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The Avenger is a non-elemental sword available for Matt in Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4.


The Avenger has a long black blade with grey edges and a thin opening near the base; it has several points and notches along its edge, giving it a curious outline. It has a golden cross guard with two horizontal grooves and a pair of red points that attach to the base of the blade. Its hilt is wrapped in red leather, with a small silver pommel.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The Avenger gives solid boosts to both offenses, as well as somewhat raising Accuracy, Evade and HP. As its name implies, it improves the power of Revenge, which it can also use as a counter. Its Unleash buffs Matt's Attack, but Temper or even Beer will grant a stronger boost.

Compared to the Gaia Axe (Matt's other starting weapon), the Avenger isn't quite as strong but lacks negative side effects. Both are useful enough for the early game, although the Gaia Axe is more powerful against Jack; later on, the Avenger is hampered by its focus on empowering the gimmicky Revenge skill. The Blizzard has superior offensive power, the Soul Eater is better for a "glass cannon" Matt build, and the Leather Hat provides comparable Stun resistance while allowing the player to choose a more potent weapon. Even the swords with similar Attack (the Heaven's Gate and the Black Fang) outclass the Avenger with their wider range of resistances and useful elemental boosts.

The Avenger resists Stun, becoming fully immune to it at Level 5.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Avenger was one of the new swords added alongside the v3 update of the game. It features a fairly high boost to Attack, coupled with minor boosts to all of Defence, Magic Defence, Evade and Accuracy. It can counter enemy attacks with Revenge and may occasionally summon an Ancient Eye to buff an ally's defences and evade, and grant them the Defend status.

The Avenger somewhat stands out amongst Matt's swords for having high Attack without any penalties like lowered stats or negative resistances, it even comes with minor stat boosts to almost all other stat across the board, and useful resistances to some of the most crippling status effects. This all makes it a strong and balanced choice for a generalist weapon, suited for any offensive situation where Matt doesn't need to focus on a specific element in particular. Its Revenge counter may also occasionally provide good bursts of damage, particularly when fighting tough enemies like bosses, where Matt may often end up at low health.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Matt begins the game with the Avenger in his inventory.

EBF3 WepIcon Avenger.png Avenger
Boosts the power of Revenge. Level 4: Counters with Revenge.
Unleash: Attack which buffs the user's attack.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - 5% 5% 10% 10% Stat MP.png - - - - - Status Stun.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Attack.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Stat Defence.png - - - - - - - - - - -
Stat Magic.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Stat Mdef.png - - - - - - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - 5% Stat Evade.png - - - - 5% Element ----
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier Attack Status
Auto Skill -- -- - - - - - -
Bonus Skill -- -- - - - - -
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Steel Plate
x 1
-- -- 3 Steel Plate
x 4
-- --
4 Titanium
x 1
-- -- 5 Steel Plate
x 15
Gold Plate
x 2

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Avenger is located in a chest in the Battle Mountain that was added in the v3 update, specifically on the same screen as the Armored Oak.

EBF4 WepIcon Avenger.png Avenger
Counter-attacks with Revenge. Randomly casts Ancient Eye between turns.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - Stat MP.png - - - - - Status Death.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Attack.png 20% 30% 40% 55% 70% Stat Defence.png - 5% 5% 5% 10% Status Stun.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png - 5% 5% 5% 10% Stat Mdef.png - 5% 5% 5% 10% Status Dispel.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Accuracy.png - - 5% 5% 10% Stat Evade.png - - 5% 5% 10% Element ----
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier Attack Status
Auto Skill -- -- - - - - - -
Bonus Skill -- -- - - - - -
Auto Status -- -- - - - - - -
-- - - - - -
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Iron Ore
x 2
-- -- 3 Steel Plate
x 2
-- --
4 Mercury
x 2
-- -- 5 Mythril Shards
x 1
-- --
The Avenger being carried by the Red Mage in EBF2's first Shop screen
