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The following is a list of formulae used to calculate stats in the Epic Battle Fantasy series.

Statistics Growth

Epic Battle Fantasy

Player Stats
Player HP atk matk def mdef
Matt 9999 1 1 1 1
Natz 9999 1 1 1 1

Since there's no level or stat progression in EBF, everyone just has fixed stats (for foes, stats are fixed specifically per wave instead of per enemy type). Foe stats can be found in Epic Battle Fantasy Foe Waves or in each foe's respective page.

Epic Battle Fantasy 2

Player Base Stats
Player HP atk matk def mdef acc eva
Matt 9999 1 1 1 1 1 0.95x
Natz 9999 1 1 1 1 1 0.95x
  • In-game stats display shows stats as multiples of 100 (can also see them as percentages).
  • Before the EBF Collection update, a bug caused player Base Defence and Magic Defence (including any Stat Bonuses or increases from Skill Bonuses) to be ignored in damage calculations, essentially meaning that increasing them was pointless, though (de)buffs and sword bonuses still worked properly.
  • In EBF2, unlike later games, the Evade stat instead works as a multiplier against enemy Accuracy (e.g. 0.8x Evade would reduce enemy Accuracy by 20%).


  • Each time an Area is completed, each player gets to choose a Stat Bonus, increasing one of their base stats.
    • Matt can choose between Attack, Magic Attack, Defence and Magic Defence, while Natalie can only choose between Magic Attack, Defence and Magic Defence.
    • Each time a stat is selected, the bonus it gives is reduced, following this sequence: +10%, +8%, +7%, +6%, +5%, +4%, +3%, +3%, +2% and +2%.
    • The bonuses stack additively, and given that there are a total of 10 Stat Bonuses, the max bonus a stat can reach is +50% if every single Stat Bonus is put into it.
  • Limit Break charge rate: DamageTaken/100
    • First time only needs 100 points (10000 damage) to fill the bar, however, each time the Limit Break is used, the bar is reset and points needed are increased by 50, essentially making Limit Breaks take longer to charge the more you use them.
    • Includes excess/overkill damage.
    • Natalie's Kyun Skill Bonus changes the charge formula to DamageTaken/60 for herself.


Foes now have actual base stats set per specific foe; unlike players however, foes don't have an actual Accuracy stat, instead, they're completely dependant on the Accuracy of their attacks (which can be halved through the Blind status). Each foe wave sets a particular wave modifier for each foe that multiplies their HP, Attack and Magic Attack, see Epic Battle Fantasy 2 Foe Waves for the specific modifiers. Note that this is separate from the actual difficulty multipliers.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3

The stat is rounded down if the result is a decimal (e.g. 43.76 will become 43). Base stats are the initial stats characters have at the beginning of the game, at Level 0.

Player Base Stats
Player HP MP atk matk def mdef acc eva spe exp2
Matt 200 20 6 5 5 4.2 (4)
4 4 50
Natz 160 35 2 6 (4.3)
5 4 4 5 50
Lance 180 25 5.8 5.8 (4.3)
5 (4)
4 50

Italic is for the original version, bold is for "2016 v1.0".

Each time a character levels up, the following are recalculated:

  • HP: new HP = base HP * 1.15^(new level)
  • MP: new MP = base MP * 1.10^(new level)
  • Attack/Magic Attack: new Att = base Att * 1.13^(new level)
  • Defence/Magic Defence: new Def = base Def * 1.11^(new level)
  • Accuracy/Evade: (old Acc + 0.2) * (base Acc) * (new level / 7)
  • Experience required for the next level: 50 * 1.39^(new level)
  • Limit Break charge rate: DamageTaken / MaxHP * 133 / ((level + 1) / 5)
    • Goes up to 100 points (full bar).
    • Includes excess/overkill damage.

For Foes:

  • Max HP = BaseHP * (1.18 ^ Level)
  • Attack/Magic Attack = BaseAtk * (1.28 ^ Level)
  • Defence/Magic Defence = BaseDfc + (0.2 * BaseDfc * (Level / 5))
  • Accuracy/Evade = BaseAcc/Evd + (0.2 * BaseAcc/Evd * (Level / 5))
  • Gold Yield = BaseGold * (1.20 ^ Level)
  • Experience/Ability Point Yield = BaseExp/AbilPts * (1.21 ^ Level)

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

The stat is rounded down if the result is a decimal (ie, 43.76 will become 43). Base stats are the initial stats characters have at level 0.

Player Base Stats
Player HP MP atk matk def mdef acc eva
Matt 200 20 6.6 5.2 6.2 5 4
Natz 155 40 2 6.5 5.1 6.2 4.1
Lance 185 25 5.8 6.2 5.5 5.5 4.7
Anna 170 30 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.4 4.4

Base Accuracy and Evade have a 0.9 multiplier applied on them, and is maintained for any further calculations.


  • HP: new HP = base HP * 1.15^(new level)
  • MP: new MP = base MP * 1.11^(new level)
    • If above level 20, the result is then further divided by 1.06^(level - 20)
    • Prior to the v2 update, the result was divided by 1.06^(level - 25) when above level 25 instead.
  • Attack/Magic Attack: new Atk = base Atk * 1.13^(new level)
  • Defence/Magic Defence: new Def = base Def * 1.11^(new level)
  • Accuracy/Evade: new Acc = base Acc * 1.08^(new level) * 2
  • Experience required for the next level: 90 * 1.39^(current level)
  • Summon Attack: 15*1.142^(party average level)
    • Players not yet in the party are counted as level 1.
    • Prior to the v2 update, the result was further divided by 1.012^(party average level - 33) if average level was above 33.
  • SP: 5 + Average party level * 5
  • Limit Break Charge Formula: DamageTaken / (1.15^level) * Diff / 2 / (level / 9 + 1)
    • Goes up to 100 points (full bar).
    • Diff = is 3.2 on Zero, 1.6 (1.2 pre-v2 update) on Easy, 1 on Normal/Endless, 0.9 on Hard and 0.8 on Epic. Prior to the v2 update Endless Battle didn't enforce any specific setting and would take your chosen difficulty's multiplier.
    • Includes excess/overkill damage.


The results for Atack/Magic Attack, HP and Evade will be further multiplied by the difficulty modifiers. The EXP and AP provided are per player:

  • HP: New HP = Base HP * 1.18^(foe level)
    • If above level 32, the result is then further divided by 1.03^(foe level - 32)
    • The v2 update further added an additional HP multiplier at higher foe levels: 0.96x at level 22, 0.92x at level 23, and 0.88x when above level 23.
  • Attack/Magic Attack: New Atk = Base Atk * 1.29^(foe level)
    • An additional 1.3x multiplier is applied for NG+, or 1.5x for NG++ and beyond.
    • Prior to the v2 update, the above multipliers didn't exist, instead, foe Attack and Magic Attack were divided by 1.03^(foe level - 32) if the foe was above level 32.
  • Defence/Magic Defence: New Def = Base Def + Base Def * (foe level/25)
  • Accuracy/Evade: New Acc = Base Acc * 1.0822^(foe level) * 2
    • If above level 32, the result is then further divided by 1.0014^(foe level - 32)
  • EXP Provided: Base EXP * 1.2^(foe level)
  • Gold Provided: Base Gold * 1.17^(foe level)
  • AP Provided: Base AP * 1.16^(foe level)
    • Foe level caps at 30 (25 pre-v2 update).
  • SP Provided: (SP + SP * (foe level / 25)) / 2
    • For some reason, SP Provided alone is rounded up instead of down.

For foe levels and EXP in NG+(this doesn't affect Battle Mountain):

  • Level: 31 + original level / 2.5
  • EXP: EXP * 4.5

For NG++ and onwards(this doesn't affect Battle Mountain):

  • Level: 44 + original level / 5
  • EXP: EXP * 8

Certain Cheats & Challenges can also modify foe final stats.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

The stat is rounded down if the result is a decimal (ie, 43.76 will become 43). Base stats are the initial stats characters have at level 0.

Player Base Stats
Player HP atk matk def mdef acc eva
Matt 210 6.6
Natz 165 4.2
Lance 185 6.1
Anna 175 6.2
NoLegs 110 6.5
  • Before the v2 update, NoLegs had 105 base HP and 6.2 base Attack.
  • Base Accuracy and Evade have a 0.9 multiplier applied on them, and is maintained for any further calculations.
  • After the v2 update, Base Attack and Magic Attack now get a 0.99 multiplier, and Defence and Magic Defence get a 0.98 multiplier applied to them.


  • HP: new HP = base HP * 1.15^(new level)
  • Attack/Magic Attack: new Atk = base Atk * 1.13^(new level)
  • Defence/Magic Defence: new Def = base Def * 1.11^(new level)
  • Accuracy/Evade: new Acc = base Acc * 1.08^(new level) * 2
  • Experience required for the next level: 90 * 1.39^(current level)
  • Summon Attack: 14*1.142^(Matt's level) * Mod1
    • Mod1 = 0.7 below level 14, 0.72 at level 14, 0.75 at 15, 0.75 + 0.05 * (level - 15) at levels 16-19, 1 at levels 20-24, 1 + 0.03 * (level - 24) at levels 25-32, and 1.25 above level 32.
  • SP: 5 + Average party level * 5
  • Limit Break Charge Formula: Damage taken / (1.15^level) * Diff / 2 / (level / 9 + 1)
    • Goes up to 100 points (full bar).
    • Diff = 4 on Zero, 2 on Easy, 1 on Normal, 0.85 on Hard/Endless, and 0.7 on Epic.
    • Includes excess/overkill damage.


The results for Attack/Magic Attack, HP and Evade will be further multiplied by the difficulty modifiers:

  • HP: New HP = Base HP * 0.85 * 1.191^(foe level)
    • If above level 36, the result is then further multiplied by 0.94^(foe level - 36)
      • If Scaling Foes is enabled, it multiplies by 0.95^(foe level - 36) instead.
  • Attack/Magic Attack: New Atk = Base Atk * Mod1 * Mod2 * 1.29^(foe level)
    • Mod1 = 1 when at level 24 or below, and 1 + (foe level - 24)/10 when above level 24, capping at 1.6.
    • Mod2 = 0.9 at level 16 and below, 0.91 at 17, 0.92 at 18, 0.94 at 19, 0.97 at 20 and 1 at level 21 and above.
    • If above level 36, the result is then further multiplied by 0.97^(foe level - 36)
      • If Scaling Foes is enabled, it multiplies by 0.99^(foe level - 36) instead.
  • Defence/Magic Defence: New Def = Base Def + Base Def * (foe level/25)
    • Defence/Magic Defence stops growing past level 36.
  • Evade: New Eva = Base Evade * Mod1 * 1.0844^(foe level) * 2
    • Mod1 = 0.84 + (level / 200); caps at 1.
    • If above level 36, the result is then further multiplied by 0.99^(foe level - 36)
      • If Scaling Foes is enabled, it multiplies by 0.996^(foe level - 36) instead.
  • Accuracy: New Acc = Base Acc * 1.0844^(foe level) * 2
    • If above level 36, the result is then further multiplied by 0.99^(foe level - 36)
      • If Scaling Foes is enabled, it multiplies by 0.996^(foe level - 36) instead.
  • EXP Provided: Base EXP * Mod1 * 1.2^(foe level)
    • Mod1 = 1.3 when below level 19, 1.4 at levels 19-21, 1.3 at levels 22-31, 1.4 at levels 32-34, and 1 otherwise.
      • Based on player party average level, not foe level.
    • Foe level caps at 32.
    • If above level 32, the result is further multiplied by 1.32^(foe level -32)
    • Equally divided between all living players.
  • Gold Provided: Base Gold * 1.14^(foe level)
  • AP Provided (per player): Base AP * 1.16^(foe level)
    • Foe level caps at 25.
    • AP provided gets an extra multiplier when below level 14: 1.25 at levels 1-9, 1.18 at levels 10-11 and 1.1 at levels 12-13.
  • SP Provided: (SP + SP * (foe level / 25)) / 2
    • For some reason, SP Provided alone is rounded up instead of down.
    • Foe level caps at 32.

Monster Cards can further increase the amount of Gold obtained, Summon damage and max SP. Certain Cheats & Challenges can also modify foe final stats.


To put it simply, damage dealt is equal to the used skill's power multiplied by user's attack (or magic attack) stat and divided by target's defence (or magic defence) stat, further modified by target's elemental resistance (or weakness), as well as a random factor.

Basic formula:

  • Damage dealt = ((skill power * Attack stat / Defence stat) * elemental resistance modifier)

Full formula (when player character is the attacker):

  • Damage = [(Power * [base Att * (100%+Food bonus) * (100%+Equipment modifier) * (100%+Att Buffs)] / [base Def * (100%+Def Buffs)]) * [(100%-skill's elemental %) + (skill's elemental % * 100%-elemental resistance %)]

Final damage is then randomized, going from Damage to (Damage + RdF) in EBF1&2, or from (Damage - RdF/2) to (Damage + RdF/2) in later entries.

In the first two games, a few specific attacks also had a second randomization factor (labelled as R.Power in the wiki), this randomly adds some additional Power to the attack up to the specified value -1 (e.g. Lucky Star in EBF has 2000 base power and 9000 r.power, so its final power can be anywhere between 2000-10999).

Determining stats

In case of player characters, the total amount of a statistic they have at the moment can be expressed by this equation:

  • Total stat = base stat * (100%+Food bonus) * (100%+Equipment modifier) * (100%+In-battle buffs)

All bonuses of the same type are cumulative, while bonuses of different types are multiplicative, e.g. using two equipment parts that both increase Attack by 50% increases character's Attack up to base*(100%+50%+50%) = base*(200%); while using a single equipment part that with 50% boost and buffing Attack by 50% increases character's Attack up to base*(100%+50%)*(100%+50%) = base*(225%).

When checking character status in the overworld it automatically displays character's statistics with food and equipment bonus included. When checking status in battle, it also automatically includes any changes made by currently active buffs.

Foes don't have food and equipment bonuses, and their stat is simply the base amount multiplied by in-battle buffs. However, foes' Attack, Magic Attack and Accuracy are hidden from the player, only Defence, Magic Defence and Evade can be seen.


In the first three games, for both players and foes, healing scales just like most other skills, multiplying the power of the healing skill by the user's Magic Attack stat, but it won't be reduced by the target's defenses. In EBF3 specifically, player healing spells also ignore increases to base Magic Attack by Steroids.

Since EBF4, player healing spells instead only scale with half of the user's Magic Attack. Foe healing spells also started scaling with their Hit2HP and max HP stats instead of their Magic Attack.


In EBF and EBF2, some attacks don't scale with user's offensive stats, so their damage will just be equal to their Power divided by whichever target defensive stat they're affected by. The King Slime's Self-Heal's R-Power part also straight up isn't affected by any stats at all, so it just heals by its Power.

In EBF2, certain attacks only take into account Base offensive stats, and will ignore (de)buffs and/or bonuses from Swords.

In EBF3 some skills do not scale with user's offensive stats, instead they scale directly with the user's level:

  • Attack Power = skill power * user level * 5
  • Attack Power = skill power * user level * 3
    • Used for all thrown items.

Note that they'll still be reduced by target defensive stats afterwards.