Misc Shop

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The Misc Shop in EBF3

The Miscellaneous/Misc. Shop (also called Material Shop) is a type of shop found in Epic Battle Fantasy 34 and 5. As the name implies, the Misc Shop sells a variety of miscellaneous crafting items for gold. The players can also sell their own crafting items to the shop, but only for a percentage of their shop value.

In general, it is more cost-effective to find items through regular gameplay, but the Misc Shop serves as an efficient means of obtaining specific items for forging or quests.


Epic Battle Fantasy 3

All crafting items in EBF3

The only Misc Shop in EBF3 is found in the northwest part of the The Town, next to the Equip Shop. Items are unlocked for purchase when the characters first obtain them through other methods (such as finding them in Chests or having enemies drop them upon defeat). The shop also buys items from the players for half of their sale price.

Unlike later games, the items in the Misc Shop aren't entirely arranged in ascending order of price.

There are two Chests behind the Misc Shop, both of which can be accessed by going around the back of the store.

Epic Battle Fantasy 4

All crafting items in EBF4

Misc Shops can be found in each of the three towns as well as the summit of Battle Mountain. They all sell items for the same price, but their selection may be limited — only the Goldenbrick and Battle Mountain shops have a full selection of items for purchase. The Greenwood shop has everything up to Fine Fur, while the Whitefall shop sells everything up to Geodes.

Unlike the EBF3 Misc Shop, EBF4's shops take items for only a quarter of their sale price.

Epic Battle Fantasy 5

All crafting items in EBF5

Each of the three towns — Hope Harbor, Greenwood Village and Redpine Town — have Material Shops. There are also a few scattered across the map, notably in Mystic Woods and The Great Sea. They are indicated by a wooden sign with the image of a Lecko Brick.

Only The Great Sea and Redpine Town's Material Shops have a full selection of goods. Hope Harbor's shop sells everything up to Steel Plates, while the Greenwood Village and Mystic Woods shops sell everything up to Emeralds.