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Clays are a recurring class of foe in the Epic Battle Fantasy series, first appearing in Epic Battle Fantasy 3.


Clays appear as knight-like humanoids made of hardened clay; based on the clattering sounds they make when damaged or killed, they may have a hollow interior. They carry various weapons made of similarly-hardened clay; some (like the Red Clay) are traditional warriors, while others (like the Green Clay) have more unusual styles. They have large helmets with a simple sigil embedded on the visor; while it appears to be armor, this may actually be their equivalent of a head.

Clays are typically encountered in rocky areas (like Rock Lake and the Crystal Caverns) and old ruins (such as the Kitten Kingdom Ruins and the Temple of Godcat). However, some variants are also found in other locations depending on their elemental affinity.


Clays are usually mid-tier foes, with reasonable power and diverse abilities. They have different traits depending on the individual species, with each typically using a certain element in combination with part-Earth or purely non-elemental weapon strikes. Most of them favor physical attacks and focus primarily on pure damage with little to no secondary effects; the White Clay is the most notable exception, being more of a healer/support unit.

All Clays are resistant to Bio, Thunder and Earth-elemental attacks, but they share a weakness to Bomb damage.


Epic Battle Fantasy 3 & 5

The Clays in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 appear exclusively in the Epic Battle Fantasy 3 simulation in the Data Bunker.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4


  • The Red Clay and Dark Clay cast spells by stabbing their weapons into the ground, similar to how Matt uses many of his Bushido techniques. Matt comments on this upon seeing a Red Clay use one of these attacks for the first time. 
  • The Green Clay is the only Clay to use a ranged weapon, with all others using a melee weapon of some sort. This includes the White Clay, although it only strikes players with its staff if it's unable to use its magic. 
  • Between their composition and the runes on their faces, Clays may allude to the original Golem of Hebrew lore, a creature made of clay animated by putting a note with the Tetragrammaton in its mouth and writing the Hebrew word for truth, "emet". Unlike the Clays in the game, traditional golems were said to be deactivated by simply removing the "aleph" (א) from the word "emet"; this changes the word to "met", which means "dead" in Hebrew.
  • The Blue Clay and Green Clay have the same rune on their faces; the Red Clay's is also identical, but rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.
  • While Clays didn't appear in Epic Battle Fantasy 5 until the Data Bunker was introduced, the Fallen fill a similar niche as armored humanoids with a variety of elemental forms that use physical attacks supplemented with magic.
  • As of Epic Battle Fantasy 4, there are six distinct members of the Clay family, and they can be loosely paired off based on certain characteristics:
    • The Blue Clay and Red Clay both wield swords and are considered the "basic" members of the family, typically being the first Clays to be encountered in their respective games.
    • The Green Clay and Yellow Clay are the "ranged" members of the family; this is more obvious with the Green Clay's bow, but the Yellow Clay's spear has a longer reach than other melee weapons (in real life, at least) and is thrown for one of its attacks. Both types were introduced in EBF4 and have yet to reappear in subsequent games.
    • The Black Clay and White Clay are considered the "elite" members of the family, typically appearing later in the game than other Clays and having the most dangerous abilities of them all (debuffs, Doom, and Instant Death for the Black Clay, buffs and healing for the White Clay). They also get a separate wave in the Battle Mountain Monster Marathon from the other Clays of EBF4.