Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Map/H4 Crystal Caverns

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Image 292 big.png
  • Light the torches for a chest.
  • Remember to pick up the Fossils. There's 5 in total in the Crystal Caverns, and they're needed for a quest.
  • Go down to progress.
    • Coal Bat: Two waves. (guards Chest #1)
      • Wave #1: Three Coal Bats
      • Wave #2: Two Coal Bats and two Wolf Dogs
    • Frost Wraith: Two Coal Bats and two Frost Wraiths
    • Wolf Dog: Three Wolf Dogs and one Friend Dog (guards Chest #2)
    • Chest #1: 12 Snowball, 4 Ice Cream, 4 Milk
    • Chest #2: Ninja Gear (male armor), 3 Hand Bomb, 10 Snowball
    • Chest #3: Ninja Hood (male hat), 1 Candycane, 7 Shuriken (light all torches)