Non-Playable Characters/Epic Battle Fantasy 3

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NPC's with the ^ denotation indicates quest givers.

NPC - The Town

Spawn Area/Veggie Farm (P5)


  • Talk 1 - "Woah, where did you guys just appear from?"
    • Natalie - "Er, we're not sure... where we are?"
    • "You're in the town. It doesn't have a name cause it's the only town in this game. The entrance to the forest is straight up from here, you guys look like you'd be headed there. Feel free to wander around the shops too, but you don't look like you have much money."
    • Natalie - "Thanks...?"
  • Talk 2 - "You'll probably be returning to this town a lot, to buy items and to warp between map areas.


  • Talk 1 - "Kids these days have no interest in farming, they'd all rather be soldiers or scholars. Pfeh, there's going to be no one to take over the farm, that'll be a problem someday."
  • Talk 2 - "Guess I'll keep farming these lands until the day I die. Oh well."

Animal Pen (P4)


  • Talk 1 - "I wanna go out and look for treasure, but last time I tried I was defeated by walking bushes and huge snails!"
  • Talk 2 - "Maybe I should stick to playing video games."


  • Quest given - "Ohhh I see you're looking at my cow costume, how would you like one just like it? Bring me a few items and I'll let you borrow one."
  • During quest - "You still need a few more items."

Shops (O4)

Sign (middle of the map):

  • "All your weapon and armor needs at Iron Bucket weapon shop. Also check out Old Hag item shop for everything else!"


  • Talk 1 - "Wanting to buy some recently slaughtered creatures? Some logs maybe? I cut up a lot of stuff with my sword, but then I have no use for it. Most of it ends up at my grandmother's shop."
  • Talk 2 - "Maybe I should try killing real monsters instead of harmless animals..."


  • Quest given - "I seem to have ran out of building materials! Gonna need a few more bricks to finish construction, bring me some and I'll share some stuff I found in the rubble."
  • During quest - "I'll be needing some Bricks, Old Wood and Earthballs. Thanks."
  • Quest completed - "Oh, you brought the materials I needed, good job. I found this stuff lying around on the construction site..."
  • Afterwards - "Thanks for helping out earlier, I've still got lots of work to do though."


  • Talk 1 - "I've been moving garbage around all day, my back hurts. But to be honest, the more random items you carry with you, the better off you'll be when you eventually need them. And finding items is always much cheaper than buying them."
  • Talk 2 - "Man, doing these jobs is boring."

Warp Crystal (O5)

Sign (Near North exit):

  • "Anyone leaving past the town walls does so at their own risk, and will not be covered by holiday insurance."

Kon*ta^ (Konata, note that her name has been censored in the Steam version):

  • Quest given - "Heyyy, I'm building a new computer but I'm missing a few parts. If ya donate some I'll share my lunch with you, how about it?"
  • During quest - "Are you sure you know how to select the right computer components?"


  • "..."


  • Talk 1 - "We're not allowed to leave the town, the adults say it's too dangerous out there, and it sure looks like it. Most of us have only read about the outside world in books, would be nice to see it someday."
    • Matt - "That's so sad."
  • Talk 2 - "Don't worry, it's not so bad here."


  • Talk 1 - "Oh hi there! Would you happen to be single? I've always wanted a boyfriend that looks as strong as you!"
    • Lance - "Wh-what... I uhh... yes, but I uhhh... Do you want to see my gun?!"
    • Natalie - "Stop harassing my party members!! They're not good at talking to girls. ...And I'm pretty sure you're a bit too young for.. y'know..."
    • "Oh is this your girlfriend? Why didn't you say so right away?"
    • Natalie - "I hope you're trolling..."
  • Talk 2 - "What's a troll?"


  • Talk 1 - "See this crystal here? There's one like it in every area. Once you find them you can teleport between em, simply by talking to em. Pretty cool, huh?"
    • Matt - "That should save us some walking eh. Pity we can't teleport to places we haven't been to though."
  • Talk 2 - "Go ahead, talk to the crystal."


  • Quest given - "If you got some speakers lying around I can show you how to use them to attack foes. Sounds pretty brutal right?"
  • During quest - "This... isn't good enough."


  • Quest given - "I'm a fine warrior, even if I may not look it. Me and [Calum] over there blow foes away with 180 decibels of pure metal. We can't hear too well though. I can build you a cool guitar if ya bring me some parts."
  • During quest - "Ehh, you seem to be a few parts short, dude."


  • Talk 1 - "North of here leads out of town, into the forest. The inn's to the East, weapons and items shop are to the West, not much to do in the South."
  • Talk 2 - "We just hang out here cause there's a lot of space."


  • Talk 1 - "Hey, did you know you can unlock medals by doing random tasks? Getting medals unlocks new pictures in the art gallery, and also gives you access to some new maps which contains otherwise unobtainable treasure!"
  • Talk 2 - "Good luck if you ever plan on getting all the medals though, that might be impossible."


  • Quest given - "Hey you, yeah you. If you find me some shiny gems I'll give you something really good. Like, something amazing."
  • During quest - "Hurry up already!"


  • Talk 1 - "I'm an NPC by the way, many of us have nothing to say. But some of us do! Make sure you talk to everyone, twice even. Many NPC's have more than one thing to say."
  • Talk 2 - "You're the main character! Without you there'd be no storyline!"

Old Brick inn (O6)


Sign (Outside of the inn):

  • "Welcome to Old Brick inn, enjoy your stay, but don't drink too much. Signed by inn management."


  • Talk 1 - "Talk to the lady in the inn to take a nap. It's free and fully replenishes your HP and MP. Or you could just walk around and heal over time."
  • Talk 2 - "Talk to the other guy to buy food, though if you're efficient you should find enough just lying around in treasure chests."


  • Talk 1 - "I always make sure to have plenty of food handy when travelling, so I can grab a snack for fast recovery, especially when there's fighting involved."
  • Talk 2 - "Though at my low level, natural healing by walking is good enough most of the time."


  • Talk 1 - "This is my cat Meow Meow. He likes to cut."
  • Talk 2 - "He needs the catfood."

Meow Meow:

  • Quest given - "Meow!?"
  • During quest - "Meow...?"