Santa Skirt

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The Santa Skirt, known as the Santa Outfit in EBF4 (not to be confused with its male counterpart with an identical name), is a female armor available in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and 5. Its hat counterpart is the Holly Hairpin in EBF5 and the Santa Hat in EBF4.


In EBF4, the Santa Outfit is a red outfit with white fur trimming on the jacket, sleeves, and dress, with detached sleeves, dark red leggings, red boots with gold buckles, and a strapless, low-cut top. The leggings and boots are identical to the ones worn with Natalie's default Red Dress.

In EBF5, the Santa Skirt is a brighter shade of red with more detailed fur trim and the addition of green accents on the sleeves and skirt. The leggings and boots are now black while the boots have silver buckles, changed to match the new appearance of the Red Dress. Anna's breasts are now fully covered by the top, but Natalie's breasts are still visible unless "Cleavage" is disabled; in that case, she will wear a green scarf that covers her breasts (similar to the one worn with the Cactus Dress, but in a darker color). If Natalie wears the Red Ribbon with the Santa Skirt and "Cleavage" is enabled, the top of the outfit is replaced with a pair of red ribbons crossed over her breasts; another ribbon wraps around the sides of her abdomen, its ends tied in a large bow at her waist. This also reveals a green ribbon "belt", although it's unclear if this is naturally part of the skirt. If "Cleavage" is disabled, the outfit will remain the same.

The Santa Skirt is resistant to Ice and Freeze in all of its appearances, with the latter becoming an immunity at maximum level. It also tends to have good defenses, a small to decent Magic Attack boost, and a chance to cast a festive bonus skill between turns.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Santa Outfit provides above-average Defence and Magic Defence, decent Magic Attack, and a fair MP boost; unlike the male version, it neither boosts HP nor lowers Evade. Additionally, it can randomly cast Snow between turns, dealing light Ice damage to everyone on the battlefield with a chance to Freeze the targets; this can potentially Freeze players too, so be careful.

The Santa Outfit has the third-best defenses among female armor, although there's several options with more Magic Defence. The addition of MP and Magic Attack makes it particularly useful for Natalie's bulky offensive build; Anna won't get as much use from it unless she's using a lot of healing spells. Its resistances are useful for the Crystal Caverns and Whitefall Town, but its auto-skill is unreliable even with Freeze prevention measures for the party.

The Santa Outfit also provides resistance to Ice and Freeze, becoming immune to the latter at Level 5.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5


The Santa Skirt gives a good boost to Magic Attack, Defence and Magic Defence, as well as slightly boosting HP and Evade. It also powers up Ice skills and randomly casts Candy Canes between turns, which deals some non-elemental damage to a random foe. The Holly Hairpin casts a similar but weaker version of the spell.

The Santa Skirt is notable for having quality defenses and good Magic Attack all at once; its auto-skill is negligible, but its high trigger chance and non-elemental nature makes it effective for passively chipping away at foes. If obtained as soon as possible (which is technically when the first Slime Cat is available), it is a useful outfit for Natalie that combines bulk with power; Anna likes the Ice boost, but prefers Attack-boosting armor for an offensive build.

The Santa Skirt resists Ice, Chill, Freeze, Wet and Dry. It becomes immune to all but the first at Level 5.

Equip Remix

The Alt Santa Skirt has decent defenses and slight boosts to Attack and Magic Attack. It improves Ice skills and has two auto-skills to cast between turns: Snow has a chance to Freeze both allies and foes, and Candy Canes hits a single enemy for some multi-hit non-elemental damage.

Compared to other Ice-boosting female armors, the Alt Santa Skirt has less versatility (due to lacking other boosts) and worse stats overall; the Alt Red Dress is better for an offensive Natalie build, while the Alt Bubble Dress and especially the Alt Fur Dress are quite a bit bulkier. It also won't get its elemental boost until Level 5, which is complicated by the rarity of Lecko Bricks until the late game. However, its auto-skills trigger fairly frequently, allowing its wearer to passively support Freeze strategies and deal some additional damage to just about any foe.

The Alt Santa Skirt resists Ice, Chill, Freeze, Wet and Dry; at max level, it provides immunity to the four status effects.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The Santa Outfit can be purchased for 3,000 gold in any equipment shop if your computer's calendar is set to December.

EBF4 Arm Santa Outfit (female).png Santa Outfit
Randomly casts Snow between turns.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - Stat MP.png - - 5% 5% 10% Element Ice.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Stat Attack.png - - - - - Stat Defence.png 10% 15% 20% 25% 35% Status Freeze.png 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png - 5% 5% 10% 10% Stat Mdef.png 10% 15% 20% 25% 35% - - - - - -
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - -
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill -- --
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Wool
x 8
-- -- 3 Silk
x 1
Liquid Ice
x 1
x 3
4 Silk
x 4
x 2
-- 5 Satin
x 8
Liquid Ice
x 3
Solid Water
x 3

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The Santa Outfit is acquired in the Warp Zone. It is part of the reward of Sally's quest, available only during Christmas season (December 1-January 7).

EBF5 Arm Santa Skirt.png Santa Skirt
Seasonal clothes for the holiday season.
  • Boosts the damage of ice skills.
  • Level 3: Randomly casts Candy Canes between turns.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - 5%[0%] 5%[0%] 10%[0%] 10%[0%] - - - - - - EBF5 Element Ice.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Stat Attack.png - - - - - Stat Defence.png 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Chill & Freeze 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png - 5%[0%] 10%[0%] 15%[0%] 20%[0%] Stat Mdef.png 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Wet & Dry 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - 5% 10% 15%
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill 110/5 (100%)
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Defend Status -- --
Note: Stats in brackets (below/right from actual) are for its pre-v2 update version.
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Snowball
x 2
x 1
-- 3 Snowball
x 8
x 4
4 Satin
x 2
x 8
-- 5 Lecko Brick
x 1
x 2

Statistics with Equip Remix enabled.

EBF5 Arm Santa Skirt.png Santa Skirt
Seasonal clothes for the holiday season.
  • Randomly casts Snow between turns.
  • Level 3: Randomly casts Candy Canes between turns.
  • Level 5: Boosts the damage of ice skills.
Stat Bonus Resistance
Stat HP.png - - - - - - - - - - - EBF5 Element Ice.png 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Stat Attack.png - - - 5% 10% Stat Defence.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Chill & Freeze 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Magic.png - - - 5% 10% Stat Mdef.png 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Wet & Dry 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Stat Accuracy.png - - - - - Stat Evade.png - - - - -
Spells & Statuses
Power Chance Modifier
Auto Skill --
Bonus Skill -- --
Auto Status -- --
Defend Status -- --
Forging Information
Lvl Requirements Lvl Requirements
2 Snowball
x 2
x 1
-- 3 Snowball
x 8
x 4
4 Satin
x 2
x 8
-- 5 Lecko Brick
x 1
Key Items#5Candy Cane
x 1


  • While both the Santa Skirt and the Holly Hairpin's descriptions say they randomly summon "Candy Canes" in EBF5, they actually summon 2 slightly different spells (with different animations). The Santa Skirt's version of Candy Canes is stronger and hits more times than the Holly Hairpin version.