Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Map/H5 Crystal Caverns

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Image 326 big.png
  • Light the torches to open the door.
  • Go right to progress.
  • Come back here when you have The Hammer.
    • Wolf Dog (guards Chest #1): Ice Idol (x2), Wolf Dog (x2), Brown Bear
    • Ice Idol (guards Chest #2): Two waves.
      • Wave #1: Frozen Eye (x2), Ice Idol (x2), Wolf Dog
      • Wave #2: Ice Idol (x2)
    • Frost Wraith (must be cleared to progress): Three waves.
      • Wave #1: Coal Bat (x2), Frost Wraith
      • Wave #2: Ice Idol (x2), Frost Wraith (x2), Coal Bat
      • Wave #3: Frost Wraith (x2), Frozen Eye (x2)
    • Frozen Eye: Ice Idol (x2), Frozen Eye (x2)