or status boosts.
    • The power of the unleashed skill is specifically set (and can be found in each weapon's page) and may be different from its regular power.
      • For skills with multiple levels, any special effects like debuffs or status effects are taken from its Level 1 version.
  • The chance for the unleash to happen is equal to mod * 0.24 * Lv , where mod is a specific modifier unique to each weapon
    • At max level, the unleash chance will be mod * 1.2.
  • It's worth noting that specific skills have increased unleash chance, these are:

Randomly casts X between turns

  • Effect present on all types of equipment.
  • Can automatically cast a spell or summon at the start of the players' turn, before weather effects trigger but after Regen's healing and Auto-Statuses.
    • When the auto-cast is a skill, just like unleashes, the power of the skill (if it deals damage or heals) is specifically set, and for skills with multiple levels, the special effects are taken from its Level 1 version (Sharpen is the exception, being cast at whatever level the player has upgraded it to; if it has yet to be obtained, it defaults to Level 1).
      • The skill will use the wearer's stats and is affected by other special effects from their equipment, like elemental or buff boosts.
    • When the auto-cast is a summon, its stats are exactly the same as if it had been summoned normally.
      • For skills, it's considered to have been cast by the wearer for the purposes of counters or certain AI targeting. Summons, on the other hand, are considered to have been cast by the weather.
    • For skills/summons cast against enemies, the target is chosen at random, ignoring Lovable on foes; however, they'll never target foes that have Surrendered (if all foes have Surrendered, enemy targeting skills/summons will be cancelled before being cast).
    • For skills/summons cast on allies, the target is the player with the lowest HP % (ignoring Lovable but respecting Target).
    • Auto-Cast Purify and Sharpen will always target the player party; they'll never target the enemy.
  • The chance for the auto skill to trigger is equal to (0.1 + 0.03 * Lv) * mod, where mod is a specific modifier unique to each weapon (this is NOT the same value as the mod for bonus skills)
    • At max level, the chance for the auto skill to happen is equal to mod * 0.25.
    • Can cast/summon only one thing per player in a turn, checking equips in this order: weapon, armor, hat, flairs from left to right. For equipment that has multiple auto-skills/summons, they're checked from top to bottom.
      • Even if a random cast/summon is cancelled due to all foes having surrendered, it still counts and will prevent anything else further down the order from being cast/summoned.
  • Effect can be triggered even if the wearer is dead.

Counter-attacks with X

  • Effect only present on weapons.
  • If the wearer is attacked and they get hit at least once from the enemy's attack, they have a chance to counter with the specified skill (attacks that heal the wearer won't be countered).
    • The power and special effects of the skill are taken from its current level, and the skill has to be learned first for it to be usable as a counter
      • For extra skills, it does not matter whether the player has that skill currently equipped or not.
  • The counter chance is equal to 25% * (0.3 + 0.14 * Lv), maxing out at 25% counter chance.
    • If the player is hit with a Strong Attack (ie the attack deals damage above 50% of their max HP), the counter chance is tripled, for a maximum of 75% counter chance.
    • When under the Defend status, counters are disabled. Statuses that prevent the player from acting (ie, Stun) also prevents them from countering. Counters are also disabled during the Cosmic Gigalith fight.

Gives the player X status

  • Effect present on all types of equipment.
  • Can automatically inflict a status on the wearer at the start of the players' turn, before weather and Auto Skill effects trigger but after Regen's healing.
    • This effect ignores resistances/Bless and cannot be dodged.
    • This effect won't trigger if the player is in backup.
  • The chance is equal to mod * Lv / 3, with mod being a specific multiplier for that equipment and effect.
    • The strength or number of stacks of the status is also defined individually for each equipment.
    • Multiple statuses from different pieces of equipment can all be inflicted on the same turn, if 2 pieces of equipment inflict the same status and trigger at once they'll also stack accordingly.

Defending gives X status

  • Effect present on all types of equipment.
  • When using the Defend command, will apply the specified status on the user, the strength of the status is defined individually for each piece of equipment.
    • Will only trigger if the specific command is used, obtaining the Defend status from another source (eg the Ancient Monolith summon) will not activate this effect.
    • Multiple instances of this effect can be stacked without any limitations (ie equipment that grant the same status will stack their status strengths together and multiple different statuses can also be applied at once).
      • Only exception is equipment that gives the Target status, which, before the v2 update, didn't stack.
      • Since Lovable and Target replace each other, only the last one applied will remain (checking equips in order of weapon, hat, armor, flairs from left to right).

Defending also buffs X by Y%

  • Effect present on all types of equipment.
  • When using the Defend command, will apply the specified buff on the user.
    • The buff strength is affected and can be increased with equipment that boosts the power of buffs.
    • Will only trigger if the specific command is used, obtaining the Defend status from another source (eg the Ancient Monolith summon) will not activate this effect.
    • Multiple instances of this effect can be stacked to buff multiple stats at once, however, equipment that buff the same stat will not stack their buff strengths together.

Drains HP from targets

  • Effect present only on weapons.
  • When using weapon-elemental attacks, the wearer is healed by a % of the total damage done (regardless of whether it was positive or negative)
    • Extra damage done due to a triggered unleash will not be factored into the heal.
    • The base drain is 33.(3)% of damage done, though certain skills have modifiers that increase or decrease the drained % (note that despite Rainbow Blast having a set modifier, Natalie does not actually have any weapon that let's her drain HP).

Ignores the targets' defensive buffs

  • Effect present only on weapons.
  • When using weapon-elemental attacks, enemy Defence and Magic Defence buffs are ignored.
    • Does not ignore the Defend status, or defensive debuffs.

Steals items with single target melee attacks

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except hats.
  • When using single-target weapon-elemental melee attacks, will steal an item from the target (the v2 update also made it work with the Steal Item skill).

Intimidates or angers X

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except flairs.
  • When the wearer is at the front, the specified enemy type will either Flee, Surrender, or get inflicted with Berserk on their turn, the exact reaction depends on the specific enemy and in some cases is also affected by their current HP%.
    • See Scare for specific info.

Makes enemies more likely to flee and surrender

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except armor.
  • When the wearer is at the front, gives a bonus to Surrender chance for all enemies.

Improves chances of catching foes

  • Effect present on all types of equipment except weapons.
  • When the wearer initiates a capture, gives them a bonus multiplier that'll increase their chances of success.

Drastically buffs most stats at low HP

  • Effect present only on the Turtle Gi male armor.
  • When hit, sets the user's Attack, Magic Attack, Defence and Magic Defence buffs to the values obtained through the formula (see below).
    • This happens after any debuff or statuses are inflicted, which means the buffs will overwrite any debuffs to the 4 stats inflicted by the attack and will happen even if the user is Dispelled by the attack.
    • Also works with healing and revival effects.
  • Formula: [(190 - Current HP %) * (0.6 + level/10)] - 100
    • Current HP % is calculated after the attack's damage/healing.
    • Any negative result becomes 0; the result gets rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5 and cannot go above 80.
    • At level 5, the Gi starts buffing the user after they go below 95% HP, and the buff increases by ~5.4% for every additional 5% missing HP, reaching the 80% cap at ~74% missing HP.
  • Due to it setting the user's buff to a minimum of 0, the effect will also remove any debuffs to the relevant stats the user is affected by even if they don't get buffed from the effect (due to being at a high HP %).
  • Unaffected by equipment that boosts the strength of buffs.

Replaces weapon status effect with X

  • Effect present only on flairs.
  • Replaces whichever status effect the wearer's weapon is currently inflicting with that of the flair (also changing the infliction chance), works even if the weapon couldn't inflict a status effect in the first place.
    • If multiple of these flairs are worn, the one in the leftmost slot takes priority.
  • Does not affect debuffs inflicted by the weapon.

Charges Limit Break 5% per turn

  • Effect present only on the The Tr*force flair.
  • Fills the wearer's Limit Break bar by 5% of its total value per turn.
    • Works even if the wearer is in backup.

Increases the amount of SP received from defeating foes

  • Effect present only on the Small Cloud flair.
  • Increases SP gained from defeating enemies by 33% * Lv, maxing at double the SP gain.
    • For the flair to take effect, the wearer must directly defeat or capture the foe (ie enemies that Flee or die to statuses will not count). Auto-skills and summons cast by worn equipment between turns also count.

Increases the chance of getting items from foes

  • Effect present only on the Lucky Fish flair.
  • Increases item drop rate by 11% * Lv, maxing at 33% more drop chance (ie a 1.33x drop multiplier).
    • Works as long as someone in the party has it equipped, even if they're in backup during the whole battle or are dead at the end of the battle. Works even if the wearer doesn't participate in battle due to a Limited Players Custom Game, the Data Bunker simulations, and the Battle Arena 1P Challenges.

Increases gold gained from battles

  • Effect present only on the Coin Charm flair.
  • Increases money dropped by enemies by 11% * Lv, maxing at 33% more money.
    • Works as long as someone in the party has it equipped, even if they're in backup during the whole battle or are dead at the end of the battle. Works even if the wearer doesn't participate in battle due to a Limited Players Custom Game or the Data Bunker simulations.

Increases AP gained from battles

  • Effect present only on the Dinosaur Egg flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Increases AP obtained from winning battles by (5 + 5 * Lv)%, maxing at 20% more AP.
    • Works as long as someone in the party has it equipped, even if they're in backup during the whole battle or are dead at the end of the battle. Works even if the wearer doesn't participate in battle due to a Limited Players Custom Game or the Data Bunker simulations.

Increases the party's max SP

  • Effect present only on the RAM Chip flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Increases party max SP by 3.33% * Lv, maxing at 10% more SP.
    • Works as long as someone in the party has it equipped, even if they're in backup during the whole battle or are dead at the end of the battle. Works even if the wearer doesn't participate in battle due to a Limited Players Custom Game, the Data Bunker simulations, or the Battle Arena 1P Challenges.

Gives the party a small amount of SP between turns

  • Effect present only on the Juicy Beast flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Recovers SP according to the following formula at the start of each turn: Flair Lvl * Player Lvl / 15.
    • Scales with wearer's level, not party average level.
    • Result is always rounded down.
    • Has a minimum SP recovery that is equal to the flair's level.
    • Works as long as someone in the party has it equipped, even if they're in backup during the whole battle or are dead at the end of the battle. Unlike similar flairs, does not work if the wearer doesn't participate in battle due to a Limited Players Custom Game, the Data Bunker simulations, or the Battle Arena 1P Challenges (although it's irrelevant in the latter case).

Skill cooldowns are cut in half, rounded up to the nearest whole number

  • Effect present only on the Nano Machines flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Due to always rounding up, 1 CD skills remain at 1 CD, 2 CD skills become 1 CD, 3 CD skills become 2 CD, 5 CD skills become 3 CD, and 10 CD skills become 5 CD.

Makes weapon unleashes activate much more often

  • Effect present only on the Meow Meow Badge flair.
  • Increases chance of triggering a weapon's unleash/bonus spell by (1 + 0.33 * level)x.
    • Maxes out at 2x unleash chance, stacking multiplicatively with other modifiers (ie, Cleaver's 2.5x unleash chance combined with a maxed flair would result in 5x unleash chance).
    • Does not affect chance of other random effects, like auto spells or auto statuses.

Gives the player haste status on their next turn, whenever they skip a turn

  • Effect present only on the Captain Viridian flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Using the Skip Turn Tactic this turn grants the player 1x Haste at the start of their next turn.
    • The Skip Turn tactic specifically needs to be used, missing turns due to a status like Stun or Freeze won't count.
    • If a player acts multiple times in a turn, the effect will only trigger if the last action they have taken is Skip Turn.
    • Will not give multiple stacks of Haste if the Skip Turn tactic is used multiple times in the same turn.
    • Haste is gained after weather triggers, unlike auto statuses from equipment.
      • It specifically activates when the player becomes able to act again, which can make it give Haste on the same turn if the wearer gets Hasted after skipping what was originally their last turn.

Allows a player to survive a hit with 0 HP

  • Effect present only on the Pixel Glasses flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Any hit that would otherwise kill the player leaves them at 0 HP, goes after Morale and before Auto Revive.
    • Once the player is at 0 HP, any attack that doesn't heal them will kill them, even if it does 0 damage.
    • The player will automatically die if they try to take an action while at 0 HP. That said, they can safely be moved to backup as long as they don't take their action. Not being able to act due to Stun or Freeze will prevent them from dying.

Any damage taken that ends in the number 4, will be replaced by 4 damage

  • Effect present only on the Tetromino flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • Any hit that would deal an amount of damage that has 4 as its last number will deal 4 damage instead.
    • Will also affect Instant Death if the wearer's max HP ends in 4.
    • For multi hit attacks, the damage of each hit is considered separately for the flair's effect.
    • Doesn't affect healing or absorption.

Fully heals and buffs HP, when the player is revived

  • Effect present only on the Companion Cube flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • When the wearer is revived, they obtain a buff to their HP equal to 20%/30%/50%, depending on flair level.
  • Revival effects on the wearer will always heal them for 120% of their maximum HP, ensuring they're revived with full HP (also taking into account its own HP buff).
  • Both effects also work with Auto Revive.
  • Unaffected by equipment that boosts the strength of buffs.

Buff attack and magic attack, when the player is revived

  • Effect present only on the Dog Tags flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • When the wearer is revived, they obtain a buff to their Attack and Magic Attack equal to (20 + 20 * Lv)%, maxing at an 80% buff.
    • Also works with Auto Revive.
  • Unaffected by equipment that boosts the strength of buffs.

Buff defence and magic defence, when the player is revived

  • Effect present only on the Narutomaki flair introduced in the v2 update.
  • When the wearer is revived, they obtain a buff to their Defence and Magic Defence equal to (20 + 20 * Lv)%, maxing at an 80% buff.
    • Also works with Auto Revive.
  • Unaffected by equipment that boosts the strength of buffs.