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"A giant floating eye! I think its weak spot must be... the eye! You're welcome for the tip."
―Matt, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Eyeball is a recurring foe in the Epic Battle Fantasy series. It appears primarily in rocky, often burnt, areas, such as Rock Lake, Volcano Peak (Epic Battle Fantasy 3), Ashwood Forest and the Lava Cave of the Crystal Caverns (Epic Battle Fantasy 4); in Epic Battle Fantasy 5, it appears in the Data Bunker as a Classic foe, based on its EBF1 appearance.


The Eyeball is a strange creature with a round body dotted with numerous jagged spikes/scales that become larger near the back. As per its name, its front is dominated by a massive, slightly bloodshot eyeball with a slit-like pupil flanked by two small dots.

Depending on the game, the Eyeball can come in a variety of colors. Its most common appearance gives it a reddish-brown body with brown spikes and a yellowish eye, but EBF1 also had red and green-tinted variants. EBF4 retains the yellowish eye with red-brown details, but gives it a black body with reddish spikes.

In Adventure Story, Eyeballs resemble a simplified version of their EBF3 appearance with the addition of four fleshy protrusions on the front of their body, resembling flippers.


The Eyeball is a simplistic foe whose combat capabilities have remained consistent through the series. It can tackle a player for decent physical damage (somehow not poking its own eye out in the process), but its main offenses are magic-based. It can fire a pulsing projectile from its eye that deals good damage to one player (and gains a chance to Stun in later games) or a sweeping laser beam that hits the whole party for moderate damage. All of its attacks are non-elemental, meaning that stat buffs/debuffs are the only defense against it.

The Eyeball's resistances have changed throughout the series, but it is usually weak to Ice and/or Thunder while being resistant or immune to Earth.

Epic Battle Fantasy

Eyeballs appear in Waves 6 and 7, between the King Slime and Beholder bosses. The ones that appear in Wave 7 are slightly weaker than the ones in Wave 6, with lower HP and Magic Defence.

The Eyeball's only weakness is Ice, and it has no resistances.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Eyeballs are found in Rock Lake and Volcano Peak. Their main threat comes from the Stun chance on their Bubble Pulse attack; while not enormous, it's high enough to be concerning if you're not resistant to the status, especially since the ensuing Stun lasts for two turns. Syphon can render them nearly helpless, being forced to use their weak physical attack alone; Berserk is another option, but remember that they'll hit a little bit harder.

Eyeballs are highly vulnerable to Poison and Thunder, but immune to Fire and Earth. Although they have better-than-average Evade, it's generally negligible.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Eyeballs mostly appear in Ashwood Forest and the hotter parts of the Crystal Caverns, behaving identically to their EBF3 counterparts. However, their attacks have become even weaker; Bubble Pulse's status chance is lower and only inflicts one stack of Stun, and the Laser has a paltry Base Power of 10 (although it's also slightly more accurate than it was in EBF3). On the other hand, they're encountered a little earlier too, but their wide range of weaknesses gives the party plenty of options against them; Syphon effects remain an option to shut down their magic attacks.

Eyeballs are immune to Earth and Dark while being weak to Wind, Ice, Thunder, and especially Water and Holy. Enabling "More Foe Resistance" removes their Wind and Holy weaknesses and gives them a Bio absorption while making them resistant to Fire, Water, and debuffs to Accuracy and Evade. They also become immune to Stagger, Doom, and Instant Death.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

As part of the v2 update, the Eyeballs returned as some of the Classic foes fought in the Data Bunker simulations; specifically, they appear in the second EBF1 simulation along with the Beholder. They retain their appearance and overall traits from their first appearance, including ludicrous Accuracy and literally nonexistent Evade to mimic EBF1's game mechanics. However, their red and green variants no longer exist, leaving them with their "default" brown palette.

Unlike previous games, Eyeballs have different behavior depending on whether they're afflicted with Syphon or Berserk; the former limits them to Eyebash, while the latter makes them spam their Laser attack. Like all Classic foes, they ignore Lovable, so trying to protect a player with the status is useless. Their status resistances don't include Stun or Instant Death, which makes those effects useful for taking them out temporarily or permanently. Aside from that, their attacks are pure damage without special effects, so it's just a matter of beating them before they can do the same to the party.

Eyeballs are massively weak to Ice and lack any elemental resistances unless "More Foe Resistance" is active, in which case they're immune to Earth. On the other hand, they are immune to a vast range of status effects, including Burn, Scorch, Chill, Freeze, Bad Luck, Curse, Tired, Weaken, Stagger, Wet, Dry, Light, and Heavy. Like all Classic foes, Invisible and Enchanted have no effect on them. They're also somewhat resistant to all stat debuffs except HP.

Adventure Story

Eyeballs mainly appear in the second world (the Desert). They fly through the air, moving towards Matt in short bursts in an attempt to tackle him. The Beholder frequently summons them as backup during its boss fight.


Epic Battle Fantasy

Eyeball EBF
Wave Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png
6 13000 1 1 1 1
7 12000 1 1 0.9 1
EBF3 Skill Eruption.png EBF3 Skill Fireball.png EBF3 Skill Thunderbolt.png EBF3 Skill Iceshard.png EBF3 Skill Quake.png EBF3 Skill Seiken.png EBF3 Skill Judgement.png EBF3 Skill Screamer.png EBF3 Skill Airstrike.png
- - - -100% - - - - -

In EBF, foe stats are specifically set per wave, thus two foes of the same type may have different stats (resistances will still be the same). See EBF Foe Waves for a list of all foe waves.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

EBF3 Foe Icon Eyeball.png
Eyeball Giant Floating Eye EBF3
Attacks with non-elemental laser beams.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP Gold
120 4 4 4 4 4 4.1 16 2.2 15
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Water.png Element Wind.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Dark.png Element Holy.png Element Bomb.png
100% -80% - - - 100% -100% - - -
Status Poison.png Status Syphon.png Status Dispel.png Status Doom.png Status Berserk.png Status Stun.png Status Death.png
- - - - - - -
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Red Potion Dragon Scales - - - - -
Name Red Potion Dragon Scales - - - - -
Chance 60% 10% - - - - -

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Icon bestiary ebf4 eyeball.png Eyeball EBF4
A floating eyeball which uses non-elemental attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
126 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 2.2 2.2 14 50
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
- -60% -60% 100% - - -60% -80% -80% 100%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- - - - - - - - - - - -
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - - -
Item Drop Rate
Icon Dragon Scales Solid Spike - - - - -
Name Dragon Scales Solid Spike - - - - -
Chance 20% 10% - - - - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
7% 3% per stack,
up to 27%
25% -33.(3)%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
Icon bestiary ebf4 eyeball.png Eyeball EBF4
A floating eyeball which uses non-elemental attacks.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP
126 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 2.2 2.2 14 50
Element Fire.png Element Thunder.png Element Ice.png Element Earth.png Element Poison.png Element Bomb.png Element Wind.png Element Water.png Element Holy.png Element Dark.png
50% -60% -60% 100% 200% - - 50% - 100%
Status Burn.png Status Stun.png Status Freeze.png Status Tired.png Status Poison.png Status Dispel.png Status Stagger.png Status Syphon.png Status Wet.png Status Weaken.png Status Curse.png Status Death.png
- - - - - - 100% - - - - 100%
StatDown Attack.png StatDown Magic.png StatDown Defence.png StatDown Mdef.png StatDown Accuracy.png StatDown Evade.png
- - - - 50% 50%
Item Drop Rate
Icon Dragon Scales Solid Spike - - - - -
Name Dragon Scales Solid Spike - - - - -
Chance 20% 10% - - - - -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
Status Burn.png Burn Status Poison.png Poison Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
Status Regen.png Regen
3.5% -3% per stack,
up to -27%
Immune -33.(3)%
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

EBF5 Foe Icon Eyeball.png
Eyeball EBF5
Eyeballs use non-elemental laser magic, and don't do much else. They've been around since the dawn of time.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
197 4 4 4 4 400 0 14 5 5 44 40 35
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
- - -100% - - - - - - -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
100% - 100% - - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - -
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Item Drop Rate
Icon Earth Ball Earth Ball Bio Virus Cloudberries -
Name Earth Ball Earth Ball Bio Virus Cloudberries -
Chance 40% 40% 10% 5% -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
Immune Immune 2.4% per stack,
up to 21.6%
4.8% per stack,
up to 43.2%
20% -26.(6)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.
Statistics with More Foe Resistance enabled.
EBF5 Foe Icon Eyeball.png
Eyeball EBF5
Eyeballs use non-elemental laser magic, and don't do much else. They've been around since the dawn of time.
Stat HP.png Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png Stat Magic.png Stat Mdef.png Stat Accuracy.png Stat Evade.png Exp AP SP Gold Hit2HP Catch
197 4 4 4 4 400 0 14 5 5 44 40 35
EBF5 Element Fire.png EBF5 Element Thunder.png EBF5 Element Ice.png EBF5 Element Earth.png EBF5 Element Bio.png EBF5 Element Bomb.png EBF5 Element Water.png EBF5 Element Wind.png EBF5 Element Holy.png EBF5 Element Dark.png
- - -50% 100% - - - - - -
EBF5 Status Burn+Scorch.png EBF5 Status Stun.png EBF5 Status Chill+Freeze.png EBF5 Status Poison+Virus.png EBF5 Status Syphon.png EBF5 Status Curse+Bad Luck.png EBF5 Status Stagger+Confuse.png EBF5 Status Wet+Dry.png EBF5 Status Heavy+Light.png EBF5 Status Weak+Tired.png EBF5 Status Dispel.png EBF5 Status Death.png
100% - 100% - - 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% - -
EBF5 StatDown HP.png EBF5 StatDown Attack.png EBF5 StatDown Magic.png EBF5 StatDown Defence.png EBF5 StatDown Mdef.png EBF5 StatDown Accuracy.png EBF5 StatDown Evade.png
- 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Item Drop Rate
Icon Earth Ball Earth Ball Bio Virus Cloudberries -
Name Earth Ball Earth Ball Bio Virus Cloudberries -
Chance 40% 40% 10% 5% -
Status Damage
Damage taken from status effects, in % of maximum health (per turn), including elemental resistances:
EBF5 Status Burn.png Burn EBF5 Status Scorch.png Scorch EBF5 Status Poison.png Poison EBF5 Status Virus.png Virus EBF5 Status Doom.png Doom
(if Death fails)
EBF5 Status Regenerate.png Regen
Immune Immune 2.4% per stack,
up to 21.6%
4.8% per stack,
up to 43.2%
20% -26.(6)%
Damage taken from first four is decreased by 30% on Easy and 65% on Zero difficulties.
Final damage is randomized by ±5% (except for Doom) and rounded down.

As with all the Classic foes, the Eyeball is immune to both Invisible and Enchanted.

Attacks and Abilities

Epic Battle Fantasy

Attack List
Attack Target Power R.Power Type Status Effect RdF
Eyebash Single 1000 -- Stat Attack.png Stat Defence.png -- -- -- 10%
Bubble Pulse Single 2500 -- Magic Attack Magic Defence -- -- -- 10%
Laser All 1000 -- Magic Attack Magic Defence -- -- -- 10%

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Eyebash Single 22 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Bubble Pulse Single 35 Magical ---- 30% 2x Status Stun.png 100% 10% 10%
Laser All 28 Magical ---- -- -- -- 90% 10% 10%

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Eyebash Single 16 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Bubble Pulse Single 24 Magical ---- 20% 1x Status Stun.png 100% 10% 10%
Laser All 10 Magical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Attack List
Attack Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
Eyebash Single 50 Physical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Bubble Pulse Single 60 Magical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%
Laser All 25 Magical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%

Battle Logic

Epic Battle Fantasy

  • Anything → Eyebash (2/5), Laser (2/5), Bubble Pulse (1/5).

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

  • Berserked or/and Syphoned → Eyebash;
  • Otherwise → Eyebash (1/3), Bubble Pulse (1/3), Laser (1/3).

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

  • Syphoned → Eyebash;
  • Otherwise → Eyebash (1/3), Bubble Pulse (1/3), Laser (1/3).

Epic Battle Fantasy 5


  • If Syphoned → Eyebash;
  • If Berserked → Laser;
  • Otherwise → Eyebash (2/5), Bubble Pulse (2/5), Laser (1/5).

Counter (only if Counter-Attacking Foes is enabled)

  • 25% and not Syphoned → Laser.

Additionally, like all the Classic foes, the Eyeball ignores the Lovable status on players.


Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The Eyeball can be captured and used as a summon. It uses its Laser attack to hit all foes with some non-elemental magic damage.

EBF5 Foe Icon Eyeball.png
Eyeball SP Whether the summon cures Freeze from players by forcing them to move (jump off the screen)
Simply hits all foes with non-elemental magic damage. 28 Kept
Target Power Type Element Status Effect Acc Crit RdF
All 105 Magical ---- -- -- -- 100% 10% 10%


  • The Eyeball is usually associated with the Beholder, but the exact relationship between the two is unclear.
    • The Devourer of Epic Battle Fantasy 5 also bears a certain resemblance to Eyeballs and the Beholder. Once again, the relationship between these foes remains ambiguous.
  • So far, Epic Battle Fantasy 2 is the only main series game where Eyeballs have not made an appearance.