Rainbow Gems

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"Some gems that look like candy. Better not to eat them though."
―In-game description, Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Rainbow Gems are a crafting item in Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4. They are a collection of colorful stones used for forging mostly magical-themed equipment.

In EBF3, Rainbow Gems appear as a pile of small, rounded stones. They can be bought in the Misc Shop of The Town for 860 gold; 38 are needed to upgrade all of the relevant equipment.

In EBF4, Rainbow Gems look similar to their previous appearance, but with some larger, irregular-looking crystals at the back of the pile. They are available for purchase in the Material Shops of Whitefall Town and Goldenbrick Resort for 1,000 gold. To complete all of the relevant upgrades, 57 are required.

Drop Rate

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Rainbow Gems are dropped by certain Birds or slimy aquatic-leaning foes. Curiously, many of the foes that drop Rainbow Gems are native to Rock Lake.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

Rainbow Gems are mostly dropped by foes made of rock and stone; notable exceptions include the Black Bird, the Rainbloom, and the Wind Sprite.


Epic Battle Fantasy 3

Epic Battle Fantasy 4
