Disable (status)

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"What gives? Some of my skills are cooling down even though they shouldn't be! Is this some sort of rare status effect?"
―Matt/Anna, Epic Battle Fantasy 5
Status Syphon EBF1.png

Disable is a negative status effect in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 that is only afflicted by foes and only affects players; this is because foes do not have cooldowns on their own skills.

When Disable is inflicted on a player, each of their learned skills has a 50% chance to be put on cooldown, even if they don't normally have cooldowns; the status' strength determines the number of turns the skills are put on cooldown. It cannot affect any skills that are already on cooldown with more turns remaining than Disable would inflict (e.g. a skill with 3 turns of cooldown remaining would not be affected by a 1-turn Disable effect). Due to an oversight, Disable also does not work on skills that have changed after being upgraded, so for example Fire can be put on cooldown by the effect of Disable, but Fireball and Fire Storm cannot.

Disable does not have any visible status icon (this wikia uses the EBF1 Syphon icon to represent it for practical purposes) nor duration, as it is applied instantly. Equipment that resists Syphon also resists Disable.

After the v2 update, the pop-up for Disable will appear even if the attack that inflicts it kills the player (unlike most other statuses).
