Valkyrie Tank

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"*I am not a car*"
―Valkyrie Tank about itself, Epic Battle Fantasy 2

The Valkyrie Tank is the final boss of Epic Battle Fantasy 2. It is a gargantuan tank built by Lance to help achieve his attempt at world domination. It also makes frequent cameos in subsequent games as some of Lance's skills, though it is replaced by/upgraded into the Neon Valkyrie in Epic Battle Fantasy 5.


The Valkyrie Tank is armed with many different weapons, including rapid-fire machine guns on its front and a powerful cannon on its top. Its front is adorned with a row of spikes, which increase the damage it does when charging at enemies. It also bears a large drill on each side, but their purpose is unclear.


Before the battle begins, a short dialogue between Matt and Lance occurs:

  • Matt: Eh, I don't like the look of this place, and what's with that fancy car over there.
  • Valkyrie Tank: *I am not a car*
  • Lance: Get out of the way nooblets, this area has been quarantined. Well, your lives are forfeit either way now that you've seen me. The earth must be purged of all infidels.
  • Matt: Huh, have we met before? So what's your plan now, just trying to kill everything?
  • Lance: It sickens me to see things the way they are. Only by destroying everything can the world be rebuilt. G'fahahaha.
  • Matt: I don´t like that sort of stuff!!! Gonna have to smash up your tank, bro.

As the final boss of the game, the Valkyrie Tank is fought in two stages. In both stages, its mechanical nature makes it vulnerable to the Bomb, Thunder, Earth, and to a lesser extent Ice elements, but immune to all Status Effects.

At the beginning of the fight, the tank is a single enemy, and the players' objective is to destroy its main turret ("Tank Top"). At this stage, the tank can target either Matt or Natalie for a powerful hit from its main cannon, or deliver slightly less damaging attacks to both of them at once (shooting them with its machine guns, releasing napalm from its main cannon, or running them over).

The real fight begins when the Valkyrie Tank's main cannon is destroyed. Although the tank itself loses its napalm and cannon attacks, it gains the ability to summon a variety of enemies from the hatches on its hull: an Omega Lazor, a Satellite Dish, a Cooler, a Nuke, or Lance himself. Each of these count as separate foe and thus has its own HP bar and moveset, giving the boss up to three chances to attack instead of one. Apart from replacing its two active helpers when either is destroyed, the tank can still use its machine gun and charging attacks. It is also the only enemy that needs to be defeated to end the battle, although its massive HP and the added threat of its helpers makes this easier said than done.


Tank Top

It should be noted that HP, Attack, and Magic Attack also will be multiplied by the wave modifier. Check Epic Battle Fantasy 2 Foe Waves to see the value of the modifier for a specified wave.

EBF2 Foe Icon Tank Top.png
Tank Top Heavy Cannon EBF2
Can deal some mighty damage!
Base Statistics Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Eva S. Hit
200000 1 1 1 1 3x 10000
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
30% -70% -40% - 30% -60% 100% - - -60%
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Debuff (status) Status Stun.png Status Blind.png StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Buffs Debuffs
50% 20%
Stealable Item
Icon Max Ether
Name Max Ether

Before the EBF Collection update, the in-game Bestiary didn't mention its Dispel/Debuff immunity and incorrectly stated it had -30 Evade instead of -200.


It should be noted that HP, Attack, and Magic Attack also will be multiplied by the wave modifier. Check Epic Battle Fantasy 2 Foe Waves to see the value of the modifier for a specified wave.

EBF2 Foe Icon Valkyrie.png
Valkyrie Secret Weapon EBF2
Summons 5 types of turrets. Can be damaged by destroying the turrets. Was not completed in time for WW2.
Base Statistics Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Eva S. Hit
1200000 1 1 1 1 1.5x 10000
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
30% -70% -40% - 30% -60% 100% - - -60%
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Debuff (status) Status Stun.png Status Blind.png StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Buffs Debuffs
50% 20%
Stealable Item
Icon -
Name -

Before the EBF Collection update, the in-game Bestiary didn't mention its Dispel/Debuff immunity and incorrectly stated it has -30 Evade instead of -50.

Half of the damage dealt to the Valkyrie's turrets is also dealt to the Tank itself. This damage ignores resistances and (de)buffs. Before the EBF Collection update, all displayed damage dealt to Lance was dealt to the tank instead of only half.

Attacks and Abilities

Tank Top

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc RdF
Machine Guns All 2400/12 Stat Attack.png ---- -- -- -- 100% 10%
Ram All 4700 Stat Attack.png ---- 150% 30% StatDown Defence.png 100% 10%
Cannon Shot Single 10000 Stat Magic.png 100% Element Bomb.png -- -- -- 80% 10%
Napalm All 4400/2
Stat Magic.png 100% Element Fire.png --
StatDown Defence.png
120% 10%
Notes: Only used on Hard or higher difficulties.


Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc RdF
Machine Guns All 2400/12 Stat Attack.png ---- -- -- -- 100% 10%
Ram All 4700 Stat Attack.png ---- 150% 30% StatDown Defence.png 100% 10%
Slam All 7000 Stat Attack.png ---- -- -- -- 100% 10%
Notes: Only used on Hard or higher difficulties.

Battle Logic

The following describes general logic of the enemy and attack patterns, with chances of each attack to be used. Conditions are listed from highest to lowest priority unless specified otherwise.

Tank Top

  • Normal or lower difficulties → Machine Guns (1/3), Ram (1/3), Cannon Shot (1/3);
  • Otherwise → Machine Guns (1/4), Ram (1/4), Cannon Shot (1/4), Napalm (1/4).


  • If Turret Counter ≥ Spawn Rate;
    • Hard or higher difficulties and no turrets active → Summon 2 Nukes (1/2), Summon a random Turret (1/2);
    • Otherwise → Summon a random Turret;
  • At least one turret is active → Machine Guns;
  • Normal or lower difficulties and no turrets → Machine Guns (2/3), Ram (1/3);
  • Otherwise → Machine Guns (2/4), Ram (1/4), Slam (1/4).

* Turret Counter increases by 1 each turn. Spawn Rate starts from 6 and goes down by 1 each 25% HP lost, reaching 3 at <25% HP.

The Valkyrie will not summon Lance again as long as he's still alive.


Skill Bonuses

For Matt, the Counter and Mana Leech skill bonuses are great since they allow him to counter any physical attack with an MP draining Normal Attack, given that the Valkyrie has only physical attacks, this essentially allows Matt to regen MP each turn, allowing him to spam his skills more freely; this can also be combined with the Swordbreaker bonus to allow the counters to debuff Attack. Cat Tamer, Cat Warrior and Aerial Support are great since they provide free damage/support between turns; Secret Weapon is really good if you plan on using Air Strike as your main damage source. Defender makes Matt almost immortal as long as he's defending, which can be combined with the counters and random summons for a more prolonged stalling strategy.

For Natalie, Bunny! and Bunny!!! are both extremely helpful since they give the party a large amount of free healing every turn. Elementalist and Thunderclap are great choices since Thunderbolt is Natalie's best choice for damage in the fight, and the extra Stun chance can be extremely helpful against the various Turrets. Immunity can prevent Natalie from being hit by any of the status effects or debuffs the Turrets can inflict. On higher difficulties, Elusive/Ninja, Resistance and Angel can give Natalie some extra durability.


Tank Top

The first phase of the fight is relatively simple, since there's only one enemy. Keep both defences buffed with Protect and Barrier and abuse the Tank Top's Bomb and Thunder weaknesses; it has extremely low Evade, so even the Soul Eater's Unleash is guaranteed to hit it. Make sure to refresh your buffs and recover your HP and MP before killing the Tank Top to ensure you start the second phase in optimal conditions; if playing on Hard or Epic, you may want to switch Matt to the Rune Blade for its Sealing Unleash.


With the Tank Top destroyed, the Valkyrie Tank deploys Lance and an Omega Lazor; it can summon other Turrets if they're defeated. A portion of all damage dealt to the Turrets will also be dealt to the Valkyrie, and on Hard or Epic difficulties, defeating the Turrets will buff the tank.

On higher difficulties, the first thing you want to do is hit Lance with Seal to prevent him from using Ion Cannon; as long as you keep him Sealed, Lance is probably the least threatening of the Turrets. The Omega Lazor is dangerous mainly due to its powerful laser attack, though since it takes a turn to charge, you can at least be somewhat prepared for it. It's immune to both Seal and Stun, so your best bet is either to take care of it quickly or try to Blind it to reduce its Accuracy.

Coolers will mostly focus on inflicting Freeze and Poison on your party, and similar to Omega Lazors, there isn't any easy way to shut them down. Satellite Dishes focus on inflicting Seal and various debuffs on your party, they can be Stunned or Sealed, with the latter limiting them to a simple Thunder-elemental attack. Be aware that on Epic difficulty, this attack can potentially loop itself for doubled damage, so Seal can be a double-edged sword. Nukes are the biggest threat of the battle; they can easily wipe out your party if they get to launch, and on higher difficulties the number of turns you get to deal with them is very limited. Thankfully they aren't immune to Stun, so with some luck Natalie (or Matt with the Blizzard) can delay their launch.

The Valkyrie itself will mostly just use Machine Guns each turn, though it gets access to stronger attacks if no Turrets are alive. It'll periodically replace lost Turrets as the fight goes on; on Hard and Epic in particular, it has a 50% chance to summon 2 Nukes at once if both Turret slots are empty! Keeping at least one Turret alive at all times is preferable due to this.

Defeating the Tank itself will immediately end the fight, regardless of any remaining Turrets. A double K.O. will also count as a win.

Role in Later Games

The Valkyrie Tank makes many cameos as some of Lance's skills:

  • Tank skill (aka Tank Guns) - summons Valkyrie Tank to strafe all foes with its double machine gun, dealing minor Bomb elemental damage with each bullet.
  • Tank Cannon skill - Valkyrie Tank shoots with its main cannon, dealing heavy Bomb damage to a single enemy.
  • Oblivion limit break - Lance smashes the tank against the enemy team, and makes it explode, dealing massive Bomb elemental damage.
  • Nuke limit break - after receiving a call from Lance, the Valkyrie Tank deploys a nuclear missile and launches it onto the battlefield, dealing massive Fire elemental damage to all foes, and poisoning (EBF3) or burning (EBF4) all combatants afterwards.


  • The EBF2 Bestiary entry for the Valkyrie Tank shows the tank with the cannon intact, even though that entry relates only to the boss' second stage, when its cannon is already destroyed. The tank also lacks its side drills and frontal blades and appears to have an additional pair of turrets on the very back.
  • According to Matt Roszak, he had not seen the Valkyrie film when he conceived the Valkyrie Tank's design. He named it "Valkyrie" because his friends who had seen the movie commented on the tank's resemblance to the one in the movie, as well as Lance's resemblance to the film's protagonist, played by Tom Cruise.
  • The Valkyrie Tank shares its name with a female figure in Norse Mythology that decides who wins and who loses in battle. Valkyries also carry fallen warriors to Valhalla, one of the sections of the Nordic afterlife, so they would live and feast alongside Odin.